Rainy, Rainy Day

Life Full Of Drama

In the first hour of the next day I was in front of Block B’s dorm door. I felt so sleepy and I even didn’t change my pajamas, but that was my last problem. I even carried a pillow in order to show my brother how sleepy I am.

‘Oh, you’re here!’, my brother said joyful. ‘But why are you still wearing pajamas? And what’s with this pillow?’

He tried to take my pillow away, but he didn’t succeed, keke!!

‘Stupid, I wanna sleep in the car! Where are we going?’

But my brother didn’t answer. Maybe he already knew I wasn’t going to like his answer.

‘To SM Entertainment. Our schedule involves…’, Taeil hurried to answer me excited, but I turned my back and headed to the van.

I picked up the darkest seat in the van, as always. Block B’s manager drove us two hours away of Seoul. All this time I’ve slept, of course!

‘Look!! SM Entertainment’s building!’, I heard P.O’s loud voice.

‘Come on, Ella! You’re not coming?’, my brother asked me after everyone got off the van.

‘Can I stay here, please?’

‘No!’, he said grabbing my arm and pulling me outside.

We entered in a huge salon with white walls. Some employers greeted and invited us in another room, but I grabbed my brother’s hand and I whispered him:

‘May I stay here? I don’t wanna be a burden…’

‘You’re not, but if that’s what you wish…ok…’

I sat on a bench and put my head down on the pillow.

~after two hours~

I was so bored and it only passed two hours. I took out my phone and start playing some games on it like a little kid, when I saw someone coming towards me. It was Kyuhyun, Henry and Taemin. Probably, they have to rehearse for their new song, “Trap”.

‘What are you doing here?’, Kyuhyun asked me, showing he’s the hyung after all.

I understood he thought I’m a sasaeng, that’s why I decided to play with their minds  a bit. hehehe!

I stood up while I was fake writing a text on my phone. Kyuhyun took away my phone and screamed:


‘Are you insane?’, I snatched back my phone. ‘It’s mine.’

‘What’s wrong with the pillow?’, Henry whispered to Taemin with a funny dialect.

He was asking because I was still holding tight the pillow, even I might looked like a crazy girl.

‘Who’re you?’, Kyuhyun asked me, taking my phone again. ‘Tell me or I’ll call the police.’

‘With my phone?’, I smiled sarcastic.

He start pushing me towards exist door, moment when I felt like I have to warn him:

‘Don’t do something you’ll regret afterwards!’

‘Sasaeng…’, Taemin added.

‘I’m also a VIP’, I said randomly and I still don’t know if I meant that I’m an important person or just a Big Bang fan.

‘So why don’t you tell us your name?’, Henry faced me, but when his sight met mine added shy: ‘Please?’

‘I won’t!’

‘Out!’, and Kyuhyun pushed me outside the building.

He has my phone, but I still have my pillow. I start walking through the rain…Yes, meanwhile it has started raining. Brr! I was so cold.

‘How in the world is everything happen to me?’, I said angry.

I walked through rain for two hours and I knew I’ll catch a cold, but that’s not a big deal. I was tired and lost when suddenly a mini-bus stopped in front of me. Bang Yongguk got off and after him, Zelo, maknae of the very beloved and well known korean band B.A.P. They didn’t see me. They were rushing to their own company building, moment when I realized TS Entertainment’s building was on my left.

Daehyun got out of the car as well and he was the only one who noticed me, but he did no action. Maybe he thought I’m just a passer. But when came Youngjae’s turn to get out, he did see me and came to me in a hurry, asking:

‘Are you alright? What happened?’

He took off his jacket and covered my shoulders while we start walking inside of the building. I was too surprised. Why was he acting like he knew me for life?! I was pretty sure we haven’t meet each other until now.

Secret unnies were waiting for B.A.P in the hall.

‘Omona! What happened?’

‘Who’s this girl?’, Jieun asked when she saw me wet and cold.

‘Tell Sunhwa to get her some dry clothes.’, Youngjae said concerned.

The beautiful maknae of Secret came and took me to her room. She was so nice and sweet and she gave me a grey training suit of her.

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