Pictures Last Longer

Pictures Last Longer

"Alley-babe, there's a boy band named... oh..." Dohyung's voice trailed off as soon as he saw them.

I gave Dohyung an exasperated look. For now I was hidden from the Dohyung, as well as SHINee's fangirl radar due to the fact that our meeting place was excluded from the rest of the cafeteria, but it was only a matter of time before the janitor would be back, so I had to be quick.

"Why the hell are we in a closet?" Key looked around, hitting his face against a mop while taking a scan around room. Onew laughed, and Key shot him a glare, "Why am I the one who always end up hurt!?" he whined.

For a minute or two there was an awkward silence.

And for once, I was the first one to break the silence.

"Okay, so Dohyung, I was just going to ask you to take SHINee wherever they need to go." I smiled, giving him an almost pleading look. "...and as for you guys, pretend that you don't know me, have never seen me, and move on with your lives." I rushed to the door when I remembered I had forgotten to mention something, "oh, and you guys have never seen me with that guy, Dohyung over there, so just forget everything." I flashed another smile and walked out the door.

* * *

"THAT'S ALLEY! GET HER!!!" As soon as I left the closet a crowd of blood angsty teenage girls were headed towards me at full speed.


I was ready to run in the other direction when a pair of hands reached out from the closet pulling me back in. Before I knew it I was in the dark again, I heard the doors locked and seconds later the pounding of fists against the door. There was screaming and yelling, and a variety of obscene curses were thrown at me.

"GET AWAY FROM OUT OPPAS!" seemed to be a majority in the sea of chants.

"Are you insane? Those girls are ready to rip your head off! Why would you just run into their murderous arms?"

I looked at the six boys in incredulment, "How did they find out so fast?"

Key smirked, "Honey, we're SHINee."

. . ity, .

"The administrators will be here soon, we just have to wait til then." Dohyung said, looking nervous for the first time this morning.

"Guess what?" Minho asked, his expression completely serious.

"What?" I asked.

"We're in a closet..."


"I think we've established that a couple of minutes ago hyung." Taemin said a small smile forming on his lips.

How could Minho crack a joke at a time like this, I shot the guy a glare, but he just kept looking around, oblivious.

"So out of all the high schools in Korea? Why'd you choose this one to film your new music video?" I asked, not really interested in hearing the answer. Just felt as if I had to say something, the atmosphere was stuffy, and it was kind of getting awkward.

"Because you're here. Alley, you're the girl our entire song's about." Taemin looked at me, looking dumbfounded, as if I should have known this already. "Don't you remember us?"

Remember what? 

* * *

"alley_cat17"'s Blog post via mobile 9:10PM

hey guys... this might end up as my last blog post.
my life is in danger...
I'm not kidding...
This has been alley-alley-alley-cat speaking~
Farewell my amazing fans :(

Author's Note: Sorry I've been gone for sooooo long you guys :( I've been busy with school, (I've learned the hard way that AP Courses and Sports happen to take up a lot of your time), so I haven't really had time to post anything~ I know this chapter is kinda short and ish but I'll promise the next will be much better! I'll try my best to update as much as I can~ at least once a week, but I don't know if my schedule would allow that... Anyway, thank you guys for staying loyal to the story despite my irregular postings! Love it? Hate it? Let me know~! Silence is frowned upon!!! XD





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Chapter 8: daebakkkkk <3
Saranghae Taemin!
thisislove #3
Thanks everyone for reading XD KYAH~!
<br />
O:<<br />
That was hot.
Hi! I'm a new reader here, I love your story so far. Update soon!
randomgummybear #7
update pleaaasee ! =D
Lisa1134 #8
XxstephWTFxX #9
aweeshhuummmmm storyyy imm soooo ecitedd to know wht continue writing plzzzzz.....hwaiting!! =)