Pictures Last Longer

Pictures Last Longer

"Creepy much?" A guy with asymmetrical hair, part blonde and part brown, smirked. The other four guys just looked confused, and Dohyung was still laughing his off.

How do I deal with this situation?

I run.

* * *

"alley_cat17"'s Blog post 8:08PM

Have any of you totally embarassed yourself so bad that there was no way to recover?

Well, that actually happened to me today, and I felt like digging myself a cozy little hole, then hiding in it.

Basically, I staged a shooting... without a gun. Yeah, definitely NEVER doing that again~

Don't even ask why I did it, I don't even want to remember...

Anyway, if you've totally screwed up before, and would like to just let it out, tell me in the comment below~

I'm curious if anyones' incident will trump mine :)

like always, this has been alley-alley-alley cat speaking~

until next time, my oh-so-lovely fans X)

* * *

"Dohyung! I knew this would happen one day! I told you not to even come near me during school hours." I practically screamed over the phone. I felt so pissed that tears were threatening to pour out from my eyes.

"Alley-babe, calm down. Remember those breathing excercises? You've been ranting the same things for almost an hour already." Dohyung was chuckling.

I tightened my grip on the yellow smiley face stress ball in my hand.

"Don't Alley-babe me! Who knows what might happen now? Your fans are probably strategizing on how to terrorize me and those guys probably think I need to go to an asylum! I can almost hear their war chants and the sharpening of the pitchforks."

Dohyung wasn't even holding back anymore, he was straight up ROFLing now.

"This is not a time for me to be sitting here doing nothing, I must learn some basic self-defense moves." I typed in 'defense against evil fangirls' into the google search bar.

"Alley-babe. Don't worry about it. I won't let anybody lay a finger on you without getting it chopped off." Dohyung sang cheerfully.

How was he able to sing and laugh at a time like this? My life was in danger. "I'm not joking."

"I'm not either." Dohyung's voice suddenly became serious, "I won't let anyone make you cry, after all, I protect everyone I love." He laughed again, as if brushing off the seriousness in his voice earlier. "It's bedtime for you babe. I'm gonna hang up now. Sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite."


Love... When he said love, every word after that just fused together and to me became nonsense. I knew he meant love, as a friend. But why was my heart pounding against my chest so uncontrollably?

* * *

Author's Note: I actually did look up 'defense against evil fangirls' in case anyone was wondering...

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Chapter 8: daebakkkkk <3
Saranghae Taemin!
thisislove #3
Thanks everyone for reading XD KYAH~!
<br />
O:<<br />
That was hot.
Hi! I'm a new reader here, I love your story so far. Update soon!
randomgummybear #7
update pleaaasee ! =D
Lisa1134 #8
XxstephWTFxX #9
aweeshhuummmmm storyyy imm soooo ecitedd to know wht continue writing plzzzzz.....hwaiting!! =)