
I Want You To Know Me

The next day my phone rang. I picked it up and read the caller ID; it was my mother.

“Hello?” I answered.

“________! How are you?”

I took a deep breath. “I’m…fine…”

“You don’t sound fine.”

I know you can’t hide anything from your mother, so I decided to tell her that I lost my job.

“That’s terrible! I’m really worried about you now. Why don’t you come home and relax since you won’t be able to pay for rent anymore.”

I looked over to Hakyeon who was preparing breakfast. Only thoughts of wanting to not be a burden to him came through my mind. If I wasn’t here, it would be easier on him. He wouldn’t have to feed me or worry about me anymore.

“Yeah mom…I think that would be for the best…I’ll come back today.”

Hakyeon overheard what I said and turned around to face me. I ended the call and walked towards Hakyeon. I then explained to him what the conversation was about, and he looked gloomy.

“Well if you made up your mind I won’t stop you.” He said. He gave me a huge hug. “I’ll really miss you though.” He finished. He then pointed at the plate he set on the table and said, “I guess this will be the last meal we’ll have together.” I nodded and sat at the table.


Hakyeon seed me off at the bus station. He told me that we should exchange letters to each other to keep in touch. He said it would be nicer than texting. I agreed to it by giving him my address, then I gave him a hug goodbye, and got onto the bus.

I could only feel sadness from all of this. Tears started falling down my cheeks, so I pulled my hood up to cover my face a bit. I guess it’s true; you don’t know how much someone means to you until they’re gone.


A month past and I never received a letter from Hakyeon. It was only until today that I received one. I opened it up and read it.

Dear ________,

I’m sorry that I haven’t sent you a letter, despite being the one who thought of the idea.

I didn’t know what to say, and I didn’t want to send a letter saying ‘how are you?’

I hope you’re doing well, I know I am. I got a new job at another bank, and the higher ups respect me and even say I have a bright future ahead of me.

I’ve always been worried about you; wondering if you got a new job there or if things are not working out for you at all.

I know that I didn’t send any letters, but my address never changed! You could have sent one! For all I knew, you could have fallen into a river and gotten drifted away! You haven’t, right?

Anyway…I’ve really missed your presence here. I really do hope to see you again.

Sincerely, Hakyeon

I smiled at the letter. It’s just like Hakyeon to say such sweet words, and then joke around with it. I felt really sad when I read the words ‘I’ve always been worried about you’; I don’t want him worried about me.

I took out a piece of paper and grabbed a pen and began to write.

Dear Hakyeon,

I didn’t know what to say in a letter either, so I never wrote one.

I’m really glad that you got a new job. I’m doing alright. I’m still taking a break while looking for a new job. I hope I’ll find one soon, I don’t want to be left behind!

You also don’t have to worry about me anymore; I haven’t fallen into a river.

I hesitated at the next line.

I met a guy.

Tears started forming in my eyes.

He treats me really well and I’m really happy with him. I hope you’ll find your happiness too.

Sincerely, _________

I put down my pen and grabbed a few tissues to wipe the tears flowing down my cheeks.

I really want him to be happy.

Two more months had past until I went back. I went in for a job interview to become a dental hygienist, and I got the job. I thought about going back to Hakyeon, but I figured he moved on already. I wandered around continuously for a place to stay, but they were all either too expensive or unavailable.

As I was walking, I encountered the riverbank where I and Hakyeon always spent our time together. I decided to take a seat to reminisce about the past. A smile appeared on my face when I remembered it all; I really miss those times.

I got up and turned around to leave, when I stopped in my tracks. There stood Hakyeon staring back at me wide eyed. A small smile appeared on his face as he approached me.

“Is it really you?” he asked me. I nodded and responded with, “Yeah…I’m back.”

He gave me a huge hug. “Why didn’t you send me a letter saying you were coming back?” he asked me. I then told him about the job interview and how it was a last minute thing.

“Hey…What say we go to a restaurant to eat this time? I can afford it this time.” He asked me. I nodded and he led the way.

As we were eating, I couldn’t help but notice how happy he seems. All I could feel is hatred towards myself for saying such a lie. I’m really happy that I get to see him again, but what would happen if I told him I lied?


I’m really happy to see her again. She looks so happy now.

I had conflicting thoughts about this, since the only thing that crossed my mind is that man in her heart; the one that made her happy for the past few months.

I’m really glad she’s happy, but I only wish it was because of me. I am finally financially stable, but I can only feel pain for what I haven’t done yet.

If only I said that I didn’t want her to go. If only I said to her that I would try and make her happy.

I'm so sorry for such a late update. I hope this one makes up for it.

A lot of things happened in this chapter and I hope everyone likes it.

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LAST CHAPTER IS UP!!!! Sorry for the wait! :3


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Chapter 7: How could I describe this? I'm freaking in love with your story ya know????? Aaaaaaaah! How sweeeet XD
Rustybear9294 #2
Chapter 7: Aww it was so sweet. I really liked the story.
Chapter 4: Aww it's soo sweet a bit sad, but sweet!!! I hope they find jobs soon
Chapter 2: Wahhh, this is really good :') I'm loving it so far! I can really feel their emotions through your writing. Update SOON! :D <3
Chapter 2: Aww how sweet!!!!
Chapter 1: Wahh! I love how even though this story is sad, you're bringing Hakyeon's bright personality out really well ^^ Can't wait to read more! :D
Chapter 1: Aww it's a sweet, yet sad chapter!! And it's definitely interesting!!!! Can't wait for the next update!!! :3