chapter 3

Perhaps it's fate

After calling my hotel and arranging for my things to be sent over, I was staying for good at Super Junior's 12th floor apartment. Dinner consisted of Hangeng's Beijing fried rice, and a lot of Korean stuff I hadn't tried before. It was all very amusing, and all in all, my first night with Super Junior ended well. That night, I lay awake in bed for a long while, my thoughts racing. I can't believe it. I'm actually in the same apartment as Super Junior. And sharing a room with Hangeng. This is surreal. Never had I even dared to dream something like this would ever happen. I just really hope I'm not dreaming.

The next morning, my hopes were confirmed. I wasn't dreaming. I was really living in the same apartment as Eeteuk, Donghae, Heechul, Hangeng, and Shindong. What's more, everyone else save for Siwon and Kibum were living one floor below us. Unfortunately, before we managed to get off on a good start, I managed to embarrass myself in front of who I considered the best Suju member.

When morning came around, I felt a hand shaking me and a gentle voice in Chinese saying,

"Aika, it's time to get up."

"Five more minutes Mom." I mumbled back in Chinese. There was an amused laugh and the voice spoke again.

"Who are you calling 'Mom'?" My eyes flew open as my brain told me the voice belonged to a male, and flipped over to see Hangeng leaning over me, smiling. I shrieked and pulled the covers over my head.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." I mumbled, "You startled me, that's all." He laughed.

"Well, it's time to get up." I peered at the bedside clock.

"But it's still early."

"Not for us." He said, pulling me up, "Now come on. Breakfast is being served."

As we sat at the table having breakfast, Eeteuk looked at me and said,

"Care to come with us?" I blinked.

"Come with you? To where?"

"We have a show that's gonna take all day." Donghae replied, "Because we have to get there in two hours and start rehearsing. There isn't any time to come back in between the rehearsal and performance time, and we'd rather not leave you alone." I blinked again.

"You mean…it's okay for me to come along with you to your show?"

"It's fine as long as you don't mind the craziness of the back stage." Shindong replied.

"And I'm sure Hankyung here would love to have someone other than him who is Chinese backstage." Heechul added teasingly. Hangeng glared at him.

"Don't embarrass her."

So that was how I found myself running around doing errands backstage while all the rest of the backstage crew ran around shouting at each other.

"You!" Someone barked at me, and I stared in surprise as a pile of clothes was dumped into my arms.

"Bring that to Super Junior!" I blinked, nodded, and ran off. Inside Super Junior's dressing room, things weren't too much better.

"Sungmin, can you come fix my make up?" Heechul called, turning this way and that in front of the mirror.

"It's fine hyung!" Sungmin called back from the other side of the room.

"For goodness sake Heechul, how many times have you fixed your makeup?" Eeteuk asked as he struggled with his hair.

"It's not good enough!" Heechul snapped.

"Calm down!" Siwon shouted. I stood staring for a few moments, and then snapped out of my daze. This was no time to be shocked. I ran around the room, handing clothes to their respective owners.

"Here, let me help you." I took the hair tie from Eeteuk and swiftly pulled his hair into a ponytail.

"Thanks!" He said, flashing me a grin. I smiled.

"No problem." I went over to Heechul.

"Here, let me do that." I took the makeup sponge from him and patted at his face.


"Perfect!" He cried happily. I smiled.

"That's good." I headed for the door and was passing the bathroom when it suddenly opened, and I nearly crashed into Hangeng.

"Sorry!" He grinned.

"It's okay. We seem to have a tendency to do this." I laughed.

"I guess so." Unlike the other members, Hangeng had been ready early on, so as soon as I had given him his costume, he had gone to change. I ran my eyes over him.

He looked gorgeous. The clothes hugged his perfectly shaped dancer's body, and showed just enough skin where it was needed.

"You look amazing." I blurted, and then clapped a hand over my mouth, blushing. Dummy! Don't say it like that! He laughed.

"Why thank you." I blushed even more and ducked out of the room.

"Great show you guys." I said, clapping as thirteen exhausted boys tromped backstage after the final song. Kibum patted me on the shoulder.

