Life Is So Boring

Life Full Of Drama

I’ve woke up due to the light which was lighting my room. It was too early in the morning, I guess...Or it was already noon. I’ve rubbed my eyes and looked out for my phone.

‘! It’s just 6 am!!’, I said disappointed.

I should have been sleeping at a time like this, but I was disturbed by the noises coming from downstairs. Definitely, my brother is preparing for a show...again!!

Well, you probably don’t know who my brother is. His name is Woo Ji Ho, but you can call him Block B’s Zico. Yeap, that’s right! I’m Zico’s sister, I’m Woo Ji Lissa, but my friends call me Elissa, Eli or Ella.

‘Taewoon was right! I should have sleep at him!’, I mumbled angry, while I was changing my clothes.

Taewoon is another brother. Actually, you know him too! He’s Speed’s leader, Taewoon, even though his real name is Woo Ji Seok. I call him Tae. He’s the eldest among us ‘cause I’m only 20. Yes! I’m a 94 liner and I’m celebrating my day on the same day as Taeil oppa. Even though I’m not happy to share my own birthday, I had to get used to it.

I’ve went downstairs and I noticed everyone was in a rush.

‘Ella! You’re not ready?!’, my brother yelled at me.

I’ve stared at him angrier and I answered while I was moving towards exist door:

‘Of course I am!’

I head straight to the van and I chose a random seat. I was angry! I was too angry. I should have stayed at Tae...

Actually, I’m not living with a certain brother. I’m feeling like a carrying luggage ‘cause I’m living between them.

Block B finally headed to the car.

‘Are we all..?’, Zico asked while was checking the van. He is the leader, after all!

‘Let’s go!’, he said putting on the seatbelt.

*Ohh..Inkigayo..That’s boring.*, I was thinking while I start playing a song on my iPod.

The car finally stopped after a half of hour. Block B got out one by one, while I was left the last. I’m not enjoying those kinds of shows so I wanted to stay inside of the car, but of course, my brother gave me “that look”.

Actually, the truth about me is that...I DON’T LIKE KPOP!!, but no one understand my feels.

My brother and his band members rushed to the changing room, while I went to the waiting room. It was full of stuff members: Block B’s manager, hairstyle noona, even CEO was there.

‘Where are the boys?’, he asked me.

‘They’re changing.’

I’ve waited two hours for Block B to finish their schedule at Inkigayo. While I was waiting for Zico to change, I was walking on SBS halls. Suddenly, I don’t know how, I tripped by mistake and fell on my left knee, injuring it. I was bleeding, but that wasn’t a big deal. The fact that the real Hyunseung of Beast came and helped me to get up got me a bit of shock.

‘Are you alright, girl?’

He wasn’t the first idol I ever met. I’m Zico and Tae’s sister after all. I’m used with these “k-idols”.

I smiled politely and I moved aside. I was passing by C-Clown when a voice suddenly said:

‘Look who’s here. Hey, little Minwoo!! Are you doing well at Yedang Entertainment?’

This was Doojoon, Beast’s leader. His afterwards laughter got me a bit mad, but I did no action.

‘I bet he’s sleeping on the floor.’ Junhyung added.

‘I bet he’s crying like mad ‘cause he left Cube. Hahahaha!!’, Doojoon kept laughing.

I was mad, he got me so mad! I know C-Clown aren’t as famous as Beast are, but they have no rights to make fun of them.

I turned back and I was ready to punch Doojoon when someone grabbed my hand and took me outside in a rush. He was Jinyoung, the leader of B1A4.

‘What the hell, Ella?! You almost punched Doojoon…’

I didn’t answer him. I noticed Block B’s van in front of me and I wide opened the door. But I did not get up yet. I was undecided if I should leave Jinyoung out like this or should I talk to him?

I met Jinyoung when B1A4 filmed MTV Match up with Block B. We got along pretty well and we’re still friends…even though we’re a bit awkward with each other.

I almost got up inside of the car when I felt Jinyoung giving me a shy “bag-hug” (back hug). I turned around and I faced him. His sight was pretty down meaning that he’s still awkward with me.

I hugged him back and he said:

‘I so missed you, Ella!’

When he said that, I kinda felt butterflies in my stomach. Or maybe I was wrong and paranoid? I didn’t fall for him, right?

I saw my brother coming so I hurried and got up first. In the car, I was only thinking of Jinyoung. Ohh!! I was so obvious…

Next day I was feeling better. I stayed overnight at Tae, and how Speed are preparing their comeback I was home alone all day long.

It was almost 8 pm when Zico called me. Of course, he called me all day long ‘cause that’s what a nice brother does.

‘Hey, Els, what are you doing?’

‘Not too much. What about you?’

‘Uhm…I practiced all day long with the crew and…’

‘Aha, aha…’, I cut it short.

‘You’re not interested!’

‘I hate Kpop, you know it too!’, I replied.

‘What about you come with me tomorrow?’


‘Does it matter? Just come with me, you’ll have fun.’

‘Does it involve Kpop?’

Zico didn’t answer me straight away and I felt he’s having another stupid schedule and want me to go there.

‘Ok, I’ll be there.’, I accepted quietly and I hang up the phone.

I started regretting my decision of going the second right after, so I decided to head to bed and have a health sleep, at least.

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