Keep the wings wide open

The Phoenix Inside


Aniya’s  POV

-Great! Where am I now? I’ve ran like a lunatic, and now what? I’m in the middle of a road, with no cars passing by, no people, not even stray dogs. What is this place? I should start looking around me from time to time, I always get lost like this because of my impulsive side. Yeah, I should revise my attitude, right after I figure out how on Earth I’m going to get home.

-Well, well. Look who we have here!

-What? What was that?

-What is wrong sweetie? Don’t you recognize my voice?  I’m…

-Chunji?! What the…?

-SHUSH! You shouldn’t speak bad words.

 He was smirking just like a jerk he is. What is wrong with guys these days? Who do they think they are? I’m sick of these kind of guys.

-Just get out of my way.

-Don’t wanna. And anyway, you need my help. You don’t know where you are.

-Yes I do. In fact, I’m like a map. I know exactly where I am.

-Keep lying to yourself like you always do. Look, I’m going to be a nice guy and take you home.

-And you keep dreaming. I won’t go anywhere with you.

I was about to turn around when I suddenly couldn’t keep myself on my feet. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I felt like the entire world was spinning and my vision became blurry. Then… totally darkness.

Chunji’s POV

What just happened? What is wrong with her? She fainted? But why? She’s a health freak. She never felt sick, she was always careful with what happened to her body. What now? I should take her home, even though she may hate me after this. But doesn’t she hate me already? So, what’s the difference? Ok, here I go.

Wait a freaking minute. She’s skinnier than when I saw her last time. I can’t even feel he in my arms. What really happened here? Has she gone nuts? I will have to ask her a lot of questions. Even though, she might not want to answer them, I will force her. But why do I care? Well. I better stop lying to myself. I’ve always cared, but I was too scared to tell her. I’ve loved her all this time. I tried dating other girls like I used to, but after I’ve met I couldn’t. I thought it was going to pass, like it did with other girls. But it was not the same with her. There is something   different about her. Something that made me feel attached to her like a puppet to its master. The strings are really tied to me. I have to make her mine again, but this time, forever.

Finally home. Now the keys. Under the carpet. She should stop leaving it here. Good thing her house is somewhat hidden. Otherwise she might be left without it. Woaaa! What is this ? her house never looked like this before. It’s too clean. I mean, it’s not that she was a messy girl, just, let’s say unorganized. Now it’s like a cleaning hurricane came by. Everything is in its place , shining from the cleaningness . I’ll take her to her room.

What?! Green? What’s with this colour in her room? She doesn’t like green. At least, not that much, so she would paint her walls that colour. And the pictures? Where are the pictures with us and  the others? And with all the places she wanted to visit. And what’s with all these mirrors? Too much, she had only one and didn’t really paid attention to it. What really happened? Oh… at least her career dream didn’t change. Here are the results from applying to it. Let’s see…

“ Congratulations, Ms. Kim Ani Ya , you have passed the first stage of becoming a flight attendant, entering the preparation school. You will begin the classes starting this Monday. Good luck, you will find all the answers to all your questions on this flyer. We are glad to have you here. Keep the wings wide open!”

Now that is something really nice. “Keep the wings wide open!” She will always do. I will help her. Don’t worry Aniya I will take care of you.  





Author's Note

Hi guys! I hope you like the story so far. Please subscribe and comment,I would really like some feedback, so I can be sure I'm not wasting  virtual paperlaugh. Thank you!

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kyniam #2
sounds interesting