"Thanks." I followed them to their dressing room and waited as they packed their things. We headed out to their van and piled in. Most of the trip back to the dorms was silent, due to Super Junior's exhaustion, but Eeteuk and Heechul still tried to make conversation.

"So what did you think?" I looked at the two oppas.

"What did I think of what?"

"Of the backstage craziness." Eeteuk replied, grinning. I blinked, and then laughed.

"You're right, it is crazy. I might have to just stay in the audience next time."

"But it's nice having you backstage." Hangeng murmured sleepily from next to me. I looked at him.

"Really? I thought I was just getting in the way."

"Not at all." Heechul said, "It was great having the extra help." I smiled.

"I'm glad I can be of good use." Suddenly I felt something hit against my shoulder lightly, and looked to see that Hangeng had dropped off to sleep. His head had fallen to rest on my shoulder, and for some reason his arm was wrapped around mine. I felt my face start to heat up in embarrassment, and I heard Eeteuk chuckle softly. I reached out and Hangeng's face gently. Sweet dreams.

Before I knew it, we had reached the dorms. The other members woke up easily, but Hangeng was so fast asleep that he didn't even stir when I shook him. Kangin poked his head in.

"Want me to carry him in?" I shook my head.

"Just let him sleep. We'll come in when he wakes up." He laughed softly.

"Okay, as long as you don't mind the awkwardness." I smiled.

"It's okay." Hangeng reminded me of a little kid right now more than anything else. Kangin left, leaving me alone with Hangeng. Hours passed, but for some reason I didn't mind. Hangeng was so adorable asleep, and before I knew it, I was asleep too.

When I awoke the next morning, I found myself still in the van. Hangeng was still asleep, and when I looked at my watch, I realized it was high time he got up.

"Hankyung." I shook him gently, "Hankyung, it's time to get up." He stirred, and opened his eyes.

"Aika?" He raised his head and rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Good morning." He looked around suddenly, and finally seemed to grasp the situation.

"Um, last night…" I laughed.

"Nothing happened Hankyung, you just fell asleep and so did I." He sighed in relief.

"Aishh…" He rubbed the back of his neck, looking embarrassed, "And I used your head as a pillow too. Sorry." I laughed again.

"No problem. Did you sleep well?" He smiled.

"Yeah, quite well actually. I haven't slept this well in a while. What'd you do, feed me sleep medication or something?" I slapped him playfully.

"In your dreams Hankyung. Come on, let's go." I turned to open the door, and froze.

"Something wrong?" Hangeng asked. I pointed at my legs and laughed.

"My feet are asleep." He laughed too and turned towards the door on his side.

"Alright, hold on." He slipped out of the car, and a moment later my door opened.

"Come on." Hangeng held out his arms to me. I laughed and let him help me down. As he let go and I took one step, I fell again, and into his arms. We both laughed.

"Sorry." His eyes sparkled with amusement.

"It's okay." I nearly shrieked as he swept me up and into a carrying position.

"What are you doing?" He had an arm around my shoulders and another under my legs.

"You can't walk right? I'll just have to carry you up." I blushed.

"Thank you." I rested my head against his shoulder as he carried me into the apartment complex. The security guard looked at us curiously, but we only smiled innocently. For some reason, I felt safe in Hangeng's arms. His strong arms held my weight easily, and his hold on me was secure. It's so warm and comfortable. I feel strangely at ease. We didn't say anything on the ride up either, and in other to avoid putting me down, Hangeng rang the doorbell. Donghae opened the door.

"Ah, Hankyung-hyung, welcome back." He winked.

"Did you two enjoy your time together?" I blushed.

"Stop teasing hyung." Donghae laughed.

"Okay okay, get in here. Breakfast is ready." I felt the other hyung's gazes staring at me as Hangeng carried me in and set me on the couch.

"Well aren't you two close." Heechul teased.

"Don't get the wrong idea!" Hangeng immediately protested, "Her feet fell asleep."

"Yeah, 'cuz you fell asleep on her." Shindong called. I felt my face start to heat up, and rubbed at it furiously. What's with me and blushing these days?

