Fighting For Freedom


For Jiyong, everything was a dance, everything was a performance. From the way he got dressed to the way he washed his face. Everything had to be made with perfect synchronization to achieve the higher goal. In battles he used the same tactic, smooth movements, a choreography that flowed through him like a dancer in a stage, his body moving swiftly with every turn he made. For him, the world was his stage. As the guys approached, guns and daggers in hand, he started to feel the tingling sensation on his veins, the way his heart beated, making the perfect sound for his upcoming dance.

He pointed the gun at the man in the center, the one with the grey suit. He never failed a target, he had the eyes of an eagle, he could easily spot a moving dog from 300 meters away, he was trained to seek and destroy, that was his duty. He held the gun tight on his right hand as the left one got busy with the movement of his fingers, the way he usually did, rubbing both his index and middle finger with his thumb, feeling a heat emanating from it, he knew his dance was about to start.

“Let’s dance,” He said, feeling his veins popping within his flesh as the words sank deep within him. The moment he said it, Chaerin ran towards one of the guys with black suit, he looked at her, just a second before concentrating on his main target. She moved fast, swift, as a feline seizing its prey. Her injured body made no flaws to her gracious movements. She reached the guy she had seized and jumped, the dagger held tight on her right hand as her left hand balanced her from the jump. As she fell down, her hand made a gracious movement and the dagger cut deep through the man’s throat. Gagging sounds made their way through his mouth, and as he fell down, a fistful of blood erupted from his mouth, and as he fell to the floor, hands on his throat, Chaerin watched him with a smirk on her face, as if she was rejoicing on his slow death.

One would have thought that she would have the mercy to give him a clean death, but no, she just smiled and turned to her next target, now cutting his chest, then burying the dagger through his ribs, piercing his heart. Jiyong watched with an amused expression as her movements took no longer than 5 seconds, she was fast. Jiyong looked at the man with the grey suit, he was moving fast, a katana on his left hand as he moved but hurt no one. He was simply trying to avoid getting hit, but was attacking no one. Jiyong took a step closer, and when he did, one man with black suit threw him a ninja star, he ducked and pointed at the man, but the guy had disappeared from his sight. Jiyong frowned, his left hand reaching his pants for a knife he always hid there.

Now, with gun on his right hand and the knife on his left, he turned around, and the guy rose up in front of him, kicking him hard on his stomach. He felt the air on his body left him, and his head felt dizzy, but none the less, he pointed the gun at the man and shoot, without really looking. He froze for a moment and looked up, and to his relieve, he had shot the man straight on his chest. He let out a sigh of relieve and straightened himself, looking around for Chaerin. When he spotted her, he felt his heart stop for a moment. Kikwang was grabbing her hair, the dagger had fallen from her hands and her arm was bleeding profusely.

“Everybody stop or you’ll see her bleed to death right here.” Kikwang said, the katana was long lost, but a small dagger was replacing its place on his hand, dangerously close to Chaerin’s throat. Jiyong took a step forward but Kikwang pressed the dagger harder, cutting a bit on Chaerin’s skin, but she didn’t flinched at all. “Stop right there pretty boy, or you’ll be watching a bleeding hottie in front of you.” He said and Jiyong’s jaw muscles clenched at his threat.

“Let her go.” James said, his stance inpatient, his eyes daring, his hand still holding his knife, but he had already lowered it. Jiyong did the same, slowly lowering his weapons as he stared at Kikwang. As he looked around, he noticed that they had killed all the black-suited man, and only Kikwang was left.

“No, I need an insurance I will leave alive, and dear Chaerin here will be that insurance.” Kikwang said, and Jiyong felt the savour of blood on his mouth. He realized he had bitten too hard on his inner cheeks and was bleeding now. James looked at Jiyong, who was visible shorter than him, and frowned. Jiyong nodded slightly, he knew what he meant by that look. He then looked at Chaerin, and she had her usual intense stare fixed on him, and he gave her a crooked smile before slowly raising his gun, straight at Kikwang’s forehead.

