

As the sun rose up from his hiding spot behind the mountains, the light slowly entered Dara’s and Chaerin’s suite, grazing swiftly over her faces. Dara stirred while Chaerin just turned around and covered her makeup-less face under the pillows, mumbling hundreds of curses as she closed hard her eyes, trying to make the morning leave with the force given to her eyelids.

The night before, she might say, wasn’t what she has expected. Someone hating on her, probably, but already making enemies, even in her first day of work, wasn’t exactly what she was expecting. But who cared? For all she knew, he was just a low-life idol trying to hit big.

She heard Dara dragged her feet out of the room, yawning and whining as she entered their shared – not by choice – bathroom. She heard the door close with a soft but steady click of the doorknob. Chaerin knew she was supposed to get up, she had to, but her lazy body wouldn’t cooperate enough to make it happen. And, as much as she would definitely love it, she couldn’t stay in bed all day, even if she was allowed – which was mostly unlikely – but she couldn’t.

After a few minutes after, or even hours, Chaerin wasn’t sure, Dara came out of the room, looking as dazzling as she always did. Chaerin saw with one open as she grabbed a pair of high heels and put some red lipstick on her pump lips. Chaerin smirked and stirred, making Dara smile at her through the mirror.

“You’re awake, I’m leaving early, some paper work. I left everything you need for the day on the desk, hope you can make it without me.” Dara said with a hint of worry mixed with a bit of cheerfulness, Chaerin couldn’t tell.

“I’ll survive” She simply spoke as she stood from her queen sized bed. She glanced around their room for a bit, it was way too big for her taste, she might ask for a change. It was as big as anyone can think of it, it actually fit two queen sized bed in it, she wasn’t that big to be having such a big bed. The walls where painted white, though they said it was called ‘Moonlight White’, but to her, it was just white, the curtains where a dandelion color, with golden wings carved on the hangings, too luxurious, even for her, or a chaebol daughter at least.

“Call me if anything, I’m leaving.” Dara said. Chaerin hesitated before reaching the door of the bathroom, then turned and called out for Dara. Dara turned with a wondering look on her face. “What do you need?” She asked.

“I just want a different room, I don’t feel… comfortable at all in here.” She said. Dara smiled and nodded.

“I’ll try to have a different one for tonight, take care.” Dara said, and with that, she disappeared into their living room, stupidly small for the ridiculous huge room. Chaerin didn’t know if she was glad or just pleased, for Dara to be doing everything for her. She just shrugged the thought away and entered the bathroom, initiating her morning ceremony.

Ten minutes before one o’clock, Chaerin entered the crystal doors of the company, wearing leather black pants and a white shirt with a skull design in gold, right shoulder down half her arm while the other stood cautiously at her left shoulder. The shirt was thigh long, and her black stilettos with the golden chains and bracelets made the perfect combination for bold and classy, with a hint of street and fashion, she was pleased.

As she reached the elevator, a tall man ran into it, almost pushing Chaerin to the floor. He looked agitated, but Chaerin dismissed it as simple rush. He almost didn’t notice her there, not until her stilettos made a clacking noise the moment she almost lost her perfect balance. The man looked at her with wide – as if it was possible – eyes that expressed pure surprise. “I’m so sorry; I’m in such a rush I seem to be spacing, are you alright?” He asked her, his voice deep and his manner so perfect she wondered if he was a man at all.

“I’m alright, don’t worry about me.” Chaerin said trying to dismiss the conversation; after all, she had to be focused on her job, not on public relationships, not after what had happened the day before.

“I’m Seunghyun, Choi Seunghyun, but you can just call me TOP… or however you please.” He said, half expectant, half rushed. Chaerin smiled and nodded.

“Nice to meet you Choi Seunghyun.” She said with a bitter smile and looked to the front, not speaking any more words. Just saying that name was like choking on needles, so she figured she must call him TOP, as he asked her, not that she mind at all, she wasn’t going to be talking to him anymore, with any luck.

“Aren’t you going to tell me your name?” He asked – confusion clear on his voice. Chaerin fidgeted for a moment, but then gave up, he would become a pest if she didn’t tell him her name, and she was definitely not in the mood for a pest.

“Lee Chaerin” She simply said, though he looked pleased with his achievement, and she almost instantly hated him for it.

“Nice to meet you too Lee Chaerin.” He said with such a polite tone that she felt the urge to hit his face right there, but she had to behave. “So what brings you here Chaerin?” he asked, out of the blue, and out of his business, she thought.

“Well, I have some business with Yang Hyun Suk.” She quickly said. TOP nodded and for Chaerin’s relief, the elevator made a ‘ring’ and the doors opened. TOP smiled and walked towards the doors and bowed at Chaerin, she bowed back.

“It was a pleasure to meet you Lee Chaerin.” He said as the doors dramatically closed in front of him. She scoffed and pressed the buttons hard countless times, trying without an effort to make the elevator to quickly go up towards the 4th floor.

