Pouring Affection

Back to Alice (and Nara)'s situation in the coffee shop – I mean, Hello Venus' girls-day-out hangout, the "silent treatment" still continued, even though it was already nearing an hour's time they were in the shop, as Nara was now surfing the Internet, thanks to the Wi-Fi connection provided by the coffee shop.

Alice was sipping on her glass of ice mocha and she stole a short glance at Nara's glass of ice mocha. It was still full and Nara wasn't sipping on it – it was weird, why did Nara order the ice mocha since she didn't drink on it either?

Alice looked from left to right, trying to find any specific distraction but all of a sudden, her ears caught the sound of music, one of her favourite things in the whole world. She heaved a deep sigh, feeling satisfied than ever. She leaned back on her seat, shutting her eyes tight as she let the music occupy her mind.

She could feel every pain that she endured fade away and finally, after a very long time, a small smile was plastered onto her lips. Thank you, music. You made me feel better.

Ara's eyes fluttered open and she took a glance on the wall clock of Yoonjo, Lime and Yooyoung's bedroom. Her eyes widened, as big as two huge ping-pong balls. It was already 2:34PM in the afternoon and she just knew it; time had passed faster than a speed of lightning.

She took the blanket, that covered half of her body and folded it neatly before looking at her left side. It was weird, Yoonjo wasn't there but she swore that the younger was there while she was sleeping.

Until she realized everything when she saw and took a shredded piece of paper, with the words on it:

'Ara unnie, I went out with Lime and Yooyoung to the grocery store to shop for the ingredients for today's lunch. And don't you realize that Nara unnie and Alice unnie had suddenly "disappeared"? Ah, I wonder where they are right now.

Oh, if you want to eat lunch, I made you a bowl of ramen and don't worry. The three of us did eat earlier. Goodbye, unnie.

- Yoonjo'

At the same time she finished reading the note, she could feel her stomach grumbling and she chuckled to herself, shaking her head at Yoonjo's cute handwriting and her stomach's conditipn. She got off the bed and switched off the lights and fan before heading towards the kitchen to eat the bowl of ramen, specially prepared by Yoonjo.

Yoonjo was still in a daze, with her heart pounding like crazy as she and the two maknaes were doing their usual shopping at the grocery store. Lime and Yooyoung blinked their eyes in confusion and scratched their heads but eventually, pulled Yoonjo to every single section, to make sure Yoonjo was back to her bubbly state.

Unfortunately, Yoonjo wasn't in her bubbly state anymore – she was in her falling-in-love state but she wasn't one hundred precent ready and she felt hesistant. She just shut her eyes again and cringed. She better blame Ara for everything she did to her for the past few years, also during their trainee days and falling in love wasn't Yoonjo's choice either.

Nara clasped her hands together and stretched her arms after finally (like, finally after a million years, again according to Alice's point of view a.k.a. brain) putting her phone away. Alice just let the music take her soul away, her eyes now fluttered open as they wandered around, examining the whole coffee shop's atmosphere.

Her nose caught the smell of coffee, cakes, tea and various stuff from the coffee shop's menu, with her stomach grumbling and Alice began clutching her stomach, her eyes locking with Nara's, to gain her attention this time.

"Kwon Nara, let's order right now and tell me what the hell is your propose for taking me here."

Ara took her chopsticks after sitting on her usual seat at the dining table and she started eating the ramen by herself. She was finally satisfied for the first time by Yoonjo's cooking right now after two years of debuting. Her smile grew wider, the smell of ramen lingering in the air. Her stomach was now half-full, thanks to Yoonjo.

After finishing the bowl of ramen, she stood up, went towards the sick to wash the dishes and went back towards her, Alice and Nara's bedroom, taking the advantage to rest after taking too much responsibility as Hello Venus' leader.

"Yoonjo unnie, let's go. I'm already tired."

"Unnie, I already paid for everything."

Yooyoung's words followed with Lime's as they nudged their arms with Yoonjo's, trying to wake Yoonjo up from her day-dream. With a snap of Yooyoung's fingers, Yoonjo was back to real life a.k.a. reality and she looked around, scratching her head in confusion as she turned her head towards Lime and Yooyoung. "W-Where are we?"

Lime and Yooyoung were dumbfounded and wanted to slap their own foreheads because of Yoonjo being this clueless.

Word Count: 846 words

A/N: Another update and this is now the longest chapter, which I included each of Ara, Alice and Yoonjo's points of view so, I could see the development between the three main characters. I hope you'll like this double update, my dear readers!


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blackfiction #1
Chapter 20: I cant type much
But i wanna say i love this so much :') aww my feelings ♥
Chapter 20: Yes oh yes to aralice! ♥♥♥ And all the other happy couples >< so fluffy and cute^^
I really love this story! And wow, it's been six months already o_o
Very well done Ira~!!! I really enhjoyed reading this^^
Chapter 20: Awww in the end everybody found their other halves!
So cute~~~ i like it a lot, Ira :D
blackfiction #4
Chapter 7: didnt remember have i read this before ? lol i have bad memory orz gonna re read this... ah alrd upvoted and subsribed :p
Chapter 18: Finally got time to read the new chappies! You've updated fast! >w<
And the next one is the ending already. I don't think I'm ready for it O_O (okay, lol just kidding x3)
Oh my, who will she finally confess to? (And yay for E-young~! >_<) And what is the answer going to be? I'm so curios^^
Chapter 18: Awwww, ending already? D:

:' I bet it's AraLice~ poor Yoonjo~<3
Chapter 18: Wow triple update! Can't believe the story is going to end ;A;
I think the one Ara likes is Alice..... Update soooon :D
I have a feeling that maybe Yoonjo is going to end up with Lime xD