
one lucky fan

You woke up at noon the following morning. But instead of getting up, you laid in bed and looked up at the ceiling, the truth still solid in your mind: FT Island was leaving today. But it's best that you didn't might regret it even more.

"Goodbye, FT Island," you mouthed to yourself to finalize the fact.

After an hour of playing around on your phone, you finally got yourself up. Your parents were out, leaving you free to wander the city. But today, you just weren't in the mood. You passed the time in circles: eating, sleeping, going on the internet, going to the washroom..................................repeat. 

As you browsed through kpop websites, several of them had written similar articles on the same thing: Where is FT Island?

You could only sigh. It made you even more depressed. 'FT Island is over here, in [my country]. They were safe with me but are returning home now, so don't worry anymore..' you imagined yourself speaking to the netizens of the world. To them, FT Island was a very talented group; but in Korea they were constantly under the shadows of dance groups. Thinking of their return to Korea, you began to worry over what might happen to them. Will their antifans increase drastically? Will they be dropped out of FNC?

In a recent emergency conference, the president of the company was quoted saying, "There are many ways to think of this situation. FT Island is a very experienced team and have developed professional skills as they progressed. However, they are still young and are still learning but we will make sure this does not happen again. We located them and are ensuring that they are being welcomed back into Korea." Unfortunately the whereabouts of FT Island had not been revealed but as long as they return, all the fans will be happy again and continue to support them! So please come back, FT Island, we are worried about you!  

You didn't want to worry more, but reading the articles didn't help at all. What does the president mean when he says "we will make sure this does not happen again?" They must be in big trouble..but all you could do was sit there and express your worries with the rest of the comments on the article page. Then you stopped scrolling. You got up and headed for the kitchen, hoping to munch on something to let out your frustration.


*ring *


You didn't want to pick up your phone. It was one of your memories; getting calls from Seunghyun was your favourite part of the summer.




Maybe your mother needed you to buy groceries.




Or maybe your best friend came back from the States. She did say she'd be back this week. You hurried towards your phone before it stopped ringing.
























"[You] ah!"



"Seunghyun? I-Is that you?"


"Help us!! Come to airport!"


"Huh? Wait, what's wrong?"


"Flight cancel!"


You practically flew out the door.



Flight #AV357 has been cancelled due to poor weather conditions.

If you hadn't left the house, you would have been surprised. But the trip to the airport was terrible; apparently there had been strong winds all day and a storm had just started and continued to rage on. You searched around until you reached the terminal number that Seunghyun had given you on your way to the airport.   

"[You] ah!!" You heard your name and loud footsteps from a distance. Only one person could sound like that, and you were right about who it was as you turned around and saw Seunghyun running and panting.

"[You] ah, thank you for coming. I, need your help today.." He started as he caught his breath. "Yes, go on..?" They probably needed help with booking or hotel arrangements.

"Can we sleep, at your house tonight?"

You almost shrieked.

Without thinking you nodded your head in excitement. But you were able to stop yourself to notify your parents.

"Please mom, please~??" You couldn't control your voice, you were too excited.

"Really, after you ran out of the house in that kind of storm? I don't know.." Argh. You didn't think about that. Changing the topic might help..

"Please, mom! I wanted to help them! If you met your favourite musicians I'm sure you would help them too!"  

She hesitated before giving an answer. "I think we can fit them all, but I wonder what your father would say.." She was okay with anything but all decisions had to be passed through your dad. An idea came up and so you began to pretend to sniff into the phone.

"But mom, I really wanted you to meet your favourite member, Jaejin.."

No reply

"They only need one night, after that they'll leave..I promise.."


"I want to take a picture with him, okay? Jaejin, right?" Your mom laughed cheerfully into the phone. "Oh, thank you mom!! I love you!" You hung up with a wide grin on your face.

"[You] ah, it's okay?" Your grin said it all. His face lit up into a smile; he grabbed your hands and began jumping up and down, and you jumped along with him. Your excitement brought a few tears to your eyes, but you wiped them away secretly.

"Thank you, [You] ah!!" He exclaimed out loud and stopped jumping to pull you into a tight hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, [You] ah!!!"

You were in need of air, but you were glad you were able to help them..and hug Seunghyun. At that moment you were thankful for your parents, and for the flight cancellation to bring you into this situation. As the others approached the two of you, they scratched their heads and wondered why the two of you were insanely jumping and dancing around.

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jaceBlue #1
OMG I like this story and our doodles make it even more interesting :) I can totally picture the scenes because of that..anyway looking forward for the next chapter! and her mom taking picture with jaejin, it will be exciting :)
nenestar #2
:) ahh i really like this story. Especially since its focused on Seunghyun :3 hehe
lift-your-light #3
Awww~ Cute story! :D
aww, is it nearing the end then? nooooo!! this is too short!
pandaapple97 #5
Hyun's reaction omfg ahahahaha XDDDD Aww, they have to go back *sadness* The pictures at the beginning of each chappie are adorable by the way~~~!!! ^^
prisxy #6
ah chapters are short!! but lol @ seunghyun's english hahah so adorable ^^
pandaapple97 #7
I friken adore Seunghyunnie's fail english. AHHH~! So cute~! Hwaiting~!!! :DDD
yeah, you got me excited for nothing, damn.<br />
hahaha, no, just kidding. so, you got a new idea? that's great, i'll be waiting for your next project. although i might be is semi-hiatus from now on, i'll still be stalking here once in a while. <br />
@ssweetdreamer101 thank you for your patience! I have some ready, just need some touchups!
ssweetdreamer101 #10
i await for the hopefully soon to be new chapters :)