The Lying Heart

“Noona, why are you tensed these past few days?” He asked as he rubbed himself on me, grinding on me. I moaned.



“Now is uh~ really not the time to talk about it oh~ Sehun” I said as I bit on my lower lip.



He then continued what he was doing, not asking anymore questions.



Yes, I am his lover. We’ve been at it for almost 2 years. When we first met, he asked me to be his personal maid, which included being his lover. I’m not gonna lie, but I really needed money at that time so I took the job. I promised myself that I would never ever fall for Sehun but if you ask me now, I don’t know what I feel about him anymore. Each time we made love-yes, he didn’t want to call it or even - he would call out my name over and over again and tell me how beautiful I am in his eyes. He would leave kisses all over my face as we both experienced our so-called “heaven”. But I know it’s all lies. How could he love me when I’m just his toy, and once he gets tired of me, he’ll leave me and find another girl to play with. For once in my life, I wanted to live with his lies, I wanted to believe he really does love me.











“Seohyun-ssi!” Kim Jong-In a.k.a Kai bowed once he saw me. He’s Sehun’s best friend and classmate. I bowed in return and smiled at him softly.



“Kai-ssi, it’s been a long time”



“Yes it is”



“I’m wondering if you saw Sehun. I’d like to give him his project. He left it in the house this morning and texted me to bring it here” I said as I showed him the folder I held in my hand.



“Oh, he’s over there” Kai pointed to the dance room. I smiled at him and bowed, leaving him alone.



Yes, Kai knows of our relationship. He knows every single thing but he continues to respect me. I don’t know what would’ve happened to me if I didn’t meet Sehun and Kai. I could still remember that day like it was yesterday, the sound of the cars, the blow of the wind, the murmurs of strangers, and my painful sobs.





“Hey  pretty lady, why are you here all by yourself?”



“Want to have some fun?”



Two guys approached me as they held my wrist. I looked at them with bloodshot eyes.



“LEAVE ME ALONE!” I slapped the guy on my right as he gave me a malicious look.



“!” The other guy slapped me hard, causing my lower lip to bleed.



I looked at him bitterly. I’ve gone through worst. His slap only made me numb yet it sent flashes of my dark past in my mind.



“HEY! Get your hands off of her!” A dark skinned guy wearing a high school uniform suddenly came out of nowhere and punched the guy who slapped me, right in the gut.


The other guy moved to aid his injured friend, he was going to kick the dark skinned boy when suddenly someone grabbed his shirt by the back.


The bad guy stopped and turned to his new enemy. The boy was white skinned and very handsome, a complete opposite of the first boy yet both share good looks.  He smirked at his enemy and did a judo throw, causing his enemy to roar in pain as he laid on the ground.



“Agashi, are you alright?” The dark skinned boy asked as he walked towards me with a worried face.



“Go-Gomawo” I managed to utter.



Suddenly, the white skinned boy was already beside me.



“Beautiful girls shouldn’t cry” He said as he wiped away my tears.





I combed my hair with my fingers before I opened the door to the dance room.




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pipipo27 #1
Chapter 4: oh it's just great, i'm holding my tears not to fall cuz my friend is in beside me so if i'm cry suddenly, they'll think i'm crazy
Chapter 4: This fanfic is great... Sad but just great...
Chapter 4: I was about to cry but I was listening to Fantastic Baby while reading this... It made me laugh and lip sync instead =D

Sad story...
eunixw #4
Chapter 4: Sobs sobs.... Whyyyyyyyy >_<
Eycha_sk11 #5
Chapter 4: I was in sad mode and now it even made me sadder T.T pabo! Why both of you can't tell the truth that you loves each other ??!! Huhuhuhu
No no no no omg /crais/
nanjang #7
Chapter 4: Noooooo
How can you do this to me!? TT noooooooo
ambai90 #8
Chapter 4: oh noooo .... can't believe seohyunnie died before she meet sehun again ...
HerLovelyWinterRose #9
Chapter 4: I'm.... I'm... I'm.... T^T /cries on le corner

I love it.... but why does she have to diiiiiieeeeee.... T^T