One Step Forward

I Want You To Know Me

~~2 months ago~~

I finally wrote a letter to ________ after a month. I just didn’t know what to say. I had the idea of sending letters every week, but I just couldn’t.

I wanted to write, but I didn’t know what to say. She didn’t write back either, so I thought she forgot about me and moved on.

After that one month, I couldn’t help but think about her, and how happy she made me. I guess it’s true; you don’t know how much someone means to you until they’re gone.

I had to put up an ad for a new roommate and she moved in 3 weeks ago. I kind of have the money to live on my own, but I thought I should save up a bit more before I do that.

Her name is Seoyeon. She was a bit sceptic to room with a man, but she said she was running away from something and said it was fine.

“Hakyeon you can take your shower now.” She said as she was drying her hair. I nodded and was heading towards the washroom, when suddenly there was a knock at the door. Seoyeon gestured with her hands that I should go into the washroom, and headed towards the front door.

I started to hear yelling from unfamiliar female voice and walked out of the washroom. I saw an older woman yelling at Seoyeon. I walked towards them and gestured with my hands for them to calm down. “Keep it down; the neighbours will hear you.” I said.

The woman looked over to me and gave me a look of scorn. “Is this your boyfriend or something?” she said in a derogative manner. Seoyeon looked like she was full of distraught. “I’m Hakyeon.” I said as I extended my hand. “I’m her roommate.”

She just stared at my hand. Seoyeon pointed at the woman. “Hakyeon…this is my sister Hayeon.”

I smiled at her and said, “Wow. It’s just one letter away from my name.”

Her face softened a bit, until she looked back at her sister. “Why did you run away? Do you know how much trouble you’ve caused our family?”

Seoyeon’s face saddened and I was now in the middle of something awkward.

“After you left, mom started blaming dad for you leaving, and for every little thing! They ended up separating because of you!”


They continued to fight a bit more until Hayeon was about to leave. I grabbed onto her arm to stop her. “I’m not letting you leave until you two clear things up.”

She then glared at me. “I know it’s none of my business, but I can’t stand to see siblings fighting over something stupid.”

She gasped at me and asked, “And an outsider knows better?”

I nodded and cleared my throat. “From what I heard, Seoyeon left because she couldn’t take being ridiculed by her family anymore, and you just want to blame her for everything that went wrong in your life.”

Hayeon glared at me as she turned her back at me. “TURN AROUND AND FACE ME!” I yelled. She immediately turned around with a shocked look on her face.

I took a deep breath and calmed down. “I believe that every relationship that can be saved; should be saved.

I took a moment to think about _________. If only I took my own advice at that time. I think we were friends, but she could still be here and may even be something more by now.

I snapped out of it and brought my attention Hayeon. “Hayeon you need to apologise to your sister and admit to being in the wrong. Ignorance gets you nowhere.”

I then looked over to Seoyeon. “Seoyeon…You need to apologise to your sister too. You still left all your responsibilities behind for your sister to pick up.”

They took a moment to collect themselves. “I’m sorry…I guess I never thought about how things would turn out once I left.” Seoyeon said as she walked a bit closer to her sister.

Hayeon scratched her head and then gave Seoyeon a hug. “I guess I took too much on you…I’m sorry.”

I smiled at what was unfolding in front of me. “Are you going to come back then?” Hayeon asked her. Seoyeon thought for a bit, and then looked over at me and gave me a hug. “Thank you so much Hakyeon for getting us to at least talk thing out a bit. There’s still a lot more to do, but this is definitely a start.”

I hugged her back and nodded at her. She walked towards her room. “Let me just pack up.”

Hayeon soon followed her to help her pack, as did I.

Hayeon took Seoyeon’s bags and took them to her car. Seohyun then gave me another hug. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

I patted her head and said, “You’re welcome. Take care of your sister though.” She pouted at my reaction. “So you never had feelings for me or something?” she joked.

I poked her forehead. “Stop kidding around.”

She giggled and began to analyse me. “I think you always loved someone else anyway.”

I felt my face begin to blush. “H-How can you tell?” I asked. She gave me a smirk and said, “You always gave off a vibe that you’re not interested in other people, so you must have someone in your heart.”

I scratched my head and giggled. “You might be right.”

She gave me a hug goodbye and told me, “Well good luck with that then. I’ll see you around.” I nodded and waved goodbye to her.

I then sat down on the couch and made a huge sigh. I guess my feelings are real. I do love her.

Updated rather quickly this time since I'm not busy.

Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. Feedback is always loved. :3

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LAST CHAPTER IS UP!!!! Sorry for the wait! :3


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Chapter 7: How could I describe this? I'm freaking in love with your story ya know????? Aaaaaaaah! How sweeeet XD
Rustybear9294 #2
Chapter 7: Aww it was so sweet. I really liked the story.
Chapter 4: Aww it's soo sweet a bit sad, but sweet!!! I hope they find jobs soon
Chapter 2: Wahhh, this is really good :') I'm loving it so far! I can really feel their emotions through your writing. Update SOON! :D <3
Chapter 2: Aww how sweet!!!!
Chapter 1: Wahh! I love how even though this story is sad, you're bringing Hakyeon's bright personality out really well ^^ Can't wait to read more! :D
Chapter 1: Aww it's a sweet, yet sad chapter!! And it's definitely interesting!!!! Can't wait for the next update!!! :3