Chapter Two- Not the nuts

Sibling Confusion

I woke up at 9 am the next day, immediately remembering the events of yesterday. I was deciding on whether to get out of bed and meet the situation downstairs or stay in bed and avoid the drama, which is guaranteed to ensue. However a knock on my door halted my thinking.

I sit quietly for awhile, I knew it would be mother, definitely not father, I don't think he ever entered my room before. 

I then thought 'Would it be Luhan?' I whisper to myself, feeling agitated all of a sudden, I then think against Luhan coming in to my room..why would he anyway? but just to make sure, I thought I should first ask 

'Who is it?' I exclaimed in a loud,clear voice

'It's me' answered a deep yet smooth voice, I didn't have to guess who that was

'Erm, Hey..bro? What do you want' I answer all but awkwardly.

'Bro?' I hear him repeat after me quietly, almost as if the word was completely alien to him, it even sounded completely foreign to me.

'I need to talk to you' I hear him answering from behind the door. I was not even dressed properly and couldn't possibly allow him to see me in this state

'Ermm..can you come back after five minutes? I'm not decent'

'Huh what do you mean..not decent?' 

My face went ripe red, heres the thing..I sleep with a bra on. It feels stuffy wearing too many layers of clothes and way too uncomfortable.

I , however could not tell him that I was half now,so I jump out of bed, well in actuality roll out of bed, fall on to the ground with a loud thud and run to my closet.


'Give me five minutes' I shout back at him, half exhausted from falling and rifling through my closet.

It was harder to find decent clothes while under a high amount of pressure. I brisk my fingers through all my clothes and finally find some flowery green and pink pajamas bottoms and a random red jumper with a picture of two Deer's on it and two small metal bells..WAIT BELLS.

Thinking that it's modest and demure enough I rapidly pull them on and  ignore the bells on the jumper, in addition to the completely mismatched outfit.I open the door whilst huffing and puffing, also with the obvious birds nest on my head. Hey, I'm a real girl, we don't wake up with perfectly straight hair like in most dramas.

I see Luhan's eyes raking up and down my body, I subconsciously put an arm over my chest feeling extremely self conscious at the moment, he looks at me with no emotion and suddenly breaks all trace of seriousness from his face and replaces it with a maniacal laugh. I look at him, quite embarrassed

'What the... hell is... going on with... your clothes' he struggles to speak through his extreme chuckle fit, I could see a few visible tears tumbling down his cheeks

'Do I look that bad' I think aloud

'Do you look bad..Hahahaha, can I please buy you a mirror? so you can see the monstrosity yourself'

Now I felt completely and utterly offended, before I could even let a word in he spoke up again

'I mean I knew you said you weren't decent at the moment, but I didn't expect a clown to walk through. And what's up with those bells near your chest, isn't that a bit too for poor, sweet,innocent Seohyun?' He said in a mocking manner.

I couldn't stand him making fun of me anymore, if anyone knew me properly they would know I am extremely sensitive and this boy was taking it way too far. Without even contemplating over the consequences of my action I lifted my hand hand out to slap him, however before my hands could make impact with his face, his fast reflexes notify him and he quickly holds on to my hand with extreme force

'Were you just trying to slap me' he says while looking at me confusedly and intensely. My brain told me to play dumb and I thought it was a brilliant idea, brain over heart right..I won't even mention what my heart was screaming, freaky I thought

'I wasn't trying to do anything... your tops nice' I say quickly, trying my hardest to calm the atmosphere and escape his wrath

'What? my top..why are you interested in my top all of a sudden' his faces reaches out to mine as my heartbeat fastens its pace.

I've never had someone look at me so intensely, it terrified me to be frank. I felt like he could see my fears and knew all my darkest secrets. Feeling too exposed, I decided to do the only thing I could think of at the moment. I lift my knee up and hurl it up his precious jewels.

His face turns shocked and then into a grimace and I couldn't help but resemble his expression, finding this as my chance to escape, I run into my room and lock the door.

I hear banging on the door and also some very bitter words being thrown at me, but hey I deserve it right. I did just end his ability to create children in the future.

The banging stops after awhile and my heartbeat stabilizes. I decide to stay in my room for another hour, just to make sure that he was absolutely gone and wouldn't suddenly surprise me while I am walking out.

I slowly open my bedroom door and peek my head through the tiny crack, I look both left and right and slowly tip toe out. I felt like a ballerina as my task needed to be executed perfectly without sound and complete grace, I also knew if he was downstairs my parents will be there, which also means he won't be able to kill me then. HAHA er

I managed to go downstairs in one piece and then slowly enter the lounge, I see a mop of dark red hair in the corner and intake a large gasp 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek'

His head immediately snaps back and he glares at me, I see him getting up from his seat. However, I force my feet to be firmly planted on the same spot as I knew my parents would not allow him to kill me. They just got one child back, I don't think they would want another gone.

I tried to let my body radiate confidence, however I think I looked like an idiot instead as I was still wearing the same weird clothes as before

'YOU' he points a finger at my direction

'Me?' I try to act innocent ..and confident, well the confident part failed because my voice wavered. Sounded a bit like I'm going through puberty I think quietly

'You're going to get it now' He shouts at me as he slowly charges my way

'Mum and Dad won't let you kill me' I talk back quickly

He only laughs at me, which in turn makes me pull a confused face

'Your parents went to work' He tells me in a condescending manner

My eyes bulge out of their sockets and I just realise that I am about to die, 'Death by the adopted brother you see after 10 years ,cause you kick him in the nuts and he seeks revenge' I internally say in my head, I suddenly imagined those words on my grave stone and thought how it won't all fit in. 

With that final thought, I scream and try to run upstairs.


Hey Lovelies, I wrote this at 2AM so the spelling probably big time, a billion grammatical errors may be found..and aahh IDK. It probably over all. 

I'm so busy with Uni, Law is extremely hard I don't really have the chance to do anything. Anyways I'm going on holiday on wednesday yaaaay. BYE BYE LONDON...for 5 days then I come baek. 




UMWAH HAHA..I Feel drunk because of the tiredness


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secretlol #1
update please. i think i know why Luhan got taken away from them.
seohan_irish #2
Chapter 5: authornim,please update...i want to know what is actually going it true that luhan loves seohyun?
Chapter 5: Author-nim, when will you update?T-T.....
Seohan0924 #4
Chapter 5: Update soon
hind_seotae_kaihun #5
Chapter 5: Update soon plz it's an awesome story
overwhelmed #6
Chapter 5: So funny hahahah thanks for the update :)) update soon XD i like that you update regularly haha
Chapter 5: Please update soon! ^_^
HerLovelyWinterRose #8
Chapter 5: 'During those five years things changed in how I saw people, some negatively.....others well, a little too positively’

I think that means that he saw someone from his circle of aquaintances as more than something... And In my opinion, he saw Seohyun as more than a sister~ XD

Update soon juseyoo~~~ XD
Betbet66 #9
Chapter 5: İt is gonna be interesting,please update soon!
koreanchick #10
Chapter 5: oh i bet he likes seobaby. well i guess who wouldnt