Chapter three- Revenge

Sibling Confusion

I hear footsteps fast on my trail 

'NO NO NOOO, THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO DIEEE' I scream as I attempt to escape, I was good at a lot of things, but one thing I was not good at was in fact...yes you guessed it, running.

I went both on my hands and feet as I rushed up the stairs, almost resembling a monkey but I obviously did not care as my life was currently on the balance.

My legs suddenly gave out as I reached the final step on the stairs, I could feel it twist and knock against the step and the next thing I know is that my body is being hurled backwards.

I shut my eyes, as I did not want to see my life flash before my eyes, I'd basically rather die not seeing my own death unfold ..if that makes sense?

However just as I braced my body for Impact, I instead feel two hands encircle my waist to steady me, quite aware of who those arms belong to, I immediately crouch my body and fall onto the step, causing Luhan to slide down with me as well.

In those few seconds I crouched down, I allowed my mind to gather up the events of the day and play it out like a slideshow, I could not even fathom the huge change in my behaviour. Had I really just kneed Luhan on the nuts, then attempted to run away from him, WHILST screaming like a headless chicken?. My face heats up with mortification; and I virtually feel it sizzle as I put one hand on my cheek to calm myself

 'You can fry bacon on them' I internally think with a huge grimace implanted on my face 

 As I was about to free myself from his grasp, I notice his hold on me tighten

'Nah uh, You ain't going anywhere' He whispers into my ears, this eerily resembled a kidnap situation and I knew I couldn't back down, even if he was my adopted brother who I was seeing after 10 years. Who knows what he done in those 10 years of absence, probably killed his carers before making his way here to kill me. I involantarily shiver at that thought.

My mind was going completely off tangent and creating different scenarios and I knew I needed to think rationally and calm down

'Okay Luhan, I know you won't kill me. We have sibling history together' I manage to get out through all the struggling

'What?' He asks confusedly, while carrying on holding onto both my arms firmly

'Do you genuinely believe I'm going to kill you?' he asks me while loosening his hold a tiny bit

I , for one knew that was a farfetched idea; seeing as that the Luhan I grew up with wouldn't t even hurt a fly, well he'd hurt me through his childish tantrums, but apart from that he won't hurt anything else.

'Can you please just let me go' I mumble, choosing to ignore his previous question

'No not before I do this' he mumbles as he drags me down the stairs by the arm and into the kitchen

'UH NOO' I think aloud, I knew what he was going to do and it wasn't pretty, while holding tightly onto one of my arms he grabbed a jug from underneath the sink and filled it up entirely with water. 

'OH GOSH NO, please Luhaaan ..whyyy?!' I squeal when I see the content of the liquid

'For kneeing me somewhere you shouldn't ever knee' he says while looking at me in annoyance. Before I could even prepare myself I feel a force of Ice cold water hit my head and flow through my clothes,drenching me completely.

I stand still for a split second, mainly because the coldness numbed my body of the ability to move, and also because I was completely annoyed by his behaviour.

'You-you-you' I struggle to speak with the constant chatter of my teeth

'I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THIS' I scream at him in one go

'You deserve it' he snarls at me

'What, NO I DON'T' I say with anger lacing through my words

'This is so typical of you Luhan, always hurting others for your own amusement..just grow up, I am not your ragdoll anymore' I half-scream at him and send him a deadly glare which he reciprocrates easily

'Ragdoll? why are you making it sound like I tormented you when we were younger?' he asks with annoyance

'Well you did didn't you. Always treating me like the dirt beneath the ground'

'Hey hey hey, I don't know what kind of memories your'e digging up but I for sure never treated you like '

Okay I was slightly exaggerating, we fought when we were younger but it wasn't entirely bad. But my mood at the moment was extremely off and I just wanted to find more reasons to shout at him. As I was preparing my lecture at him , he spoke up.

'If you just opened your eyes then and saw things as they actually were, you would have seen a lot of things differently now' he finishes off quietly

I honestly did not know what he was getting at, but his expression turned solemn for a second and made me shut back the retort I  was going to throw at him

'What do you mean?' I hesitantly ask

'What do you mean..what do you mean?' he replies dumbly

'You know what I mean'

'What do you mean?'

'You know what I mean' this conversation was becoming exhausting and I was a second away from grabbing a fistful of my hair and yanking it all out. As I waited for him to reply back stupidly, he didnt, well not the stupid reply I thought he'll say

'Thats for me to know' He answers back, slightly smirking 'And for you to find out' I say the last part with him and roll my eyes

'Well this argument escalated fast and finished quickly' he smirks at me

'I'm still annoyed at you' I instantly reply

'As I am too'

'Can I ask you something?'

'That depends..'


'Okay, go ahead

'Why are you back..honestly, don't lie and tell me the complete truth'

I wait for him to answer back with a detailed reason for his return, but instead he says something which takes me by complete surprise 

'I have to go'

And he walks out of the kitchen and I hear the front door open and close. What hits me a second later is that I didn't even try to stop him.












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secretlol #1
update please. i think i know why Luhan got taken away from them.
seohan_irish #2
Chapter 5: authornim,please update...i want to know what is actually going it true that luhan loves seohyun?
Chapter 5: Author-nim, when will you update?T-T.....
Seohan0924 #4
Chapter 5: Update soon
hind_seotae_kaihun #5
Chapter 5: Update soon plz it's an awesome story
overwhelmed #6
Chapter 5: So funny hahahah thanks for the update :)) update soon XD i like that you update regularly haha
Chapter 5: Please update soon! ^_^
HerLovelyWinterRose #8
Chapter 5: 'During those five years things changed in how I saw people, some negatively.....others well, a little too positively’

I think that means that he saw someone from his circle of aquaintances as more than something... And In my opinion, he saw Seohyun as more than a sister~ XD

Update soon juseyoo~~~ XD
Betbet66 #9
Chapter 5: İt is gonna be interesting,please update soon!
koreanchick #10
Chapter 5: oh i bet he likes seobaby. well i guess who wouldnt