As she heard the familiar ring, the doors opened, and she got out of the elevator, walking cautiously towards the hallway. She was pleased there was no one there, after all, it was where the private studios where, so there would be probably no one wandering around, just the owners of the studios.

Chaerin walked the familiar hallway towards the office of who would be her new ‘business partner’ for the next few weeks, or months, but she prayed and hoped it would be just days. She stood in front of the doors, looking both sides before putting her hand on the handle, pushing it slightly until it gave the most familiar and loved ‘click’, it was open. She let herself in – without opening the door completely – and closed the door behind her, leaving it just as she found it, unlocked.

She walked towards the middle of the receptionist area, it was empty, and she was glad it was. She walked towards the door at the back, the one that led towards Hyun Suk’s office, and to her surprised, he was there. She cursed in her mind and inhaled deeply, letting her heart go back to normal. She knocked slightly on the door and the person inside called her in. She opened the door and smiled, bowing slightly as she entered the office.

“Ah, Chaerin, I was expecting you, please sit.” He said gesturing her to sit in front of her. She smiled and nodded, making her way towards the empty black chair in front of the desk, the one which Jiyong had been sitting just the day before.

“Any second thoughts?” She said as she let her body fall slightly on the chair, it was so smooth it almost seemed as if she floated on the chair. Hyunsuk smiled and shook his head; he was finishing signing some papers and closed the folder, smiling at her.

“Actually, I’ve spoken with the other parts, and we are absolutely delighted your father took a notice to our company, how could we say no to such a… juicy offer?” He said, handing her the folder he just closed. Chaerin smiled and grabbed the folder eagerly, but also with a delicate and feminine gesture.

“I’m so glad you agreed to it, I’m sure you won’t regret it, and my father would be delighted to hear such good news, he has been in such a gloomy mood these past days I’ve been worrying about him.” Chaerin said with such a real emotion that Hyunsuk frowned, worry and kindness towards her it was almost unbelievable.

“I’m so sorry to hear that Miss Lee, I’m really fond of him, even if we haven’t really met personally.” He said with pure honesty. Chaerin smiled lightly and nodded.

“I’m sure he’ll be happy with this. I know it, so I’m so grateful Mr. Yang, so grateful.” She said, slowly standing up. “I’ll be going now, I still have to report this to my father and make some other stuffs, I’ll be back tomorrow, if you don’t mind.” She said bowing. Hyunsuk stood up and bowed back.

“Of course I don’t mind, actually I would love for you to be around here, so you just get to know everybody, please do on your way out.” He said. “I would show you around, but as you can see, I’m regretfully full of work today, but I promise I will do.” He said. Chaerin smiled and shook her head.

“No need Mr. Yang, I think I can manage, thank you for your kindness.” She said. He smiled and nodded. “I’ll be going now, have a lovely day Mr. Yang.” She said. Hyunsuk bid her good bye and she left, frowning as she walked out of the office, feeling like ripping the papers on her hands.

Unconsciously, she walked down the hallway, cursing lowly on her way there. Without realizing it, she was walking the exact steps she had walked the day before, and she cursed herself for her lack of attention, it could have cost her the job, her life. She scoffed and turned around, but not fast enough to miss hearing someone guitar playing inside a room. She frowned, those were supposed to be soundproof, she thought. Then turned again, looking at the door next to her, slightly open, letting out soft music, the chords of the acoustic guitar so soft and relaxing it was almost like being at the beach with someone you loved, or cared, or whatever.

Slowly, she walked towards the door, her stilettos totally silent on the carpeted floor. She opened the door really slowly, the music growing louder as she did. As the door opened enough for her to walk in, she did, and just then, a soft and melodic voice sang along with the chords of the guitar, a soft and relaxing English song she definitely have heard before.

The person was so engulfed on his music, he hardly noticed the new guest at his studio. She glanced at him from his back, just at this view, he looked like some sort of Punk rockstar from London, with his white tang top showing his neck, back and side tattoos, some light blue jeans with holes on it, black boots with the laces undone and his blonde hair disheveled, she almost gasped, he looked so relaxed, so inspired and emotional while he sang, his legs crossed, his right foot moving at the sound of the music his fingers where producing.

‘I’m a like a child, a boy young man of 23,
And I believe in us ‘cause you believe in me
Believe in me’

His voice a soft-almost falsetto, soft enough to hit the notes Chaerin knew by heart, it was, after all, her favorite song by Jamie Campbell Bower. She walked closer, purposely making noise with her stilettos. The music stopped abruptly and he turned around, his bare face glaring at her the moment he realized who she was. The relaxing and soft peace on him deadly gone, changed by a dangerous stare on his brown and deep eyes.

“What are you doing here?” He spat, she smiled and crossed her arms. The little smile she showed him seemed to make him angrier, since his jaw muscle tightened the moment she did it.

“I got lost, and unfortunately got here. You know English music?” She said, genuinely surprised. He glared and raised an eyebrow.

