chapter 6

Perhaps it's fate

And so, July passed, and my birthday came around. The oppas took the day off to spend it with me, and took me sightseeing.

"This is great!" I ran up and down the sidewalk in the Korean Imperial Palace.

"It's so pretty here!"

"Careful!" Eeteuk called, "You're gonna trip if you keep running like that!" I laughed.

"I'll be fine oppa!" But then, I tripped, and would have fallen if Hangeng hadn't grabbed my arm at the very last minute. I flashed a smile at him.

"Thanks!" He smiled and let me go. I ran ahead again, my arm feeling warm where Hangeng had touched it for some reason.

"Don't trip again!" Eeteuk called. I waved.

"I'm fine!"

"Aika." I looked up from folding the clothes.


"Want to go to China with me?" I blinked, sure I had heard wrong.

"Excuse me?" Hangeng smiled.

"Want to go to China with Super Junior M?"

"This is surreal." I mumbled as I stared at the floor of the airplane. I was on a plane with the five of the seven members of Super Junior M and headed for China.

"Hasn't everything in the past couple months been surreal?" Hangeng teased. I laughed.

"That's true."

"Say Aika." I turned my head at the sound of Donghae's voice.


"You can speak Chinese right?"


"Good! That means we have another translator!" I laughed again.

"Okay then, if that's what you see me as."

"Well, you're a friend too!" Donghae added hastily. I smiled.

"Whatever you say fishy."

"Hangeng ge-ge!" I took a step back as a cheerful youth nearly knocked Hangeng over as he tackled the older member. Hangeng laughed.

"Hi Henry."

"Welcome back!"

"It feels good to be back."

"Welcome back ge-ge." Zhoumi came up from behind Henry. Hangeng smiled.

"Hey Zhoumi." Siwon pulled Henry off of Hangeng.

"You're gonna choke him if you keep doing that." Henry laughed.

"Sorry." Zhoumi looked past Hangeng and saw me.

"Why, ge-ge, I believe you haven't introduced us to your girlfriend yet." I blushed, and Hangeng looked sharply at Zhoumi.

"Don't embarrass her, she's not my girlfriend!"

"Whatever you say ge-ge." Henry said, exchanging a glance with Zhoumi. I laughed and gave them a bright smile.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Aika, but you can call me Shing Ling if you want to." Henry grinned.

"Ah, she speaks Chinese!" I smiled, and said in Cantonese.

"Cantonese too." Henry laughed.

"You've got a talented friend ge-ge!" Ryeowook poked Hangeng.

"Hyung, we should get moving." Hangeng took my hand.

"Okay everyone, let's go!" I blushed.

"What are you doing?"

"For the sake of avoiding stupid rumors from the fans, we're doing the same thing as in the mall."

"But there are reporters here!"

"They don't care. Come on."

"So, um, what are we having for dinner tonight?"

"Isn't it Donghae's turn to cook?"

"What? Since when? It's not."

"Wait, shouldn't it be Zhoumi's?"

"Hold on, since when did I ever cook?" I watched the conversation go back and forth until I burst out laughing. They looked at me.

"What?" I tried to hold back my laughter.

"Nothing, nothing." I stood.

"Why don't I cook tonight?"

"But you're a guest!" Hangeng protested.

"It's fine!" I reassured him, "Just let me do it this once."

"Well if you want to…" Hangeng still looked a little uncertain. I laughed.

"It's okay. The kitchen is this way right?"

"Aika, you're cooking is the best!" I smiled at the seven young men clustered around the table.

"Why thank you."

"You should have cooked for us earlier!" I laughed.

"I can cook every day if you want."

"Good idea!" I laughed again at the unanimous cry.

"Then it's settled."

"Good luck."

"Thanks." I stood by the van as Hangeng and the rest of Super Junior M headed for the game grounds where the MC was waiting. Today Super Junior M was going to be on a variety show, and Hangeng had insisted that I come along.

"Shing Ling!" I started as I heard my name.

"Yeah?" Hangeng beckoned for me to come over, so I did. He introduced me to the MC.

"This is Aika." He motioned to me.

"You've got her to thank for our good health." I laughed.

"Don't be silly oppa, you've been taking care of yourselves. I have nothing to do with it."

"Well you have something to do with it." He said with a laugh. I laughed too.

"You're so silly." The show started, and I watched from the sidelines. It was "Bravely Moving Forward" and it's objective was to help little children in places suffering from poverty get a brand new school. I watched as the first challenge started: to walk across a thin wooden plank bridge carrying a bowl of water and pouring it into the bottle on the other side to lift up the key to the box that contained the sticker that represented part of the donation that was to be made.

"This is hard!" Donghae called down from the bridge.

"Just keep moving!" the other members shouted back.

"Meanies!" He shouted back. I laughed from where I was watching. After that game came the "sumo wrestling game". To my amusement, the seven boys had to dress up in costumes to look like traditional Chinese versions of sumo wrestlers and try to force the two professionals out of the circle. It wasn't easy. Half of the members failed before Zhoumi managed to push both out of the circle. The final challenge was to row a broken boat across the lake to reach the red flag. I could only laugh as Siwon decided to jump into the lake, but ended up dragging Henry with him. The two ended up wading through the water to the flag with Siwon giving Henry a piggy back ride. It was totally cute, but it broke the rules and thus disqualified them. But it was cute all the same. Hangeng nearly tilted the boat over as soon as his duo set off, which made me burst out laughing again. He glared at me from the boat, and I gave him a sweet smile. He sighed, shook his head, and headed on. I cheered along with everyone else as they reached their destination, then nearly gasped as Hangeng tripped while stepping up to shore. But he smiled brightly and waved back as Zhoumi waved the red flag triumphantly. I shook my head as the cameras were turned off and the group headed over to where Super Junior M stood gathered around Hangeng.

"Sheesh, I would think that you would know better than to trip Hangeng." He frowned at me.

"Not like I wanted to." I pulled his pant leg up to his knee and took out a cotton swab dipped in disinfectant and all that good stuff.

"It hurts!" He protested.

"Well at least now you can say that you earned that money for the children with sweat and blood." I replied.

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Hello, I`ve read a couple of chapters including the last one and I`ve fell in love with it... but I`ve seen also you haven`t updated in soo long, and I`m wondering if you`ll ever finish this... I can understand if you need time.. its good for creativity, but please do tell me if you`ll continue this or have you drop it for good?
cause I gotta tell you, this is truerly amazing and there aren`t enough Hangeng storys so I thinks is awsome you write about him, on top of it such a great story with so very good interactions of characters... I`m asking you to please continue this...
Thanks, for this 10 chapters either way...
covertrui #2
I agree with the other commenter. This story is really really good and I'd love to see it continued!