"I'll be washing my face." I blurted quickly, and dashed to the bathroom. My face was bright red as I stared at the mirror. What's wrong with me? There was no reason for me to be this embarrassed, was there? I splashed water on my face, and then headed back out.

"I take it you can walk now?" Hangeng said with a grin as I sat down at the table. I nodded.

"Alrighty!" Shindong set down food on the table.

"Let's eat, and then we're going to the mall!" I blinked.

"The mall? What for?"

"Well you can't just keep wearing what you are now." I blinked again.

"What's wrong with my clothes now?"

"It'll be better if you wore something that's in style here." Heechul replied, "We're sure that Korean fashion will look good on you."

"But what about work?" I asked.

"Oh, we have a day off today." Donghae said, "So we though we'd spend it doing something useful."

"You don't have to—" I began, but Hangeng cut me off.

"Nonsense, it's fine." I shut my mouth, knowing it was pointless to argue.

"Okay then."

I stood staring at the enormity of the mall.

"Wow…" Heechul laughed and took hold of my arm.

"Don't just gawk. Come on, let's go." I let the thirteen of them lead me into the mall, and was subconsciously aware of all the fan girls staring.

"Is this really okay?" I whispered to Eeteuk. He nodded, looking amused.

"Go into any shop you'd like." So, with no other choice but to let them spoil me, I went into shop after shop, and bought whatever I thought was good. Before I knew it, half the day was gone.

"So, were to next?" I looked at Sungmin in surprise.

"Next? What do you mean?"

"Well we did plan to spend the whole day having fun with you, so we're not going back to the dorms now." He said, grinning adorably. I looked at the oppas surrounding me, and saw the same expectant gaze in all of their eyes.

"Um, can we go skating?"

I laughed and twirled around happily on the ice.

"Yay!" Eeteuk skated by.

"Having fun?"

"Yes!" I cried happily.

"Shing Ling!" I turned at the sound of my Chinese name.

"Yeah?" What I saw made me laugh. Hangeng was struggling to get off the ice as he slipped on his skates.

"Help?" I laughed.

"Geez. I'm coming!" I skated over to him and pulled him to his feet.

"You should have told me you don't know how to skate."

"Well I wasn't about to ruin your fun." He said sheepishly. I laughed.

"Well keeping your feet straight isn't going to help you balance. You have to make your feet slanted diagonally in relation to the ice." I looked at him.

"I would think balance isn't a problem for you though, mister amazing dancer person." He laughed.

"Dancing and skating are two different things." I took his hands.

"Come on then, I'll lead you until you can manage on your own." So for the next hour I led Hangeng around, while people stared at us.

"This is a little awkward." He whispered.

"It's fine, not like there's anything special going on between us." I said with a smile, "Can I let go now? Think you can manage on your own?" He nodded, so I let go and watched him with a pleased feeling.

"Success!" I said happily when he had easily made a circle around the rink. He laughed.

"Thanks to you." Hangeng suddenly swept past me.

"Come catch me!" I started, and then chased after him.

"Hey! No far! You got a head start!" He laughed and beckoned towards me. I burst out laughing and swept into line beside him.

"Ah, that was fun!" I sprawled out onto my bed and laughed happily. Hangeng sat down next to me.

"I'm glad."

"But now I'm sleepy."

"Take a nap then. I'll come wake you when dinner's ready." I smiled sleepily.

"Okay then." His hand my forehead gently, and before I knew it, I fell asleep under his gentle touch.

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Hello, I`ve read a couple of chapters including the last one and I`ve fell in love with it... but I`ve seen also you haven`t updated in soo long, and I`m wondering if you`ll ever finish this... I can understand if you need time.. its good for creativity, but please do tell me if you`ll continue this or have you drop it for good?
cause I gotta tell you, this is truerly amazing and there aren`t enough Hangeng storys so I thinks is awsome you write about him, on top of it such a great story with so very good interactions of characters... I`m asking you to please continue this...
Thanks, for this 10 chapters either way...
covertrui #2
I agree with the other commenter. This story is really really good and I'd love to see it continued!