
Only You Can Help

~Your POV~

You looked up to see your crush,Joo Myeon,or Suho as his friends call him.He took off his jacket and draped it over you.

“Gwmao,Joo Myeon-shii”

“Aish,call me Suho oppa,I hate honorifics.”

“Ne,Suho oppa,”

“So...what are you doing here so late at night?”Suho asked ,taking a seat beside you.

“I just needed to clear my mind,”you replied and Suho nodded.

Both of you sat on the bench,neither uttering a word.After a while,Suho stood up.

“I should head back,do you want to stay?”Suho asked.

“I should probably get going too,”you slowly stood up.

“I’ll walk you home,”he said,holding out his hand.

“Gwmao,”Both of you walked silently,side by side.

Every few moments,Suho’s hand would brush against yours.You felt your heart beating rapidly and your face heating up.By the time you reached the house,you were blushing like crazy.

“Minji-ah...where did you go?”Tao rushed up to you.

“Just took a walk,”You replied simply.

“Do you know how worried I was?I didn’t know it was a touchy subject!!”

“Gwmao,Suho oppa,your jacket.”You smiled and walked inside as Tao watched you sighing in exasperation.

He then turned to Suho,thanked Suho profusely and introduced himself.

“Tao ah,give her time,it happened five days ago.”Suho advised,patting his shoulder,”Just make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid,”

“Nae,Suho hyung,”Tao promised and Suho turned to leave after ruffling Tao’s hair.He had already taken a liking to the boy.

When Tao went back to the room,you were already asleep.He crawled into bed,he had school tomorrow.

~Tao’s POV~



I groaned and dismissed my alarm and got up to change into my uniform.I hesitated to wake Minji up.Finally,I decided against it so I wouldn’t have to repeat yesterday’s cycle.Islung my bagover my shoulder and walked out of the room.Today was going to be long day...

A/N:DID YOU GUYS GUESS WHO MINJI SAW? If you guys did i hv failed:(.BTW.Sorry for the short chapter.i have a writers block on how to connect the ideas.I'll have a haitus from this story for a while.Don't worry,i have another on shot prepared.It feature Kris!!!Our wonderful duizhang.




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Chapter 5: cant wait for the next chapter! Daebak! ;D