Loves of the Beautiful Hearts

YoSeob handed his hand to L.Joe who currently was being introduced to him as JiHyun’s close friend. Reluctantly, L.Joe replied to him. He was about to ignore but remembered of JiHyun beside him, he had to. The handshake was really in brief moment.


“JiHyun, I have to go now. See you later,” YoSeob smiled and showed his dimple to JiHyun before waving to her and went out from the shop.


She waved back with a smile. L.Joe looked as the guy disappeared before he lean against the counter, arms crossing loosely on his chest, “Cutest guy on Earth, huh? I thought I am your cute guy,” he pouted and eyes locked on the ground.


JiHyun chuckled as soon as the muttering came out from his lips. “I see. This cute guy right here is jealous, huh?” she smirked.


L.Joe pouted even more. He ignored JiHyun’s question because he knew JiHyun already knew the answer and walked to the sink, cleaning up the jug and apparatus JiHyun used to make YoSeob’s bubble tea just now.


She went to the sink where L.Joe was cleaning after stratching her head, thinking way to persuade him from sulking. “He is the cutest guy on Earth but believe in me, you ARE the cutest guy in my eyes, okay?” she pinched his cheek hard.


He shut his eye in pain, “Ouch, JiHyun! Appo~” he whined while rubbing his swelling and reddish cheek with the back of his hand. He brought his hands to her cheeks and counter-attack them, getting revenge for his swelling cheek.


Her eyes double in size when L.Joe pinched her cheeks with his soapy hands. “Yaa~!!” she yelled and gripped his hands and pulled it away from her as soon as she could, “Who gives you the permission to touch my cheeks with your freaking darn still soapy hands?!!”


He smirked. There’s an evil thought playing in his mind and he wanted to make the thought into action. Abruptly, he rubbed his palms on her cheeks after he dipped his hands into the soapy water.


“Yaa~!! Neo imma! L.Joe!!!” she hissed in angriness before dipping he hands into the soapy solution and did the same to his cheeks like he did to hers. “You are going to pay for this, rascal!” she smoothed her hands on his face and also brought her fingers along his blonde hair.


A fake cough stopped both of them from playing like innocent cute children. They both turned their heads to the counter and found a young lady was standing there watching there with a sheepish smile. She didn’t mean to interrupt for sure. “Yes?” JiHyun asked.


“May I have a strawberry flavoured bubble tea? Oh, without soap please,” she chuckled slowly and closed with her hand, teasing JiHyun.


JiHyun chuckled a little too, thinking how stupid she and L.Joe have been; before she grinned to the customer. “Okay, miss. Give me a few minutes,” she the tap and washed her hands. To prevent the customer from hearing her threat to L.Joe, she scooted closer to him and whispered, “Get this place clean. You are dead soon,” she bite her lower lip.


L.Joe mocked her and stuck out his tounge to his so called employe. JiHyun’s eyes doubled. L.Joe chuckled seeing that. She ignored him and went to make the customer’s order.


She poured the finished bubble tea into its cup and served it to the young lady who was waiting at the counter. She paid and left. JiHyun put the money in the cash machine.


“JiHyun~” L.Joe called her.


She turned to him, “What?”


“I…I…” he stuttered. Should I confess my feeling to her now?


JiHyun raised her eyebrow, demanding a complete sentence from this guy in front of her.


Forget it. I will confess next time. “Nothing, just…” without notice, he shook his hands in front of JiHyun’s face, making a few drops from his wet hair to fell on her face. He chuckled seeing JiHyun so shocked.


“You naughty little rascal!!” she yelled and seconds after that, the café turned to a playground.



SHE SWEPT the café’s floor clean, alone. There’s no more laughter she could hear from him. He’s gone…to his office. He said he got an appointment to make. Before that, he would stop at his house and changed to his uniform.


“I should close the shop now,” she mumbled alone and got everything in place. She took her bag and went out from the shop before locking it.


She waited for bus at the bus station and rode one. After getting down from the bus, she needed to walk about 15 metre to reach her house. Her eyes doubled in size when she saw few wealth cars before her house, “Ike mwoyaa?”


She walked into her lawn and 4 men in black were standing in her lawn, waiting for something…or maybe someone. She rushed inside her house and found a wealthy looking couple was persuading her crying mother who cried her eyes out.


“Mum!” she called and gave her mum a big hug after her mum responded to her call. “Who are all these people? What are happening? Are you okay?” questions escaped .


“JiHyun,” Mrs. Son wiped her tears, “there’s something I need to tell you,” she hiccuped.

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YongNa #1
Chapter 6: What the heck, adopted? Don't ya tell me she is l.joe's long lost sister. i'll kill you later //kiddin' my sweety dongsaeng// heeee
YongNa #2
Chapter 5: What the--?!! Are you going to make you wait for the updates in two weeks?!! Yaa~ that's cruel, nae dongsaeg-ah~ how could you left it hanging when you are actually going back to hostel already? T_T
YongNa #3
Chapter 2: Bhahaha! Fried-bread-dipped-in-egg XD can't stop laughing for that,sis!hahaha
damn funny! But actually,i don't know what is its name in english too X) ngeee
YongNa #4
Weehuuu!o-yeah!new story!