Pouring Affection

Alice didn’t know what to say to Lime since she imagined that her lips were zipped. Well, Lime was one of her favourite dongsaengs ever in the whole universe. But she didn’t want to spill the beans.

Lime might laugh at her or maybe, mock her or something worse than that. But Alice knew that she had to tell the truth and she had to make sure that Lime had to trust her one hundred percent.

“Hyelim, trust me you wouldn’t break this secret.” Alice looked at Lime with her infamous pleading puppy eyes. Lime’s lips curved into a sincere smile and nodded her head, giving the older a thumbs up. “You can count on me.”

“Well, Lime..” Alice pondered into her thoughts for the best way to make it up for Lime. Seriously, her mind really needed a screwdriver – it didn’t work at all. But Alice had to use the simplest way to confess to the lime-haired (who was impatiently waiting for the most relevant confession).

She took deep breaths and closed her eyes shut – she was ready for the ultimate confession, this was the time. “I have a huge crush on Ara. There, do you like that?” With that, silence occurred in the room.

Lime’s eyes widened, her jaw dropped to the floor and was hanging open. She couldn’t believe what she heard. The one and only Alice in the Pledis building was a lesbian, who fell head over heels for the deer leader, Yoo Ara.

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blackfiction #1
Chapter 20: I cant type much
But i wanna say i love this so much :') aww my feelings ♥
Chapter 20: Yes oh yes to aralice! ♥♥♥ And all the other happy couples >< so fluffy and cute^^
I really love this story! And wow, it's been six months already o_o
Very well done Ira~!!! I really enhjoyed reading this^^
Chapter 20: Awww in the end everybody found their other halves!
So cute~~~ i like it a lot, Ira :D
blackfiction #4
Chapter 7: didnt remember have i read this before ? lol i have bad memory orz gonna re read this... ah alrd upvoted and subsribed :p
Chapter 18: Finally got time to read the new chappies! You've updated fast! >w<
And the next one is the ending already. I don't think I'm ready for it O_O (okay, lol just kidding x3)
Oh my, who will she finally confess to? (And yay for E-young~! >_<) And what is the answer going to be? I'm so curios^^
Chapter 18: Awwww, ending already? D:

:' I bet it's AraLice~ poor Yoonjo~<3
Chapter 18: Wow triple update! Can't believe the story is going to end ;A;
I think the one Ara likes is Alice..... Update soooon :D
I have a feeling that maybe Yoonjo is going to end up with Lime xD