chapter 5

Perhaps it's fate

"Aika, Aika." I looked up at Donghae.


"When's your birthday?"

"August 4th. Why do you ask?"

"Well, um…" Donghae looked a bit awkward as he searched for the right words. Heechul came up.

"Well you see, he feels sorry for what happened yesterday, and wants to make up for it." I frowned.

"And what does my birthday have to do with it?"

"Well it's coming up isn't it?" Hangeng sat down next to me.

"We want to get you a birthday present." I raised an eyebrow.

"Do you now?" Shindong came up from behind.

"Yeah, yeah! What do you want?"

"Anything will do." I said nonchalantly, returning my attention to my book. Hangeng pulled it out of my hands.

"Hey, be serious here!" I frowned at him.

"I am!" Donghae plopped down on my other side.

"So what is it you want noona?" I looked at him.

"Oh, bringing out the honorifics now are you?"

"But I'm being serious!" He protested. I sighed.

"Anything will do I suppose." Heechul pulled me to my feet.

"Let's go shopping then!" I blinked.

"But it's only July!"

"Who cares? It can be early!"

And so, that was how I found myself at the mall, again, with Super Junior.

"This really is unnecessary…" I mumbled. Hangeng laughed and ruffled my hair.

"No problem Aika, we have the time today."

"But shouldn't you guys be relaxing at home or something instead of spending your day off with me at the mall?"

"Donghae-hyung owes you." Kyuhyun said with a laugh. Donghae glared at him.

"Be quiet dongsaeng." I shook my head and laughed.

"Alright alright, I'll let it go this time." As we walked through the halls of the mall, I began to feel a bit self-conscious. People who were probably fans of Super Junior stared at us as we walked by. I couldn't blame them. What ELF wouldn't stare when seeing a girl walking along surrounded by Super Junior? Hangeng and I were at the front of the group, and I inched away from him so that we weren't walking so close together. Then I started walking a bit faster to get in front of the group, when a hand grabbed my arm and jerked me back.

"What are you doing?" I looked at Hangeng in surprise.

"Walking of course."

"Quit walking so far away." He scolded, "I don't want you getting lost."

"But the ELFs…" I whispered.

"Don't mind them." Shindong said, overhearing, "They're always like this." Hangeng looked at the gawking girls, thought for a moment, reached down, and grabbed my hand.

"What are you doing?" I hissed.

"If you feel that awkward about us walking together, I'll just make it look like we're a pair to the ELF." He said, gripping my hand.

"Are you crazy?" I hissed under my breath, "Are you trying to cause a scandal?"

"It's fine." He whispered, "It's not like we're a real couple or anything. Unless, that is, you want to be." I blushed.

"Whoever said I wanted to be a real couple with you?" I mumbled in Chinese. He laughed.

"Well in that case, let's go."

So that was how I spent the rest of my shopping trip. Holding hands and being lovey dovey with Hangeng. Every girl who is a Hankyung fan's dream right? For me, it had been something totally out of reach, and bound to never happen. Now that it was happening, it was much more awkward then I expected. People stared, but Hangeng had me ignore them. He distracted my attention by pulling clothes off of racks and having me try them on, and holding my hand any chance he got. I eventually got used to it, but it was still a little awkward.

"Does this look good on me?" I was trying my best to play the role of lovey dovey girlfriend as I posed in front of the mirror.

"Anything looks good on you Aika." Hangeng came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. The other twelve members struggled to hold back their laughter from behind a rack of clothing. I blushed.

"Are you sure?" I turned to look at him, and nearly regretted it. He was much closer then I had expected, and I found my face quite close to his. I felt his breath on my cheek, and my heart started pounding like crazy.

"I, um…" I pulled away from him and nearly ran for the dressing room.

"I'm going to change back!"

"You guys spoil me too much." I mumbled as I sat in the car surrounded by bags.

"It's for your birthday. Just live with it." Sungmin said with a happy smile. I laughed.

"I suppose I can." I suddenly became aware of the warmth of Hangeng's hand, which was still clasping mine. I pulled away quickly, and he looked at me in surprise before realizing the situation.


"It's okay." Eeteuk chuckled softly from the front seat and exchanged a glance with Kangin. I blushed and looked out the other window.

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Hello, I`ve read a couple of chapters including the last one and I`ve fell in love with it... but I`ve seen also you haven`t updated in soo long, and I`m wondering if you`ll ever finish this... I can understand if you need time.. its good for creativity, but please do tell me if you`ll continue this or have you drop it for good?
cause I gotta tell you, this is truerly amazing and there aren`t enough Hangeng storys so I thinks is awsome you write about him, on top of it such a great story with so very good interactions of characters... I`m asking you to please continue this...
Thanks, for this 10 chapters either way...
covertrui #2
I agree with the other commenter. This story is really really good and I'd love to see it continued!