Chaerin closed her eyes for a slight moment, then, with a swift and almost hard to see movement, she lowered, exposing Kikwang’s face, and just at that moment, Jiyong pulled the trigger, and shoot him straight into his forehead. Kikwang’s body fell to the floor, lifeless, and Chaerin took a deep breath, touching where he had cut her.

“Mothering bastard,” She hissed under her breath as she saw her bloody hand and kicked the corpse in front of her. Dara kicked the dagger out of his reach, but it was no use, Jiyong had killed him and he was truly dead. Chaerin looked at Jiyong, her neck bleeding, and smiled at him. “Thank you.” She mouthed and he nodded weakly.

“We need to find Hyunseung.” James said and they all nodded. Jiyong looked at Hyunsuk, he felt all kinds of feeling one should feel at the moment you see the person you thought you could trust the most abandon you. That’s how he felt, abandoned, he was kidnaped on his own company, under his protection, he was supposed to be free but then they gave him another mission, one that could mean the end of himself, since he, by all means, couldn’t kill the person he came to love the most, the one who became his life, his wishes, his desires.

Slowly, he took a few steps until he was face to face with his boss, narrow eyes and threatening stance, he coughed. Hyunsuk was already looking at him, his face calm, like he had no idea what happened, like anything had happened at all. And to Jiyong’s surprise, or just to piss him off, he smiled at him, a warm, genuine and pure smile. Jiyong scoffed and looked to the side, Chaerin was talking with Dara and James was cleaning his nails with his knife. He shook his head and looked back at Hyunsuk, his voice so low he was sure only Hyunsuk could hear him.

“Why didn’t you look for me?” Was all Jiyong could say, even if he had any other profanities planned, his mouth only spoke those silly and calm words. Hyunsuk, however, looked pained, hurt by those words that Jiyong had swear could mean no harm.

“You think we forgot about you?” Hyunsuk said, his voice portraying the feeling of regret he was feeling, or so Jiyong thought, he couldn’t be sure.

“I doubt it looked like you were making such an effort.” He spoke, not even pointing the obvious wounds on his whole body, on his face, his arms, his stomach, even his legs. He felt all sore, pain was starting to get the best of him, but he was good at ignoring it, even if it was starting to make his legs shake, he could ignore it.

“We searched everywhere for you Jiyong, everywhere, but what’s not meant to be found, it can’t be dug out.” He said, and for a moment, Jiyong felt the urge, the unavoidable urge to kill him right at that moment.

“Am I some sort of treasure you need to dig?” He hissed, almost spitting at his face. Hyunsuk shook his head quickly and looked up. Jiyong wasn’t a tall man, he had always known height wasn’t his advantage into the idol world –idols used to be tall, and he was somewhat right on the average line– but it sure was on his other world, but even on his short height –about 5’11”- but he was visible taller than Hyunsuk, who was probably about 5’6”.

“No Jiyong, God how can you say that?” He said, his eyes strained and red, probably from exhaustation, or pain, or both. Jiyong scoffed and shook his head, a smirk quite visible on his handsome yet bruised face.

“Really? Then what difference could it make if I shoot myself right now? Would you try to stop me?” He said, pointing his gun to his head, still with the smirk on his face. “Or would you allow me to do it? It would save us money on medicines, on treatment I certainly won’t need anymore.” He said, gun firmly on his head. Hyunsuk made a quick movement to stop him, but stopped and smile at him.

“Go on, shoot” Hyunsuk said, and Jiyong smiled wider.

“You think I won’t do it?” He said. Then Hyunsuk looked to the side, where Chaerin was busy planning some stuffs with Dara, then looked at Jiyong, who was still smiling, not taking his eyes off him.

“I think you won’t, not with her here.” He said pointing towards Chaerin. Jiyong looked to the side, slightly moving his head, and the smile on his face disappeared. He had forgotten about her, on his eerie rage, he had forgotten she even existed. He heard Hyunsuk chuckling, and with a stern face, he lowered the gun, and just in that exact moment, Chaerin looked at him and smiled. He couldn’t bring himself to smile anymore, thinking of every possible reason to stop having her by her side, thinking of every moment that could go to waste if he ever tried to kill himself again.

