I'm a tour guide?

one lucky fan

"[You] ah, your phone's ringing!" Your mother opened the door holding your cell phone, still ringing its alarm-like ringtone. You mumbled and grumbled as you took it from her, then she left the room.

Eyes still closed, you blindly answered, "H-h..hello.." It was 10AM. On a Saturday. You would never be up this early.  

"Good morning, [You] ah!" It was Seunghyun. "We see [famous landmark] today, you want come with us?" With their constantly busy schedules, they would hardly notice how early it was for you. "Sure, what time?" "Um, uhh..12PM? Eat first, OK?" You nodded and hung up, eagerly packing for the trip.

"Hey, you didn't tell me about last night~" Your mother pried playfully, with good reason because you didn't tell her anything about yesterday. You smiled, but tried not to look too excited. "It would take the whole night to explain everything. I'll tell you tonight, hehe~"


You went a little earlier hoping to wait for them instead. But as you reached the meeting point, they had just arrived from the opposite direction. You waved and they waved back.

"Oh, [You] ah, early~" Seunghyun greeted. "Wow, she looks so cute today~" Minhwan commented shyly. The others laughed and Hongki just nudged him on the arm. "Want Seunghyun to tell her for you?" he teased. You saw the drummer blush as you were discussing with Seunghyun, but you shrugged it off not knowing why. You asked where the manager was and he explained that manager had to catch up with some old friends around the country. After further planning, Seunghyun waved his hand in the air and yelled, "OK, let's go~!", running in the wrong direction, towards the opposite street. The others quickly followed, leaving you behind staring back at them.

"Hey, guys! Come back..!" You chased after them, laughing as you did. They stopped and waited as you catched your breath. They were really skinny, but these guys could run. "None of you even know where it is, so just follow me okay? We'll get there soon," You assured gently. "We OK, map!!" Seunghyun pointed to his empty hand and then looked. Jonghun gave a rough slap to Seunghyun's shoulder. "Idiot! She lives here, of course she can lead us!" The matter was laughed off and you began to lead them to the landmark. As you traveled towards your destination, you watched them look all around them, awed by everything.

You felt great leading them around, as if you were a representative of your country, or rather, your city. They made you read the description and information around the landmark and helped them take pictures as well. Oh wait, that's more like a tour guide. Eventually your 'tour group' convinced you to let them wander around the area into the markets, the city and so on. Lots of things happened. When you stopped by a very fancy shopping mall, you saw what all fangirls had presumed. Hongki was a shopaholic; he pounced on almost everything he saw, and unfortunately it was apparent that it was Jonghun's job to keep him from overspending.

"That is the most beautiful nailpolish I have ever seen! I have to have it!!" Hongki lunged for the little bottle but was held back by Jaejin. You just laughed along with Seunghyun and Minhwan as Jonghun began to lecture the vocalist. You never thought you'd see the day, and now you had.

"Seunghyun, I'm hungry. Can we get something to eat?" Minhwan nudged at Seunghyun who translated to you. "Oh, yes. The food court is just up ahead." Coincidentally, you had just remembered that there was a fast food place that was known especially for their variety of chicken dishes. You were so very tempted to tell, but you simply whispered it to Seunghyun and nodded. The others began to spread out to decide on a meal. You followed closely behind Seunghyun who was folling closely behind Minhwan. "S..Seunghyun ah..." Seunghyun twitched at the trembling voice. He turned and replied, "Minhwan, what's wrong?"

"I..I think I see the light..the light of..CHICKEN!!!!!!" You saw the boy jump up in the air before running towards the restaurant. You laughed out loud and followed the embarassed Seunghyun, chasing after chicken boy.


It was a long day, and it seemed you had brought the boys around all over the city. After having witnessed FT Island's silly antics with your own eyes, you concluded that today had been the best day of your life. You led them back to their hotel again, a little exhausted but in a blissful state.

"You guys, she's not blinking," Jaejin noted as he waved his hand frantically in front of your face. You continued to walk, not noticing until he accidentally bopped you on the head. You jumped in shock, stopping in your tracks. The others giggled as Jaejin bowed repeatedly saying "So sorry, sorry...sorry [You] ah!" You giggled at his shyness.

Once again, representing FT Island, your favourite member Song Seunghyun gave you a bow as thanks. "Thank you again [You] ah, very fun time today! Hope you not tired?" He patted you gently on the shoulder and gave out a heartmelting smile. You felt yourself staring again, into that smile. The entire day of running around, explaining and leading them, all seemed worth it now. Then Hongki came over and snapped his fingers at you, making you flinch.

"Ya, hyung, don't be rude!" Seunghyun snapped. "I wanted a bit of fun too," he snickered. You thought nothing of it, and instead you reached up and patted the singer's head. "He must be tired, we should all get some rest.." Jonghun began.

"Hongki is probably very tired. I suggest you all get some sleep," you said as you ruffled Hongki's hair. You stopped when you saw Seunghyun's jaw drop. "Seunghyun, what is it? What did she say?" Jaejin eyed Seunghyun's shocked face. "I heard her say Hongki.." Minhwan added.

"[You] ah..Jonghun say same thing!" He laughed and told the others, making the others laugh as well.

The others bowed as thanks and once again, it was time to part ways.

"[You] ah, very nice to meet you.." Seunghyun was suddenly very shy, making you feel a little timid as well. "If..if we leave, I tell you, OK?" He slowly lifted his arm, raising his pinky. You blushed and made him a pinky promise.


Hey, guess who's not dead? Me! Haha, please don't hate me, I know it's been a long time over a month but the important thing is that I'm back right? I've been having trouble with ideas once again, even though I recovered a bit last time. Another factor is homework. It's a very important year for me, so I have much to do.

Also, I have other stories that are a bit easier to update, another Seunghyun-centric one, and one with all the members (I'm even going to start another one, believe it or not..) so check those out too, if you like.

Anyway, how was it? Please tell me if you're liking the story or not. Comments are appreciated

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jaceBlue #1
OMG I like this story and our doodles make it even more interesting :) I can totally picture the scenes because of that..anyway looking forward for the next chapter! and her mom taking picture with jaejin, it will be exciting :)
nenestar #2
:) ahh i really like this story. Especially since its focused on Seunghyun :3 hehe
lift-your-light #3
Awww~ Cute story! :D
aww, is it nearing the end then? nooooo!! this is too short!
pandaapple97 #5
Hyun's reaction omfg ahahahaha XDDDD Aww, they have to go back *sadness* The pictures at the beginning of each chappie are adorable by the way~~~!!! ^^
prisxy #6
ah chapters are short!! but lol @ seunghyun's english hahah so adorable ^^
pandaapple97 #7
I friken adore Seunghyunnie's fail english. AHHH~! So cute~! Hwaiting~!!! :DDD
yeah, you got me excited for nothing, damn.<br />
hahaha, no, just kidding. so, you got a new idea? that's great, i'll be waiting for your next project. although i might be is semi-hiatus from now on, i'll still be stalking here once in a while. <br />
@ssweetdreamer101 thank you for your patience! I have some ready, just need some touchups!
ssweetdreamer101 #10
i await for the hopefully soon to be new chapters :)