
Only You Can Help

~Minji's pov~

I rubbed my eyes and sat up in my bed. The room was really quiet. I looked over to Tao's bed and found it empty. Without saying a word, I looked up at the clock. 

~Tao's pov~


Of course, who else could that be? Maybe not waking her up is a bad idea. I swallowed hard at my sandwich as Minji came out of her room, with her hair untied and her face red in anger.

"Minji, I thought maybe you need some rest since..." what could I say, I was worried of her "stone" forehead?

"You...nevermind, you don't even understand that I need to catch up with my schoolwork! I am falling back these few days and I need to catch up!" Minji scolded without even stopping for a breath. She's really mad. And that means I am doomed.

Fortunately, she stopped the moment her parents came to the table. She sighed, stared daggers at me and stormed off to the bathroom.

"Give her some time,"said her mother, who shook her head. I gave her a hesitant smile and ate my breakfast in silence.

I wondered how many times I have heard this sentence ever since I came here. 


~no one's pov~

After Minji and Tao arrived at school, Minji went straight to her own class without turning back. Tao dared not to say anything to her after this morning's little accident. He decided to let her calm down first before apologising for...everything.

After hours of boring lessons, Tao met Minji again during lunch. Of course, he didn't approach her, only watching her from far. She seems to talking to the guy he met yesterday, Suho.

~Minji's pov~

"Minji ah!" 

I turned, ready to call Tao to shut up and mind his own business(since she thought tao was the one calling her)but it turned out to be suho oppa.

"Suho oppa!" I smiled at him. Suho came huffing and puffing.

"Minji ah, hope you are okay, yesterday night was really cold, did you catch a cold?" Suho looked up at me and asked warmly.

"Thanks oppa for your concern! I am fine," I shyly answered. 

Suho oppa patted my shoulder, and for a moment we didn't talk at all. All I heard was the noise of the canteen...and my heart's rapid beating

"Ok I need to go now, my friends are calling me!"Suho suddenly spoke. I nodded without saying a word. " Ah, and be nice to Tao, he's a nice person."

I nodded reluctantly as he went back to he's friends.

~No one's pov~

"Tao, please, focus on your food,"Tao's best friend, Kris, was nudging with his elbow.

He looked at Kris and expectedly, there's a mocking smile on his handsome face.

Rolling his eyes, Tao went back to gobbling he's food, but strangely Kris didn't. Tao looked up again and saw him staring at Minji.

"She's pretty, but don't smile much, and also-"

"Hyung, she's just a roomate."

"Roomate? A girl? Huang Zi Tao you better spill everything out or I will break your wushu stick...."

"Alright fine!!"

So Tao shared everything with Kris, including her best friend's death(which Tao threatened to tear Kris's art pieces if he ever spilled the beans). Kris listened attentively and suggested he do something to break the ice, or else it would be really hard to be roomates. Tao nodded and thanked him.


At that same night, Minji was studying at the study table in their room. Although it's big enough for two people, Tao did his work on his bed as he didn't want to make Minji feel uncomfortable. Tao finished his work far ealier than Minji, so he pushed his work aside and listened to his ipod. Mid-way, he heard Minji coughing badly. He looked at her back and decided to make her a cup of Chinese tea.

As Tao sneaked out of the room, he grabbed a packet of tie guan yin and poured the contents into Minji's cup. Carefully, he poured hot water inside and stirred till he smell the warm scent. Tie guan yin is always Tao's favourite tea and his parents gave him a whole box of it when he moved to Korea. 

"Minji, here's a cup of tie guan yin, a very good Chinese tea. Here, try it. It's good for your troat," Tao offered softly to Minji.

Minji looked up at Tao, apparently shocked at his sudden offer, but still took the cup from him and took a sip. She have to admit, it was the best tea she had drink.

"Nice tea...thanks...Tao," her words got soften as it reached the end.

Tao wondered himself why did he share his precious tea with her. He never give any of it to Kris despite he's countless begging. And there he was, brewing a cup for a girl he met in two days. "Maybe it's because I want to break the ice and cheer her up," he thought to himself. Stealing a glance at her, he returned back to his ipod.

Tao didn't know how long he had fallen asleep, but when he woke up again, the light in the room was still on and the clock said 1.20am.

He got up to go to the bathroom, and it was then he realise Minji had fallen alseep too. On the study table. Tao grabbed a jacket and slowly placed it on her. He couldn't help looking at her face. When she's alseep, she's no longer the harsh and cold girl he always thought she was. In fact, she was more of a cute and innocent girl. Tao smiled unknowingly. Somehow, he made up a decision. He want to make her smile again.


And also, something Tao didn't know was that Minji haven't actually fell asleep yet. She was just resting her eyes when she felt a warm fabric on her back. And she also could feel Tao standing beside her, putting her books in place as slow as possible. Minji's lips turned into a curve when Tao left the room.

" Maybe Tao's not so bad after all...he's actually...kind of sweet,"she thought.



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Chapter 5: cant wait for the next chapter! Daebak! ;D