chapter 7

Perhaps it's fate

The next day, the boys had a free morning, and so we decided to head off to Hangeng's mom's dumpling shop. I stared at the little shop when we arrived. Plum Blossom Family Dumplings. Hangeng led me in, and the bell let out a cheerful little ring as we stepped in.

"Mom!" Hangeng called in Chinese, "Mom!" A woman appeared from the back of the restaurant.

"Ah! Hangeng!" She hurried over and hugged her son.

"Welcome everyone!" She beamed at the seven boys. Donghae struck up a conversation with her, and while they talked, my eyes wandered around the shop. Pictures decorated the walls, pictures of Hangeng, fans, and celebrities with his mom. I smiled to myself. It was just like it had been described before in talk shows I had watched.

"Aika." I looked at Hangeng as he said my name.

"Yes?" He beckoned towards me, and I walked up to him.
"Mom." He said in Chinese, "This is Shing Ling." I smiled and bowed.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Tan." She smiled.

"Son, I didn't know you had such a pretty girlfriend." I blushed, and Hangeng's eyes widened.

"Mom! She's not my girlfriend, she's a friend!" She laughed.

"Whatever you say dear." She patted my hand.

"Order whatever you'd like sweetheart. Hangeng knows what's best." I laughed too.

"Okay, I will."

"Ah!" I stretched happily as we exited the dumpling restaurant.

"That was fun!" Hangeng smiled.

"Did you like my mom's cooking?" I beamed.

"Oh absolutely! It was great!" I thought for a moment.

"But I like my mom's the best. It can't be helped." Kyuhyun laughed.

"Are her dumplings really good?" I grinned.


"We'll just have to try them one of these days." Hangeng commented. I looked at him.

"Ya know, my mom's in America."


"You wouldn't mind going there?"

"'course not!"

"Haha. Perfect your English first oppa."

"Who said I couldn't speak English?"

"Please hyung." Donghae flashed Hangeng a cheesy grin, "Anyone who's watched Full House will know that you can't speak English fluently."

"Hush Donghae." Hangeng snapped. He grinned again.

"It's true."

And so, our trip to China ended. Upon returning to Korea, the crazy schedule of Hangeng and the rest of the group resumed its normal run, and continued this way for another couple months. (Fortunately, with no more awkward incidents). Before I knew it, December had arrived.

"Oppa?" The five oppas looked up from their breakfast as I spoke.

"Yes Aika?"

"What's Christmas like in Korea?" The five men exchanged glances.

"Well…it's like any other Christmas I suppose." Heechul said, "We get together and open presents…"

"But this year we have a program to do first, but then we come home and celebrate ourselves." Eeteuk put in. I sighed.

"That's not what I meant!"

"Then what do you mean?" Shindong asked, looking confused. I shook my head.

"Nevermind." Christmas celebrations probably weren't that much different. I pulled out a sheet of paper.

"What do you guys want for presents?"

And so, Christmas came before I knew it. To my surprise, it actually wasn't that different. Super Junior had a performance, and then we all headed back to the dorms to open presents.

"Presents!" Sungmin and Ryeowook cried happily at the sight of the little tree that we had managed to fit in the condo with thirteen boxes under them. Heechul poked them.

"Quit squealing like little girls." He teased, and proceeded to do an imitation of them.

"OH! Presents! YAY!" Hangeng laughed and swept past the group.

"Oh hush hyung. Let them get excited. It is Christmas after all, and I'm sure Aika got us good things." He turned and smiled at me.

"Right?" I smiled.

"I hope you all like them." Eeteuk laughed.

"I'm sure they will." Heechul picked his up and shook it.

"Don't shake it oppa! It'll break!" I panicked. You weren't supposed to shake a box of glass bottled perfumes! The sweater I had put in there would make the impact softer, but still…Heechul's eyes lit up.

"Sounds like it's something good." We sat down around the tree, and Heechul proceeded to rip open his present.

"Ooh! Perfume!" He sprayed some onto himself and laughed. Leeteuk raised an eyebrow at Heechul's excitement and shook his head.

"Okay then Heechulie.." Sungmin opened his.

"Oh hey! Everything's pink!" He took out a stuffed pink bear with the words "I love Sungmin" on its shirt.

"It's so cute!" For Donghae, Eunhyuk, and Kangin, I had each gotten clothes that matched their nicknames (Donghae had a fishy one, Eunhyuk had monkey ones, and Kangin had a gorilla one because…well, hey, gorillas are strong animals okay?) Knowing that Siwon was a strong believer, I had gotten him a book of Christian personal stories (you know, like those Chicken Soup ones) and clothes decorated with horses. (I got everyone clothes.) Ryeowook, Kyuhyun and Kibum got pajamas with cute animals on them. (Hey, I didn't know them well enough to know what they wanted exactly…what else was I supposed to do?) Eetuek got a pair of pajamas with the words "leader-shi" sewed in fancy lettering. Hey, he was the leader. It made sense. Hangeng got clothes (obviously, everybody did) but along with it was a sweater I had knitted myself. I watched as he it gingerly. Actually, caressed was more of the correct word.

"It's soft…" I found myself blushing.

"Do you like it?" He smiled brightly.

"Yes I do!" I smiled in relief.

"That's good. Think of it as a thank you for saving me the other day." Hangeng laughed.

"Don't be silly, it was nothing."

"Don't be silly, it was nothing." Heechul imitated Hangeng's slightly accented Korean, as he loved to do, and sent me into a fit of giggles. For Yesung, I got him clothes. (I knew the least about him. Sorry Yesung fans. But it's true, I had no idea what he absolutely loved) and a book on one of his favorites singers. Shindong, well, I got him food. He loved food, and everyone knew it. Of course, I got him clothes too. As we sat chatting after opening the presents, Donghae spoke.

"Aika jie-jie." I looked at him.

"Yes Fishy?" He stood, and the other members did the same.

"Let's go." I blinked.

"Go? To where?" Hangeng held out his hand to help me up.

"Your Christmas present."

"So, um…what is my Christmas present exactly?" I looked around at the Suju members.

"You'll see in a minute." Sungmin promised. I frowned.

"A surprise?"

"Of course." Heechul said, winking. I crossed my arms and leaned back into my chair.

"If you say so oppa." Kangin looked at his watch.

"Hyung, where are they?" I blinked. They? Eeteuk shrugged.

"No idea. They said they'd be here."

"You called them hyung!" Yesung protested.

"Well they're gonna come!" Eeteuk replied, "Those dongsaengs keep their word, and I know it." I blinked for the third time that night.

"Dongsaengs…?" Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and Ryeowook ran to get it. A moment later, he dashed back in, grinning. I looked at him curiously. What was going on? The members exchanged glances, grinning broadly. I frowned in confusion. Then I heard soft footsteps, and a voice spoke.

"Oh dear, we're late aren't we?" My head snapped up as a recognized the voice.


Author's note: Heehee, I bet you all know who's visiting, don't you? Stay tuned, and remember, review!

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Hello, I`ve read a couple of chapters including the last one and I`ve fell in love with it... but I`ve seen also you haven`t updated in soo long, and I`m wondering if you`ll ever finish this... I can understand if you need time.. its good for creativity, but please do tell me if you`ll continue this or have you drop it for good?
cause I gotta tell you, this is truerly amazing and there aren`t enough Hangeng storys so I thinks is awsome you write about him, on top of it such a great story with so very good interactions of characters... I`m asking you to please continue this...
Thanks, for this 10 chapters either way...
covertrui #2
I agree with the other commenter. This story is really really good and I'd love to see it continued!