For The First Time

Life Full Of Drama

I didn’t know what I was about to do. I only know that I want to see him, I want to see Daehyun. And even though I said I won’t fall for a kpop idol ever, I’ve did it! I fell in love…

I didn’t realize when the cab suddenly stopped. I’ve looked on my left and I saw the same “old” building. I felt like I know it for ever. I paid the driver and hurried to the door.

‘Eli!’, I heard a familiar voice crying for me.

I’ve turned away and I saw Sunhwa. She seemed happy to see me and I was happy as well.

‘How are you, hun? Are you well? Did you catch a cold?’, she asked me motherly.

‘Yeah, yeah…I mean, no, I’m fine.’

I was eager to ask about Daehyun, but I didn’t want to look obviously. Sunhwa was telling me about what has she done these days and I only smiled politely, waiting for the right moment to ask about my crush.

‘So…uhm…How are B.A.P doing?’

‘Ahh, they’re fine! You know, they left to Japan yesterday. They have to do their debut there too.’

‘Ja…Japan?!’, I said disappointed.

‘Yes. But don’t you worry, they’re coming back in a month.’, she seemed very sincere and honest, but she doesn’t know my heart.

*A month…*

I felt like I was about to cry, that’s why I thanked Sunhwa and I hurried to take a cab. While I was waiting for a cab to show up, my mind was racing only to Japan. Suddenly, I got a text from Tae.

“What are you doing, Els? Listen, we’re gonna be late tonight, but don’t you worry, I’ll be back till dinner. Love you!”

‘And do you want me to believe you…’, I whispered while I was getting in the cab. ‘To the airport, please! And be fast!’, I said, putting on the seatbelt.

~after a couple of hours~

I’ve landed safely. I didn’t know how many hours passed, I only knew what I was looking for in Japan: Daehyun.

I start walking on a street and I got lost. But that wasn’t big deal. At least, I’m in the same country as my love is.

It was really late in night, but Taewoon didn’t call me yet. That means he’s still there, “doing something for his life”. And when I say something, I mean “being an idol”.

*It’s not difficult to be an idol, though…*, I start talking to my mind ‘cause I was feeling really lonely and I didn’t know what should I do next. I’m not as responsible as my brothers are.

Suddenly, a black car stopped in front of me. I got a shock for a second, but I pretended I didn’t see it and I kept walking calmly.

‘Are you alright, girl?’

Wait, I heard this voice before! I turned away and I saw Hyunseung of Beast standing on the backseat of the car. Next to him was Hyuna, that means they’re doing some promotions here, in Japan, as Trouble Maker.

I smiled brightly when I saw him like I met an old friend.

‘You seem lost. Can I get you somewhere?’

‘Actually, I…I came to see B.A.P. I heard they’re having a concert here or something…’

‘B.A.P?!’, he seemed clumsy.

‘Babo! B.A.P! They’re Secret’s label-mates. I met their main vocalist on Music Bank Show and we get along well. Come on, I know where they’re planning a concert.’, Hyuna smiled to me.

She seemed pretty nice and I was surprised she knows about B.A.P and she’s friends with their main vocalist…

*Wow! Daehyun is really popular among girl groups.*, I thought and my mood fell down all of a sudden.

‘And how’s your knee?’, Hyunseung asked me.

‘Uhm? Ohh, it’s fine. It recovered.’

‘Look, there it is.’, Hyuna showed me a big empty stage. They’re preparing for B.A.P’s concert, probably. ‘But I don’t know when they’ll have the concert.’

‘Oh, I see. Thank you a lot.’, I hurried to get out of the car.

‘Take care…’, Hyunseung wanted to add.

‘Ohh, great! And now what?’, I mumbled quietly, making a few steps away of the empty stage.

I was walking with my sight down, when I realized that on the other side of the road is a five star hotel. I forced my sight to see the entrance door when I thought I saw someone familiar getting off the hotel. It was him! It was…

‘Daehyun!’, I’ve shouted out and ran in his arms. ‘Daehyun!’, I repeated.

‘Elissa?! What…What are you doing here? Did you come alone?!’

But I couldn’t answer him. I was too happy and excited ‘cause he’s hugging me, that I lost my breath and words.

‘What happened? Why did you come?’

‘I…Is because…You can’t. You’re an idol and I’m a…I’m…’

Daehyun seemed worried and I wanted to say what I feel for him, but I couldn’t. I felt some teardrops in my eyes and that was the first time I was crying in front of a boy. Usually, I’m not stalking boys, they’re stalking me. What kind of cast did Daehyun spell on me?

‘I know.’, he said quietly, holding me tight.

He gentle put my head on his shoulder and we looked like two lovers. I finally succeed to empty my mind for some moments when I heard Daehyun’s soft voice:

‘I know…’, he took a long breath, holding me by my shoulders and continued:

‘I know. I can feel it too!’

I wanted to add something, but I’ve lost my minds. What was Daehyun trying to say? That he knows my heart or that he has the same feelings as I have? I was so confused…

‘I love you, Ella!’

Suddenly, my heart stopped. I stared at him and I smiled, crying in the same time. I jumped in his arms and I’ve say it in his right ear:

‘I love you too, oppa!’

I wanted to kiss him, but I didn’t want to rush our relationship. And I also wanted him to make the first move, but it looks like he’s too shy to do it. But there’s no hurry, I’m gonna wait him to find his courage.

He took me by my hand and we went to the hotel’s entrance door. Youngjae was waiting for us there. He probably saw the entire scene from inside, but he didn’t say a thing. I thought he was going to tease us, but not even a word or a gaze. Wow!

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