Time, Please Stop!

Life Full Of Drama

After I got dressed, I went down to the hall where everyone was having a great time. B.A.P and Secret really get along well. Daehyun saw me and came to me:

‘Are you ok?’

I’ve nodded and I went to Youngjae. He was nice to me and I still don’t know why he helped me. I smiled to him and I sat down next to him. Daehyun was following me and he took the empty place next to me.

‘Your name…?’, he whispered without courage.

‘Woo Ji Lissa.’

‘Woo Ji?!’, Yongguk exclaimed and suddenly the room was covered by silence.

‘Like Woo Ji Ho…?’, Himchan added.

‘Yes. He’s my brother.’

‘Are you Zico’s sister?’, Daehyun asked brightly, finding his courage.

I nodded and I said:

‘I’m also Taewoon’s of Speed sister. Why is everyone asking me only about Zico? Tae is very talented as well.’

~after few hours~

I’ve spent the whole noon with B.A.P and I started to like Daehyun more. He was taking care of me so well and he only stayed with me. Gosh, he is so cute!!

‘I’m sharing my room with Zelo and Youngjae. Do you wanna see it?’, he asked me ad even though I was feeling comfortable staying with him in the hall, I replied:

‘Sure, Dae!’

We entered his room where Zelo was playing video games. But he didn’t pay attention to us.

‘Wow! I thought it will be bigger.’, I while I jumped in his bed. ‘Who do you share your bed with?’

‘There are three beds and everyone has one. I don’t need to share my bed. Why did you ask?’

‘You know…I ship you with Youngjae.’, I start laughing.

Daehyun starts laughing too. I bet I shocked him with my answer.

‘Wae….?!’, he said while he start tickling me. ‘I’m not gay.’

‘Hahaha! You’re dumb! I didn’t say you are. But I’ve seen a lot of fan fictions about DaeJae.’

‘Really?!’, he stared at me with his beautiful yes and I felt completely lost.


‘What are you doing, guys?’, Youngjae entered the room and jumped next to us.

I wanted him to go. I wanted to stay only with Daehyun, but I couldn’t say that.

‘Did you call your brother? He must be worried…’

‘OMG!’, I realized Zico must be too panicked right now. ‘Can you give me your phone, please?’

Youngjae passed me his mobile phone and I’ve typed the number.


‘Zico, it’s me.’

Two seconds of silence and then he shouted:

‘Ella! What the hell? Where are you?’


‘I ran like crazy to Speed’s practice room. I thought you went to Tae…He’s worried right now. And so am I!!’

‘I’m at TS…’

‘We’re coming straight away. Just wait a bit.’, he said and hang up the phone.

‘Ugh, thank you!’, I’ve handed the phone to its owner. ‘I’ve worried them right now.’

I’ve laid my head on Daehyun’s shoulder and Youngjae stared at us like he was a bit shocked and he left the room the second after that, taking Zelo with him.

‘I guess he thought…’, I said while Daehyun looked at me and hugged me.

I was feeling loved. I want to stop time, to have this moment for life. I don’t want my brothers to come after me, I wish to stay with Daehyun forever. That’s so strange…’cause I’ve never felt like this before.

‘Elissa, your brothers are here!’, I heard a voice crying for me.

I went quickly downstairs, in that big hall. Zico, Tae and Jaehyo were waiting for me there. They looked at me, but didn’t say a thing.

‘Thank you!’, Taewoon bowed to Yongguk.

I hurried to the van and while everyone was getting in, I looked up to Daehyun’s window. He was there, staring at me. Youngjae was also there, next to him. For the first time I’ve chose a seat near to car’s window. I wanted to stare at Daehyun once more. Taewoon was next to me and he noticed my staring.

After we start going, I felt Zico was eager to ask me something.

‘Uhm…And how did you get there, Ell…?’

‘Due to your careless!’, Taewoon answered violently.

‘Actually, I felt bored and I start walking…till I got lost and met B.A.P. They took care of me well.’

‘So…who’s your B.A.P lover?’, P.O put his hand on my shoulder and start laughing, thinking he did a funny joke.

‘Youngjae?’, Taewoon looked at me with a serious face.

‘What?!’, I laughed like mad.

‘Yeah…I ship her with Youngjae.’, Zico added smiling, still feeling bad for his mistake of letting me go today.

‘I’ll kill him!’, Taewoon said angry.

The true about my eldest brother is that he’s too paternal. While Zico would love to befriend my boyfriend, Tae wouldn’t allow me to have one. But I love them both anyway.

‘I’m going home now, Ella! Are you coming with me?’, Tae asked me when the car stopped in front of Speed’s dorm place.

‘Uhm…I would like to stay with Jiho…’

His face suddenly dropped.

‘Why? Lately, you’re only with him! I need you too! Speed miss you…’

I know Taewoon is a bit jealous of Zico, but I can’t do anything about it. I wanna stay with Zico today ‘cause he won’t quarrel with me for “loving a boy”. Zico is more open-minded.

‘And I don’t trust Zico anymore.’, he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out.

So, it looks I had no choice.

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