Pictures Last Longer

Pictures Last Longer

Yup~ I MUCH faster update than usual X)

But... I have some bad news to follow the good one :(

I don't think I'll be update on anything this week. PSATs are coming up, along with unit tests in all my core classes (that just happen to be all AP).

I swear, teachers' strategically plan this so that all their tests are given in all within the same week >:S

Wish me luck you guys~ Coz if I get below a 90%... I'm ed.

Asian standards are impossible -_-;;;

Enough with the depressing story of my life... and ON WITH THE STORY!!! :D

I slipped into the leather seat of my red convertible, slamming the door behind me, waiting for Taemin to get in. As soon as I heard the door close after him, I started the ignition.

"Alley noona~ Didn't you have a few drinks? Maybe I should drive." Taemin spoke catiously as if he thought I would bring out my anger on him or something.

I gave him a smile of reassurance, "I'm fine."

"ALLEY YOO! TAEMIN LEE! COME OUT OF THE CAR!!!" I heard a y scream coming from outside.

I flinched at the sound of Minho's voice.

Without a word I pulled out of the apartment's parking lot. Reaching out to turn on my radio, I attempted to wash out the yells coming from the outside.

But as if to accentuate my cruel fate, SHINee's LUCIFER started to play, beginning right at Minho's part of the song.


Speeding towards the intersection, tears starting to fall once again.

What was with me today? I was usually so indifferent.

Maybe it was a hormonal inbalance I was facing?

Was I seriously still not over Minho?

Why did I want to believe he was innocent? That Minho had done nothing wrong?

I had all the evidence I needed, he had been cheating on me, no matter how much I wanted to deny it.

I had caught him in the act for Pete's sake. Jessica in her undergarments... Minho, shirtless, completely out of breath...

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts.

"NOONA! NOONA! WATCH OUT!" I looked over to the right to see a look of utter terror in the eyes of Taemin. I turned to look forwards, my gaze was met with a blinding light.

It took me a moment to register what was going on.

I heard a shrill, deafening scream...

A second later, I realized it was coming from me.

I wasn't wearing a seatbelt, I was drunk, and therefore as good as dead.

I felt the entire upper portion of my body lurch forward then quickly back, feeling the symptoms of a severe whiplash.

For one moment everything was a sheer bright white. Afterwards, came an undeniable darkness.

My God...

Stabs of pain arose from every corner of my body, from head to ing toe.

Seventeen years of life flashed before my eyes, pausing at an image of Minho and I snuggling on the couch. Smiling, laughing, just enjoying each others' company.

Even death by head on collision was nothing, compared to the ripping apart of a heart that I had once believed to be indivisible.

* * *

"Patient name... Alley Yoo?"

"Yes." His hands were shaking, his once stable legs were about to give up underneath him.

"She seems to have suffered a severe memory loss, some internal hemorraging, and a fractured skull."

"Will she be able to pull through?" He asked, desperation and regret in his voice.

"We'll try our best..."

With that the nurse practitioner sprinted into the operation room leaving the guy to pace back and forth all through the late night and into the early morning.

* * *

Present Day...

"Remember what?" I asked, completely confused at what Taemin was talking about.

Taemin's hopeful expression suddenly fell, a look of dissappointment obvious.

From the farthest corner of the closet, Minho emerged, "You don't remember anything at all?" he asked, incredulment in the tone of his voice.

The door to the closet clicked open as the administration and men in suits walked in. Screams of girls and demon-like chantings grew, corrolating to the growing fear for my life.

"We'll SHINee out, you two stay and wait until all of the students are gone." The administrators stated, no negotiations needed.

Even with a reluctant look in their eyes, SHINee followed through with the administrators' orders, leaving the closet.

As if they were bees attracted to honey, the large crowd followed after the five shining members, as if their life depended on it.

The moment the last fan left, Dohyung and I started to sprint towards our first period classes.

I was headed towards AP Calc BC and Dohyung ran towards PreCalc, both classes were in the same hallway.

Before I entered the classroom, Dohyung held my hand pulling me into his chest.

"If those SHINee fan-creeps give you any trouble, tell me straight away. Okay?" Dohyung whispered into my ear. Almost blowing the last word into my ear, pressing his lips against my earlobe.

"Be careful." He said letting me go.

Freaking Tease~

Not waiting for a response, Dohyung continued to run towards his PreCalc class.

I walked into class, looking forwards to the peaceful environment of a classroom.

"YOU ING ! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? SEDUCING OUR SHINee OPPAS AND NOW DOHYUNG OPPA AS WELL?! YOU'RE GOING DOWN B*TCH! GET HER!" I heard a scream that made my eardrums bleed and goosebumps rise up my arms.

More yelling and screaming followed the initial one as I felt various objects being thrown at me. The screeching of desks and chairs a soundtrack to my momentary personal hell, the teacher unable to control the chaos that was about to arise.

Well... What can I say?

I was wrong.

* * * 

Our lovely heroine... Alley~

The ah~mazing Dohyung...

And the ever brilliant SHINee~ XD They look so proper in this picture :O


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Chapter 8: daebakkkkk <3
Saranghae Taemin!
thisislove #3
Thanks everyone for reading XD KYAH~!
<br />
O:<<br />
That was hot.
Hi! I'm a new reader here, I love your story so far. Update soon!
randomgummybear #7
update pleaaasee ! =D
Lisa1134 #8
XxstephWTFxX #9
aweeshhuummmmm storyyy imm soooo ecitedd to know wht continue writing plzzzzz.....hwaiting!! =)