It had been an easy escape in the past. Forget about everything and just shoot, forget about everything and just cut your veins, but now, his life had a meaning, a reason, another person to look up for, and to cherish life with. He took a deep breath and looked back at Hyunsuk, he was smiling, a pure and gentle smile, that type of smile your father would give you when he found out you were in love, and he was.

“I know what she means to you, and I know what you mean to her. You’re not going to just throw that away, wouldn’t you?” Hyunsuk said, now extending his hand towards Jiyong’s gun. “Give me that, for now.” He spoke, and Jiyong, deep in thought, gave it to him. He closed his eyes and shook his head, then let out a sigh and opened them up, looking straight into Hyunsuk eyes.

“I’m free.” He said and walked towards James and the others, repeating again and again those words that had meant so much to him once and now seemed like an empty promise, like a fate taken away by God himself, like a prison, like handcuffs. Now freedom seemed to be a luxury, he knew he couldn’t have it, now he was sure, but at least, he could fight for it, fight for what he thought was the best, and that meant, fighting for Chaerin, whatever the cost.


Gily's Notes: Hello!!

A little bit of Jiyong's mind, I don't think I will do it again, neither I think I won't xD

Hope you enjoyed his side of the story, the little mystery that's him. 

Don't forget to comment!

Love you all!!

Happy Reading ~

Gily ♥

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Will try and update every weekend!


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nitafitrna #1
Chapter 36: Gosh.. i thought it will be a happy ending. But thanks for the story author!
cipluk #2
Chapter 38: I cannot read oc especially female oc
Chapter 15: Until here. I still can't get innnnn >.< why i feel this too sudden or fast XD . Everything too sudden. Act, feeling, situation. Mybe cuz i still don't get situation is. Clearing/progressing thing happen too slow & frust getting in slowly to stop XD well~still need to continue.
Chapter 17: you know I don't know if you still writing but I love your story..going to continue will comment once I finished the story.
Chapter 11: Idk but I love their phone conversations. They never fail to put a stupid smile on my face.
Chapter 25: Reading this again and again and again...
Randomxx #7
Chapter 33: omg )): why did you do this to me T___T squeal pls omg soBS
Chapter 34: author-nim you meaaanieeeee... *SOBS* * WAILS* WHYYYYYY.. i was like... idk im happy this isnt over yet but but but.. ahhh why does it hurt so muuuch i cant take the pain nooooooo *dies* well i will see you later in collision~ now imma prepare myself for more intense and dramatic chapters aigoo aigooooo
FrenchKijibe #9
Chapter 34: Gily !!! it was so so so great, so damn sad but so great ! the ending seriously broke my heart…but I GUESS you had to break our heart to create the sequel, it's not like we were expecting something like they got married had two children and then three years later they're dealing with their enemy with two kiddos around …
no with you it's always more dramatic and I LOVE IT … so dying to read the first chapter…I've seen that you've already updated it but I'm giving myself a break between Collide and Collision to let my brain process that Collide is finished …
thank you so much for this story it was such a pleasure reading it, I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow when I'll start Collision (yeah my break is short!)
FrenchKijibe #10
Chapter 31: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! tension tension tension … such a pleasure to read don't ever say that it's too long ! But I understand that you want to put an ending to it…dying to see the sequel I am sure it is going to be awesome !

I was listenning to Paradise Circus while reading your update ! it was just perfect for the actions scenes that I imagined in slow motion… the two last updates were seriously great ! I loved the epic feeling, the drama, yet always lighten by the sweet interactions and funny moments thanks to Jamie … I love how Ji is jealous of him it's really funny, god I love your characters again please don't kill one of the four members …

and god the younger brother thing … that was a SURPRISE … God you love twist in the situation !!! And what ? loose her tonight, no no no she promised to be home !!! please meek her keep her promise !

I'm not the kind to pressure the author to update but I'm willing to change … UPDATE PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ASAP !!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE