First Meeting

Only You Can Help

note:Speeches in chinese will be highlighted in red

 ~Tao’s POV~

I lugged my luggage upstairs and knocked on the door.A kind looking lady opened the door.

“Annyeonghasayo,Zi Tao imida.”I stuttered and bowed 90º,hoping my Korean did not sound too bad.

“Ah,Zi Tao,we’ve been expecting you.You’re staying for the school year right?”The lady then introduced herself,“I’m Minji’s mother,Mrs Lee,you’ll be sharing a room with her.”

“H-Her?I’ll be sharing a room with a girl?”Tao managed to stammer and he broke out in cold sweat.

“As long as you keep to your bed,it’s fine,”

I nodded,uncertain.Her mother led me to the room and knocked on the door softly.She opened the door and I a girl,who I assumed was Minji,lay on the bed sleeping.I wavered a little before stepping in and putting my things on the floor.

“I’ll call when dinner’s ready,wake Minji up too,”her mother whispered and Minji stirred,“She has had a hard time this week.”

I bowed and thanked her mum.After her mum left,I stood there not knowing what to do.I didn’t want to burden Mrs Lee and I didn’t want to wake Minji up.As quietly as I could,I pushed my huge luggage to one corner of the room.With nothing left to do,I plugged in my earphones and lay down.


I opened my eyes and rubbed them.I must have fallen asleep.Yawning,I turned to face Minji,she was still sleeping.

“Minji-sshi,wake up,”I whispered and shook her.

Slowly she opened her eyes.When she saw me she shot up straight,knocking my forehead with hers in the process.I groaned and rubbed my forehead.

“Yah!Who are you?”She asked,showing no sign of emotion.

“Z-zi Tao,you can call me Tao,”I stuttered,still rubbing my throbbing forehead,”Dinner is ready,”

“Nae,gwmao Tao,”She bowed and walked out leaving me on the floor.

“Aish...her forehead is like a rock...”I muttered and got up to join her.

She was quiet throughout dinner,I wondered what happened.Her mum said she was going through a hard time.Minji’s father kept looking at her disapprovingly,but she brushed it off.After dinner,I helped Mrs Lee with the dishes.

“Mrs Lee,eh...what happened to Minji?”I asked.

“It’s not for me to tell.But you can ask her.”



“Minji-shii,can I ask you something?”

“My best friend died,”She answered without emotion and continued reading a book.

“Mind telling me what happened?”

“What is there to say?She was just walking across the road and bam!She was dead!”Minji shouted at me.

“Minji-shii,Mian-“I was cut off.

“Save it.Just don’t bother.Nothing can bring her back to life.”Minji whispered,shifting in her seat.

I sighed and lay back onto bed.“Mianhae Minji,”I whispered.

~MInji’s POV~

“Mianhae Miinji,”I heard Tao whisper.

“What part of ‘Save it’Don’t you understand?”I huffed and left the room with a bang.

Everybody does the same thing.I thought he was different,I guess I was wrong.What was there to say sorry for?She’s dead isn’t she.There’s nothing that will make her alive.People say it’s fate,that’s life.But it feels like a part of me got ripped off.I know that’s cliché but there is honestly no other way to explain my feelings.I had walked to the park JiYeon and I often went to.As usual,I was wondering why couldn’t it be me who got ran over.Why did it have to be JiYeon?

“Minji,what are you doing here,it’s cold,”

I looked up to see....

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Chapter 5: cant wait for the next chapter! Daebak! ;D