Loves of the Beautiful Hearts

She hugged her mother’s body. “Have you eat, omma?” she asked, concernly after she kissed her mother’s cheek.


Mrs. Son nodded, “How about you, JiHyun?”


The girl nodded. “Mum, I get in first. I want to take a bath, change to my pyjama. Then, I’ll come out again, okay?”


Mrs. Son nodded.



JIHYUN wrapped her wet hair with her pink towel. She opened her room’s door and sauntered to her mum. She sat beside Mrs. Son. “What are you watching?”


“Just some random drama,” Mrs. Son replied.


JiHyung put her head on Mrs. Son’s shoulder. Unexpectedly, “you got message!” her phone beeped. She put her hand inside her pajama’s pocket and took her phone out. She pressed the Read button.


Smelly, did you take your bath already? – L.Joe

You’re more smelly =p. Isseo-yo. You must still not take a bath yet~ - JiHyun

Eiiyy~ I’ve bath! JiHyun, I’ll fetch you tomorrow.

Tomorrow? I’ll be working tomorrow. We’ve just met just now, don’t we?

Are you bored seeing my handsome face? BD I’ll fetch you to work; that’s all.

You’re so full of yourself! =P Don’t you have to work tomorrow?

I have to. Sending you to work didn’t take an hour, right?


“Who are you texting with?” Mrs. Son spoke after she stared at JiHyun; her only child for quite long.


JiHyun grinned. “With L.Joe, mum. Wae-yo??” she asked back.


Mrs. Son smirked. “No, just you look so into texting. You’re so close with L.Joe, don’t you? Is there something going between you two?” she child.


She clutched her mum’s arms, “Eiy, mum. There’s nothing ever went between us. Where are you heading? We didn’t suite them, mum.”


“Is he that kind of person?”

“No, he’s not. He didn’t even say a word about my status. But, mum, we don’t know if people are speaking behind our back.”


‘If poor people like me have an affair with a rich people like L.Joe, what will people be saying? Just for being his friend I’ve heard enough; what more for being his wife?’ she shook her head, ‘wake up, JiHyun! What are the nonsense things you’ve been thinking?’


“If you’re taking care of everyone’s side, you’ll never be happy then. JiHyun, if you like him, you should tell him your feeling,” Mrs. Son adviced.


JiHyun turned to his mum. “Mum, you’re asking me to confess? I’m a girl! A girl confesses to a guy? That don’t sound good,” she crossed her arms loosely at her chest.


“What’s wrong with a girl confessing? People didn’t care much ‘bout it these days. Futhermore, it’s for your own future, right?”


“Shireo. I’m embrassed,” JiHyun prattled.


Mrs. Son grinned. “So, it’s true you have feeling for him?”


gape open as if she couldn’t believe that she was being tricked. “Mum! That’s nonsense! We’re just friend. What’s wrong with you?” she stated her discomfort.


Mrs. Son chuckled, “Hmm, we’ll see.”


She pouted. “I’ll sleep first. I’ve work tomorrow. Night, mum,” she stood up and walked into her room.


“Don’t forget to reply L.Joe’s message. Send him my regard,” Mrs. Son teased more.


“Omma!!” JiHyun closed the door while crying ussatisfied. She could hear Mrs. Son’s laughter. It’s a luck her mum remind her to reply his message. She totally forgot about it. She laid on the bed after hang her towel on the shelf.


It’s up to you. I’m sleepy. Goodnight~ =D


After she set up her alarm, she put her smartphone under the bed. She was just about to drift to dreamland when her phone beeping signing that she has received a message. She grabbed her phone under the pillow and press Read.


Okay. Tomorrow morning I’ll be right infront of your house. Goodnight~ =D Sweet dream~


A smile plastered on her lips. She put her Galaxy Ace Plus under the pillow again. A few seconds passed, she drifted into her dreamland.




THE CONTINUOS ringing of her alarm forced JiHyun to wake up right at the moment. She rubbed her eyes and plodded into the bathroom with her pink towel in her right hand after shut her alarm off. She got herself ready before she went straight into the kitchen. “What is for breakfast, Mum?” she pulled a chair from the table and sunk her in it.


“Just some French toast,” Mrs. Son put a plate full of French toast before she herself sat in front of JiHyun.


She hummed before she said, “It’s been a while since you made this mum.” She took the bread which her mum served just now to feed herself. It’s not liked this main character can’t cook but her mom always want to cook for her before she gone.


A few minutes passed, when JiHyun was still in ease at the dining table after she got up, Mrs. Son took a glance at the clock wall. “Lee JiHyun, aren’t you working today?” she asked. JiHyun usually already left at this time.


Without looking at her mum, JiHyun replied, “I am,” while still going through the magazine in her hands.


“Then, why aren’t you going?”


She still stuck at the magazine, “What, Mum?”


“Try to take a look at the clock. You don’t want to wait for bus?”


She glimpsed at the clock around her wrist. She hummed as a reply before continue to read the magazine.


JiHyun really got on Mrs. Son’s nerve. “Yaa, Lee JiHyun!!” she grabbed a pillow and threw it to her daughter.


“Ouch, Mum! It’s hurt!” JiHyun rubbed her arm, “Bwo?” she yet asked.


Mrs. Son crossed her arms on her chest. “I’ve been asking you since a few minutes ago. Are you walking to work today? You’re still out from this house at this time. Do you think the bus will wait for you?” she asked a sarcastic question.


“A driver will come and fetch me to work,” replied JiHyun.

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YongNa #1
Chapter 6: What the heck, adopted? Don't ya tell me she is l.joe's long lost sister. i'll kill you later //kiddin' my sweety dongsaeng// heeee
YongNa #2
Chapter 5: What the--?!! Are you going to make you wait for the updates in two weeks?!! Yaa~ that's cruel, nae dongsaeg-ah~ how could you left it hanging when you are actually going back to hostel already? T_T
YongNa #3
Chapter 2: Bhahaha! Fried-bread-dipped-in-egg XD can't stop laughing for that,sis!hahaha
damn funny! But actually,i don't know what is its name in english too X) ngeee
YongNa #4
Weehuuu!o-yeah!new story!