It's Nice to Meet You

I Want You To Know Me

“You know you’re being very rude by not replying to me.”

Every day I remember every insult made to me, whether it’s from random people or my own family. I always feel terrible about myself when I find out how others see me.

“Why are you so unsociable?”

Why is it so hard for people to be nice to one another?

“Why do you like that? That’s just weird.”

Why is it so hard to accept someone’s differences?

I snapped out of it and looked at my phone. My lunch break is over. I got up and headed back to work.


“Why can’t you write properly?”

Every day my boss makes me suffer. He likes to play with me until he can’t think of anything else to do, until I get a new project that is. Despite growing up with so much love, I can’t help but feel like I want to go back to that.

“This is terrible! Redo it!”

Did you even read the whole thing?

“Why did they even hire you?”

Because they thought I was suitable for the job. You’re just not letting me prove myself with your ignorance.

I snapped out of it and looked at my watch. My lunch break is over. I got up and headed back to my desk.

After work I headed home. My new roommate is supposed to move in today. I was lucky enough that someone actually took interest in the advertisement I posted online. I know it’s kind of scary to room with someone you haven’t met before, but I can’t pay for the rent by myself. I also spoke to him over the phone yesterday and he seemed okay, but what do I know.

I opened the door to my apartment and was welcomed by the smell of chicken. Suddenly a tall man with a huge smile on his face greeted me. “You must be _________~! I’m Hakyeon~! It’s nice to meet you~~~~!” he said as he hugged me tightly.

As I stood there, being squished by him, I thought that maybe it would have been better to room with a serial killer.

“Did you just get off work now?” he asked me.

I nodded. “Yeah. I’m a receptionist at a dental office. You seem to get off early.”

He scratched his head and turned around, averting my attention. “Yeah…I…uh…never really got promoted, so I have a low end job as an assistant to the regional manager of a bank.” He said with a low voice.

I looked over to the kitchen and remembered that I smelled chicken when I entered. “Did you make dinner?” I inquired.

He turned and shuffled towards the kitchen. He took out a plate and put chicken on it. He brought the plate over to me with a smile on his face. “Since you weren’t here yet, I took the liberty to make something for when you get back, as a thank you for letting me live with you. I also figured that you’d be hungry when you get home.”

My heart fluttered. I never knew how nice it felt when someone cooks you dinner out of the goodness of their heart.

“Th-thank you.” I stuttered. I took the plate and sat down at the table. He went back into the kitchen to put rice into bowls, and serve himself chicken. I took a bite and couldn’t believe what I tasted.

“So?” he asked me. I couldn’t keep a straight face anymore.

I swallowed the chicken and rushed over to the fridge to get some water.

“I-It’s that bad?” he asked as he took a bite. He immediately spat it out and rushed over to the fridge to wash down the taste.

“I-It’s too salty…and the flavour is weird…” I told him.

He gave me a smile. “I’m not much of a cook. If you’d like, I’ll take you out to eat.”

When we returned from a delicious dinner, I took my shower and headed to my bed. I wrapped myself in my sheets and thought about my day. Hakyeon made me dinner. I appreciate the thought more, even if it didn’t turn out well. No one even thought about doing something like that for me. He even took me out to dinner to fix his mistake. He made me feel comfortable enough for me to talk about myself.

As I thought about everything, I began to cry. Even though it was only a couple of hours, they were the best hours of my life so far. I feel like I don’t deserve his kindness.


I took my shower and headed towards my room. I need to save up for a bed, so for the mean time I’m sleeping on a sheet on the floor. I noticed a blanket rolled up in the middle of my room with a note on it. I picked up the note and read it:

‘I know it’s not much, but I have an extra blanket. I figured you don’t have a bed of your own, and it gets pretty chilly in here at night. If you don’t need it, you can return it to me.’

I began to tear up. I’ve missed how it feels to receive kindness. I sometimes wish I can go back to being a child and receive love from my family, but I know that it’s not right. I shouldn’t depend on others like that, or hold onto the past. I can’t help but cry though. 

I know it's a little short, but I felt like ending the chapter like this.

How is it so far? Is it interesting enough?

**For future reference, (~~~) means that the perspective changes.**

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LAST CHAPTER IS UP!!!! Sorry for the wait! :3


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Chapter 7: How could I describe this? I'm freaking in love with your story ya know????? Aaaaaaaah! How sweeeet XD
Rustybear9294 #2
Chapter 7: Aww it was so sweet. I really liked the story.
Chapter 4: Aww it's soo sweet a bit sad, but sweet!!! I hope they find jobs soon
Chapter 2: Wahhh, this is really good :') I'm loving it so far! I can really feel their emotions through your writing. Update SOON! :D <3
Chapter 2: Aww how sweet!!!!
Chapter 1: Wahh! I love how even though this story is sad, you're bringing Hakyeon's bright personality out really well ^^ Can't wait to read more! :D
Chapter 1: Aww it's a sweet, yet sad chapter!! And it's definitely interesting!!!! Can't wait for the next update!!! :3