chapter 8

Perhaps it's fate

Jung Yunho stood at the entrance to the room, looking around. His gaze fell on me as I screamed his name. He stared at me for a bit, until Micky and Xiah, chatting animatedly, wandered into the room. Micky followed his leader's gaze and saw me.

"Woah….hyung, what's a girl doing here?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Yunho hissed. Jaejoong appeared behind the trio, followed closely by Changmin.

"Hey hyungs." Jaejoong greeted Super Junior then saw me.

"Um…" I stared straight back at the five young men standing before me. For the second time in my life, I was seeing in person right before my very eyes, one of the top Kpop bands in the world. I turned to Hangeng.

"Don't tell me…" I flapped my hand at the five band members standing in the doorway. He grinned.

"Meet DBSK." I gaped at him.


"Merry Christmas." Eeteuk said with a smile. I turned back to DBSK, and forced myself not to stare and gape like a stupid fan girl. Yunho smiled.

"Hello, my name is Jung Yunho." He held out his hand to me.

"But you probably know that already." I swallowed. He didn't quite have the same effect on me as Hangeng did, but I could already tell that he was a nice sweet guy. I smiled.

"Hello oppa, my name is Aika." I said politely, "It's an honor to meet you." He laughed as we shook hands.

"I wouldn't say honor Aika. That's an exaggeration."

"You're too polite oppa."

"As are you." We both laughed. Micky dashed up and seized my hand, shaking it happily.

"Hi Aika! I'm Micky!" I laughed.

"Nice to meet you Micky." Jaejoong walked up to us.

"Hey Micky, if you keep doing that, her hand's gonna fall off." Micky laughed and let go.

"Sorry." Jaejoong took my hand and bowed over it.

"Nice to meet you my lady, I am Jaejoong." I blushed despite myself.

"Anyanghasaeyo, Jaejoong-oppa." He kissed my hand.

"Anyanghasaeyo, Aika." I blushed even more. Hangeng came up and pulled Jaejoong away.

"Getting a bit close there dongsaeng?" Jaejoong laughed.

"Just joking hyung, geez, no need to be so protective." Hangeng frowned. I looked at him. Just why was he getting so protective? Xiah and Changmin came up.

"Chill hyung, she's okay. You know the way Jaejoong is." Changmin patted Hangeng comfortingly. Hangeng sighed, and seemed to realize that he had been overreacting just a little, and returned to his seat. I smiled at Changmin and Xiah.

"Nice to meet you two!" I looked at Xiah.

"I watched that MV you did with Zhang Li Yin. It was amazing!" Xiah smiled.

"That's great! I take it you liked it?" I thought of the amazingly touching MV of Timeless, and nodded vigorously. Xiah laughed.

"That's good." We all sat down again. I looked at Super Junior.

"Just how did you…?" I motioned at DBSK. Yesung hid a smile, and suddenly Ryeowook looked embarrassed. I stared at them.


"Well you see…" Ryeowook began, then trailed off. I looked at him, then at Yesung, then at Eeteuk.

"Explain?" Eeteuk chuckled, then spoke.

"Well you see, we were wondering what to get you for a Christmas present, and Ryeowook was putting the laundry away the other day, so we asked him to see if he found anything that you liked in the room." I looked at Ryeowook, and he blushed.

"I'm sorry noona, but your Ipod was right on the table, and I thought it would be a good idea to see what music you liked so…" He bowed.

"Mianhe!" I sighed, and shook my head.

"You guys…It's okay Wookie, I don't mind."

"So when we figured out that you liked DBSK Aika, we decided to give you a surprise meeting." Yesung finished. I smiled.

"Thank you!"

"So Aika." Yunho began, "Which one of us do you like best?" I started and stared at him.


"Which of us do you like best?" He repeated. I gaped at him.

"Um, I um…" I was at a loss of words. How was I supposed to answer? I knew clearly who I liked best, but to say it out loud in front of them…it would be too embarrassing! Changmin laughed.

"It's okay Aika, just say it, we don't mind." I looked down at my hands and mumbled,

"Jaejoong." They all burst out laughing, and I looked up.


"Oh nothing Aika, we just figured as much." Micky said, "I mean, Jaejoong is the lead vocal and all, and he is good looking."

"That's not the main reason why I like him!" I protested, "Besides, Yunho's second!"

"Whatever you said Aika." Xiah said with a smile.

"While you're at it Aika –noona," Kibum said, "Why don't you tell us which one of us Super Junior members do you like best?" I stared at him.

"You're kidding right?" He shook his head, smiling.

"Yeah, tell us!" Sungmin cheered. Kyuhyun smiled encouragingly at me, and I stared at the floor, blushing. Telling DBSK who I liked best was one thing, but Super Junior was my favorite band of all time! It would be even more embarrassing than DBSK! Eeteuk chuckled.

