Loves of the Beautiful Hearts

Right after the word ‘driver’ escaped Mrs. Son’s lips, someone honked his car in their lawn. Both of them turned to the lawn. Mrs. Son turned back to JiHyun and her daughter responded to her with a smile. JiHyun took her handbag and headed to the lawn, “He arrived.”


Mrs. Son left the kitchen and followed JiHyun’s steps. JiHyun stopped when they reached the lawn and turned to find her mum. She gave her a big and tight hug; it’s her second nature everytime she left for work.


“Who’s that?” Mrs. Son asked.


“That’s L.Joe, the one I’ve been telling you about, the guy last night,” replied JiHyun.


JiHyun just started stepping towards L.Joe’s Peugeot when the owner of the beautiful car stepped out from his car and walked towads the opposite way JiHyun been walking. JiHyun doubled her eyes’ size while flapping her hands to L.Joe, as if she was warning L.Joe from getting closer to her and Mrs. Son.


L.Joe didn’t get the message JiHyun trying to send to him that he creased his forehead but he still got closer to Mrs. Son who was watching from afar since he got out. In addition, he pulled JiHyun’s arm so they will go and meet Mrs. Son together.


She was so shocked to even pull her arm back from him. The time her mind intepret the real situation and sent the message to her arm, Mrs. Son was already in front of her, smiling wide.


“Ahjumma, annyeong!” L.Joe bowed to Mrs. Son.


Mrs. Son smiled while ruffling his head a little, “So you are L.Joe? You are handsome, more than expected,” she praised.


He smiled to her praise, “Kamsahamnida, ahjumma.”


Afraid at the thought her mum will tease, JiHyun grabbed on L.Joe’s hand. “L.Joe, kaja! Omma, I’ll go first; it’s already late for me to get my café operated. Bye, mum. Love you!” she yelled as she dragged L.Joe with her to his car.


Naively, L.Joe just followed JiHyun’s fast pace. Mrs. Son smirked. She knew her daughter was trying to avoid any question that usually came out as a tease. She shook her head, removing the thought and began walking into the house.


As soon as she gets the car’s doors closed and sat after she put L.Joe on his seat, a relief sigh escaped her lips. She was glad that she succeeds in avoiding any meanigful teasing from her mum.


“Wae?” asked L.Joe.


“Wae bwo?” asked JiHyun.


“Why were you pulling me away when I was talking to your mum and quickly pushed me into my car?” he threw a more spesific question.


She responded, “You wouldn’t want to hear my mother’s meaningful so-called-jokes, believe me.”


“Who said?” he started to drive and left her house, “What kind of her joke is, usually?” he asked another question.


“About love, lovey-dovey, marriage and what ever that same as them,” she rolled her eyes.


To her surprise, the owner of the eyes-smile guy chuckled. “Why did you take me away? I would like to be Mrs. Son’s son-in-law,” he .


JiHyun slapped him hard at his arm. He hissed in pain. “Yaa!” her cheeks turned red.


He chuckled again, “Wae? Don’t you want to marry me, the most handsome guy on Earth,” he more.


She didn’t know how to respond to his question. She, of course, is badly wanting him to be her spouse but can she answered him that? In the end, she groaned after crossing her arms loosely on her chest. She looked outside the window to hide her reddish cheeks that seemed redder in time. She didn’t want L.Joe to know her feeling.


A dash of guilty filled in him when he saw JiHyun faced away from him. He brought his hand to her head and her hair very gently. “I’m kidding, okay,” his voice sounded as if he afraid she will get angry.


She uncrossed her arms before hunching. “Get your eyes on the road. I don’t want anything bad to happen,” she replied, almost whispering.


L.Joe smiled a little and stopped his action. From the corner of her eyes, she stared at L.Joe. She just then realize that L.Joe did not wear his usual uniform but a really casual one; dark blue jeans and a light blue t-shirt with a few colourful straps on his chest. She looked at L.Joe properly this time, now examining him from top to bottom.


“Yaa, are you a security guard or something? You are examining me like I am a suspect in a crime scene,” he stated his discomfort.


“Ani, keunyang…” still, her eyes never stop examining him.


“Keunyang bwo?”


“Are you really going to office with this kind of clothes?”


He responded with a smile, “Just wait and see.”


He decclarated his speed and at a point, the car stopped. He pulled up the handbrake. “Arrive,” he told her a matter-of-fact.


She unbuckled her seatbelt and went out from the car. “Thanks,” she thanked him right before she closed the car’s door and rushed to the café to open it.


As she was busy wearing her apron and got the place ready for sale, someone entered the shop without she realize. “Where is my apron?” a voice hit her eardrum and the voice didn’t fail to make her shocked.

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YongNa #1
Chapter 6: What the heck, adopted? Don't ya tell me she is l.joe's long lost sister. i'll kill you later //kiddin' my sweety dongsaeng// heeee
YongNa #2
Chapter 5: What the--?!! Are you going to make you wait for the updates in two weeks?!! Yaa~ that's cruel, nae dongsaeg-ah~ how could you left it hanging when you are actually going back to hostel already? T_T
YongNa #3
Chapter 2: Bhahaha! Fried-bread-dipped-in-egg XD can't stop laughing for that,sis!hahaha
damn funny! But actually,i don't know what is its name in english too X) ngeee
YongNa #4
Weehuuu!o-yeah!new story!