Choclover228; His Birthday Wish

"Tell me what to write" Oneshot Request Shop [TAKING REQUESTS]

"Happy birthday!" they all yelled. The Exo boys, Emily and her two friends, Rachel and Stephanie are in the living room of Exo's dorm celebrating Baekhyun's birthday.

"Omo!" cried the surprised  bacon who happens to be the victim of this  surprise birthday party.

"I can't believe you guys did all this! I thought you all have forgotten my birthday already!" he continued with an appreciating grin spread across his face.

"How can we forget it when we have this happy virus hubby of yours to remind us every single second?" Emily spatted with a mischievous look.

"Well I can't have people forgetting about my bacon's B-Day!" Chanyeol exclaimed playfully, playing along.

That made Emily squeal in delight. Those 'BaekYeol' moments always seemed to amuse her. This one was no different. Oh, how lucky she felt always seeing her favorite OTP like this. Sometimes, she just wished all those 'BaekYeol' shippers like her would get to see what she sees too.

As real as fans made 'Baekyeol' seemed to be, they aren't. That is one fact. Heck, they aren't even bent! They are one hundred percent straight. That's another fact. However, Emily just won't believe it. She was so sure that Baekhyun has some kind of affection for Chanyeol  but was too shy to express it. Oh, how wrong she is.

Although she do had some feelings for that oblivious bacon, she would be happier for him to end up with Chanyeol instead of her. He would be happier. She thought. Everyone will be happier.

By everyone, she meant the thousands of fans who ship that oh-so-famous OTP. There are a lot of them, trust me. So, there she goes. Emily have always be the one who would put others' happiness before her. But then again, seeing those 'Baekyeol' moments made her extremely happy already.

"For the last time, I am straight!" yelled the now angered bacon, "I can spell it out if I have to! S.T.R.A-"

"That's enough, Baekie. We get your point." interrupted leader Suho, "Now, make a wish." 

He holds up a nicely decorated round cake with letters drew on top to form Baekhyun's name and his birth date. Baekhyun closed his eyes and brought his hands to the middle of his forehead. 

He never believed that those wishes would ever come true unless you wish for it to rain or something, so he never bothered to make any wishes on his past birthdays. But this time, it's different. He felt the urge to make a wish. A wish that he didn't know would come true.

Everyone cheered happily as Baehyun blew all the candles. At the time a couple that everyone haven't notice missing came into the room

"Kai hyung! Where were you?" Sehun asked the boy, "Come here before there's no more cake!"

Rachel, who was gone with Kai a while ago, quickly went to stood quietly beside Stephanie.

Stephanie raised an eyebrow at her friend's weird behavior. *Was she with Kai just now?* It doesn't take a genius to notice that there's something between them, but right now everyone was too hungry to care. Everyone besides Stephanie.

"Ya, birthday boy!" Emily called Baekhyun, "You should feed your hubbie! Don't just stand there stuffing your mouth like that."

"Why do you keep pairing me with him, huh? Was your motive really to make me fall for him or are you just doing this so you can hide your feelings for me? Because if you really have feelings for me then-" he stopped himself before going any further.

*Urgh! I almost indirectly confessed. I should just be quiet*

Emily froze for a second. *Did he find out? Oh my God! What if he did find out? It would be the end of me!*

Stephanie raised an eyebrow for the second time today. *Something seems fishy about his behavior. Could it be that he likes her too?!" Her eyes widen for a bit before a light bulb flashed above her head. She just came up with a plan.

Emily forced out a sarcastic laugh, "Haha! Funny. Why would you think that? Unless...ARE YOU PLANNING TO MAKE CHANYEOL JEALOUS BY USING ME?" she shout out in horror.

Baekhyun's heart sank for a moment when the thought of her not liking him. What was he thinking? Did he actually thought she would like him that way? Well, he did hoped she would.




After the whole party fiasco, everyone just hang out among each other.

*It's time for me to get to work!* Stephanie found Baekhyun getting out from his room.

She smiled, "Baekhyun ah! I was looking for you! I haven't gave you a present yet, so can you wait for me on the balcony while I quickly get your present?"

"Sure!" Baekhyun smiled back, "You do know you don't have to give me anything, right?"

"Naw! I should! So, meet me there on the balcony!" then she walk off.

Stephanie peeked behind the corner to make sure Baekhyun made it to the balcony. When he did, she quickly dash off to find Emily.

She found Emily talking with Lay and her OTPs, HunHan and KrisHo.

"Hey guys!", she waved to them, "Sorry to interrupt but, Emi, can you go to the balcony for a second? Someone wants to talk to you."

The boys glanced at each other with a knowing look.

"Who?" Emily said curiously.

"You'll know when you get there." Stephanie signaled her to go.

She slowly got up and leave. Stephanie silently followed her to make sure she got to the balcony and came back to the boys after.

"So..he planned to confess?" Lay asked her. The others stay silent, anticipating for her answers.

She smirked, "No. I set them up."



Meanwhile, when Emily got to the balcony, she met with a familiar back.

" want to talk to me?" she cleared her voice.

Baekhyun slightly jumps at the sudden noise. He turned around to see Emily standing awkwardly and said,  "No. Why are you here, anyway?"

She blinked, "I was told to come here. Stephanie told me you wanted to talk to me."

"Damn it! She set us up." Baekhyun muttered.

Emily heard it and nodded, "She's evil. So, I'll be going then."

She turned to leave but a hand grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Wait. I-I do wanted to talk to you." Baekhyun can't help but stuttered, "I have something to tell you"

She turned around with a confused expression, "What do you want to tell me?"

Baekhyun cannot believe what he said next.

"I-I...I like y-yu-you." he said shyly.

He noticed his coward-ness, so he looked up to stared straight into her eyes, "I like you a lot! No, I love you!"

Emily stood there, awestruck at his confession.

Baekhyun took her silence the wrong way. He chuckled sadly and said, "Hah! I wouldn't think you would like me back anyway, so-"

"I like you too!" she cut him off. Baekhyun was the happiest person alive! His wish actually came true.




The new couple came out of the balcony holding hands.

"Let me guess, you guys are together now?" Stephanie smiled widely when she the two lovebirds.

Oh, how proud she was of herself. She had always thought cupids are real. Maybe, she might be one herself.

*Now, my work here is done.*

And there she goes off trying to find the other two suspicious lovebirds.


Hi!~ Here it is! I finally update! I am so sorry for the wait. I hope you like this and thank you very much for requesting! Have a good day! 


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Title - (Author-nim's choice ^^)
Characters - SuJu's Kyuhyun, Kim Jaesoo(OC), Song Qian(Victoria, F(X), not a idol here ^^), Jaeso's best friend), Other's in Super Junior ^^
Theme - Romance, fluff and cute.
Setting - Coffee shop
Plot - Jaesoo works at a coffee shop and the members in SuJu visiting the shop almost all the time, and after all the times they have been there so had she fell in love with theirs maknae Kyuhyun. And Victoria works therewith Jaesoo too.
Extra - Jaesoo are born 1992, and she are Little shy. Sometimes Victoria will embarrass Jaesoo when Super Junior are there.
ilabya34 #2
RATANA! I want to have well almost the same story like the scenario u made for me but I want it to be with Thehun (ya know what i mean rigth?)^^

and... thank you
Title: (author's choice)
Characters: Exo Kris, Im Nina(OC)
Theme: fluffy romance
Setting: Seoul University
Plot: Exo is performing for an event. Kris caught Nina's eyes and they both are getting love at first sight. Nina is helping with the backstage.
Extra: I dreamt about this tbh. A happy ending. thank you ^^
Chapter 4: Omo! >< Even though it was a bit fast but it's still cute. Kekeke ~ Thanks for this oneshot ^^ <3 Kekeke ~ ^~^
Title: Hurt Pride, Saved Heart (??? I don't know!!! >A<)

Characters: Im Yoonhye (oc), Do Kyungsoo (EXO)

Theme: romance, angst

Setting: Daehwan Senior Highschool, Seoul

Story/oneshot plot: Im Yoonhye is a normal second-year highschool student who hid her pretty face under thick glasses and anonymous presence. she came from a poor family, so she didn't feel like she fit in the school, and thus made her personality as cold as ice. Yoonhye often received bullyings from other students. and by 'bullying', I mean they really hit her. Do Kyungsoo on the other hand, was one of the school's heartthrob, and also a well-respected senior student. he never fought, his grades were amazing, he had the looks, the wealth, the warm personality, what more? but one day, as he was walking home from school, he saw Yoonhye being bullied by one of the most powerful bully groups known in their school. Kyungsoo didn't know who she was, but seeing her wearing the same uniform as his, he quickly butted in to help her, and eventually got into a fight with the bullies. both his body and pride were injured in that fight, and he was even admitted to the hospital. Yoonhye, feeling guilty for hat happened to her senior, visited him every time she got a chance and even helped taking care of him. they developed feelings for each other during the period, and in the end, Kyungsoo asked Yoonhye out.

Extra: I'd really really REALLY love it if you'd put in a kiss scene there, thank you! :D
Acha135 #7
Chapter 2: Hwaiting!!! ^^ Just passing by! ^^ And promoting my story ^^ Hahaha JK!!!
Chapter 3: Awww~! Thank you for the oneshot! It was so sweet and cute and precious and just thank you!
Title: ( optional )
Characters: T.K (C-Clown) + Hana (OC)
Theme : Fluff/comedy
Setting: school
Story/oneshot plot: Hana had a crush on T.K without him knowing it. He never know that she is exist in the school until he found a love letter inside his locker and it's from her. He don't even know who is she. What will happen? ^^
Extra: T.K is really slow and clueless. Hana is a nerd girl and wear big glasses, everyone always bullying her.

Hope you'll accept it ^^ Tell me if you want to ask anything :)
it's almost done^^ hang in there~ ;)