"You don't have to say it Aika, just look at the person that you like best." I frowned, and looked around the group of thirteen boys shyly. They looked back at me curiously. My gaze traveled around, then landed on Hangeng. He smiled encouragingly at me, I blushed, and averted my gaze to the ground. Shindong laughed.

"Figures." I looked at him.


"She likes Hankyung-hyung best!" Kangin shouted. I blushed even more. Hangeng looked at me.

"Do you now?" I nodded silently.

"Who's second?" Yesung asked.

"Fishy." I mumbled. The members burst out laughing again, and my face flushed even more. Sheesh, this was embarrassing!

"Why does this question always come up anyway?" I muttered.

"Because we like to know!" Heechul said, still laughing away. I covered my face.

"You guys…" I muttered in English.

A week later…

"Happy Birthday to Sungmin! Happy birthday to you!" We all clapped as Sungmin blew out the candles. Everyone was tired from performing, but that hadn't stopped them from taking time out to celebrate Sungmin's birthday.

"Happy 22nd!" Everyone shouted. Sungmin grinned broadly.

"Thank you everyone!" As he put down the cake, Heechul suddenly shouted,

"Time to punch the birthday boy!" Sungmin let out a cry as he was suddenly under siege of fists from his playful hyungs and dongsaengs. I laughed as Sungmin threw his arms over his head. It was adorable really. They were all into their twenties, yet they still acted like little kids. Oh well, they had the right to do so. Heechul scooped up some icing with his finger and smeared it over Sungmin's face. He let out a shout and returned the favor to his hyung. Before I knew it, an all out icing war had started.

"Aika, Aika." I looked up from folding the laundry as Eeteuk said my name. He motioned to me, and I walked over to him.

"Today, we're going on Intimate Note. Do you know what that is?" I thought for a moment, then nodded.

"It's that show that helps awkward band members become friends right?" He nodded.

"Exactly." I looked at him curiously.

"So…what did you need to say to me?"

"We're going to set up Kangin and Sungmin." Eeteuk replied, "But they know nothing about it, so don't you mention a thing!" I nodded.

"I got it oppa."

"One more thing." Eeteuk whispered, "After successfully setting up Kangin and Sungmin, we're setting up Heechul and Eunhyuk."

"Two pairs?" I whispered back in surprise. He nodded.

"So don't say a thing okay?"

"Got it."

"Did you whiten your teeth?" I stifled a laugh from where I was watching Kangin and Sungmin attempt to make a conversation flow smoothly. What kind of question was that? In front of me and the rest of the camera crew, the rest of Super Junior were cracking up as they watched the scene from the TV set up in front of them in the secret room they were eavesdropping from. It was April 24, and as part of a plan to make the relationship between certain members less awkward, Super Junior had agreed to show up on Intimate Note.

"You should rewhiten it." Kangin was saying, "It's gone down a little."

"Yeah." Sungmin agreed awkwardly. They sat in awkward silence for a bit until Kangin sighed and rubbed his head.

"Aish, this is awkward. When are they going to show up?" (They being the rest of Super Junior)

"I don't know." Sungmin replied nonchalantly. Kangin sighed and stared at the ground.

"Aish ,there really IS nothing to talk about!" Sungmin giggled, thought for a moment, then said,

"Actually, I've wanted to start boxing…" Kangin looked at him in surprise.

"Really? Boxing?" Sungmin nodded.

"I actually want to box with you hyung." He said shyly. Kangin smiled brightly.

"Really?" Sungmin nodded and looked down, seeming to be embarrassed. Eeteuk stood.
"Okay, time to send down the first intimate note!"

So in the end, Kangin and Sungmin could be considered a big success, as was Heechul and Eunhyuk. The boys had a great time joking about it as we headed home.

"I can't believe you guys!" Heechul was pretending to be mad, but of course, he didn't mean it. He fake glared at Hangeng.

"'Stop teaching me how to curse'? Since when did I teach you how to curse?" Hangeng laughed.

"I was joking, I was joking. But it is true that you teach me a lot of things." Heechul smacked him playfully, and Hangeng let out a silly yelp.

"Aika!" He whined, "He hurt me!" I laughed and poked Heechul.

"Don't be mean oppa."

"Oh, he deserved it!" Heechul protested. Hangeng rubbed his head.

"That hurt!" I laughed and rubbed his head too.

"It's okay Hangeng, you're strong enough. Sheesh." All the members burst out laughing, and I leaned back into my seat. They were all so silly.

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Hello, I`ve read a couple of chapters including the last one and I`ve fell in love with it... but I`ve seen also you haven`t updated in soo long, and I`m wondering if you`ll ever finish this... I can understand if you need time.. its good for creativity, but please do tell me if you`ll continue this or have you drop it for good?
cause I gotta tell you, this is truerly amazing and there aren`t enough Hangeng storys so I thinks is awsome you write about him, on top of it such a great story with so very good interactions of characters... I`m asking you to please continue this...
Thanks, for this 10 chapters either way...
covertrui #2
I agree with the other commenter. This story is really really good and I'd love to see it continued!