“What do you care?” He said, slowly standing up, the guitar held tight on his right hand and his stance suddenly manlier, stronger and dangerous, as if he could jump at her any moment and break that guitar on her head. She scoffed mentally imagining him trying to do so.

“I don’t, it just caught me by surprise, nice notes” She said, now turning around and walking towards the door, still watching at him through the tinted glass on it. She heard him scoff and his boots dragging on the floor. She grabbed the handle, and he scoffed again, obviously annoyed by her determination.

“What do you want?” He said. She smiled and looked at him over her shoulder, still smiling.

“Nothing, I told you, I got lost and was impressed you knew that song, that’s all.” She said. Jiyong’s muscle tightened and he put the guitar down, she was almost sure he could break it apart if he held it longer on his hand.

“Hyunsuk hyung told me I should talk to you, but honestly, I’m not quite sure I want to.” He said, still gritting his teeth.

“Then don’t do it.” She simply said. He looked to the side and then at her.

“I have to apologize, but honestly, you were the one who insulted me, why should I apologize, instead of you?” he said, clearly annoyed. She shrugged and crossed her arms, completely turned towards him.

“I’m a lady, I guess it’s fair for you to apologize after being so rude.” She said, amused by their small chat.

I was rude? You literally called me a beggar, and I was the one being rude? Please lady, get your education straight.” He said, now walking towards a chair, not really sitting it, she saw, apparently he just wanted to move out of exasperation.

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I don’t want your apologies, it would really make you look like a beggar, knowing now I’m your new boss and all.” She said. He widened his eyes for a split of second and regained his cold stare at her.

“I guess we’re even then, I don’t need the empathy of a filthy rich-born” He said. It was a low blow, she admitted it, but it wasn’t like it could hurt her at all.

“Fine” She said and turned around, walking out of the studio and slamming the door with a dramatic force she almost thought it would break the glass. She laughed inwardly, the image of Jiyong’s angry stare fresh on her mind as she walked towards the elevator; it amused her way too much, way too much.


Gily's Notes: WAH!!

I'm so sorry for the LATE update, but, I love it!

I know it's almost pointless, but if I kept writting, it would be so long... lol!

I, like I said, was reading a book to hone my writting skills (Mortal Instruments) and... I think I'll be writting in this format from now on.

Also... OH MY GOD! Thanks for subscribing! Don't forget to commet your feedback!

I love you all!!!

Happy Reading~

Gily ♥

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Will try and update every weekend!


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nitafitrna #1
Chapter 36: Gosh.. i thought it will be a happy ending. But thanks for the story author!
cipluk #2
Chapter 38: I cannot read oc especially female oc
Chapter 15: Until here. I still can't get innnnn >.< why i feel this too sudden or fast XD . Everything too sudden. Act, feeling, situation. Mybe cuz i still don't get situation is. Clearing/progressing thing happen too slow & frust getting in slowly to stop XD well~still need to continue.
Chapter 17: you know I don't know if you still writing but I love your story..going to continue will comment once I finished the story.
Chapter 11: Idk but I love their phone conversations. They never fail to put a stupid smile on my face.
Chapter 25: Reading this again and again and again...
Randomxx #7
Chapter 33: omg )): why did you do this to me T___T squeal pls omg soBS
Chapter 34: author-nim you meaaanieeeee... *SOBS* * WAILS* WHYYYYYY.. i was like... idk im happy this isnt over yet but but but.. ahhh why does it hurt so muuuch i cant take the pain nooooooo *dies* well i will see you later in collision~ now imma prepare myself for more intense and dramatic chapters aigoo aigooooo
FrenchKijibe #9
Chapter 34: Gily !!! it was so so so great, so damn sad but so great ! the ending seriously broke my heart…but I GUESS you had to break our heart to create the sequel, it's not like we were expecting something like they got married had two children and then three years later they're dealing with their enemy with two kiddos around …
no with you it's always more dramatic and I LOVE IT … so dying to read the first chapter…I've seen that you've already updated it but I'm giving myself a break between Collide and Collision to let my brain process that Collide is finished …
thank you so much for this story it was such a pleasure reading it, I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow when I'll start Collision (yeah my break is short!)
FrenchKijibe #10
Chapter 31: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! tension tension tension … such a pleasure to read don't ever say that it's too long ! But I understand that you want to put an ending to it…dying to see the sequel I am sure it is going to be awesome !

I was listenning to Paradise Circus while reading your update ! it was just perfect for the actions scenes that I imagined in slow motion… the two last updates were seriously great ! I loved the epic feeling, the drama, yet always lighten by the sweet interactions and funny moments thanks to Jamie … I love how Ji is jealous of him it's really funny, god I love your characters again please don't kill one of the four members …

and god the younger brother thing … that was a SURPRISE … God you love twist in the situation !!! And what ? loose her tonight, no no no she promised to be home !!! please meek her keep her promise !

I'm not the kind to pressure the author to update but I'm willing to change … UPDATE PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ASAP !!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE