Personal Message



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About Me

433965qzur0la2nd.gif Study me! 433970o8lcd5hrbz.gif


1. Currently liking the color gray. Mint-blue and mint-green come close behind.

2. eLement ~~


4. I'm confident with myself most of the time.

5. Rain makes me happy.

6. Loves reading anything interesting.

7. Loves the number 6! 2 comes close in second place.

8. Puppies, pandas, baby lions, snakes

9. Falls

10. Curious but hides it most of the time.

11. Likes annoying people intentionaly.

12.Hates crowded places.

13. Secretly likes romance stories.

14. Shopaholic.

15. Can't spell things correctly at times.

16. Don't bother to correct my own spelling mistakes.

17. Feels like an idiot if I don't have correct grammer.

18. Old Disney shows & movies still fancies me.

19. Loves my internet provider a LOT.

20. And sometimes also hate it...a LOT.

21. Have NO habit of biting nails.

22. Loves every tasty food.

23. A table fell on my hand once.

24. I'm lucky the whole table didn't land on me.

25. It happened at school.

26. I bleed my head once because of a window.

27. There was a LOT of uniform got all red!

28. Yes, that happens at school too.

29. Okay, I admit I had got many head injuries when I was young.

30. Dyed my hair ONCE.

31. LOVES steamed crabs!!

32. I get annoyed if a person ask me too much questions. (who wouldn't)

33. I am classmates/friends with channykimmy, Mx220101, purplexb2uty6~

34. Channykimmy is my mother-in-law!

35. Crazy, I know!

37. In love with tights.

38. My hobbies includes origramies, playing guitar, stalking researching idols, singing, etc.

39. I have NEVER fallen in love b4.

40. My favorite junkfoods are CHEETOS and SUNCHIPS.

41. My brother is prettier than me.

42. But i would never say that to my dad

43. He will tease me.

44. My favorite korean surname is "Park".

45. I like Junhyung from B2st.

46. Purplexb2uty6 will kill for that^^

47. I love coke.

48. I hate being older that my friends.

49. I need to be more socialise here, hehhehehehe..

50. Channykimmy bullies me even though she's younger than me.

51. I hate it when Mx221010 wear high heels.

52. Cuz I'll seem shorter than her.

53. People say I'm daring.

54. Well..they're quite true.

55. I love dancing but sadly at it.

56. Purplexb2uty6 will laugh at a word in that^^ sentence and Mx221010 will say, "I know what you are thinking." to her.

57. My moto: 'Weird is normal'.

58. I don't know why I am doing this "Study me" when I know no one will read it.

60. I love you people who are actually reading all this.

61. This is now number 61..I'm aiming for 100!!

62. I can do everything better if I'm more serious.

63. I rarely panics

64. Even if there's a mob in front of my school.

65. Tomorrow is Satuaday. Just sayin.

66. Did i mention I love nummer 6? And whats better than number 6 is 66!

67. I'm a slow runner.

68. I'm lazier than lazy.

69. I noticed I haven't mention any of the major fanclubs I am in.

70. Well, I'm an INSPIRIT, EXOTIC and ARMY.

71. And also a big AILEEN.

72. I love her (Ailee)!! She's just FLAWLESS! Even her flaws are flawless!!

73. Been wondering if slime is a liquid or a solid.

74. Please ignore my stupidity^^

75. I tend to cry alone then cry infront of others.

76. I can fake crying, but can only do it easily when I'm alone or not feeling hyper.

77. My nickname is 'Rat'. 

78. Someone told me to smile a lot, so I will do as that person said.

79. I'm happy that I have such great people in my life.


[last update: 27/12/13]