Lucifer's son

LOL ^^ Henry hes so cute yeah i put this here cause hes in the chappie anyways sad news final chapter after this :( TT I truly had a lot of fun writing, imma miss you guys saranghae <3


Lina's pov:

I sighed as I watched Minho fall to his knees. Minho oppa im so sorry this might be the last time you'll ever see me again. Remember I love you. First your father being taken away and now me. "Lina we're here" I heard David say. I looked up "Oh ok i guess." I followed them out of the portal. I looked around feeling rather frightened. Then David grabbed my shoulder "Lina don't feel scared, i'll try to protect you the best i can" He whispered looking at me with pain in his eyes. "Thank you David truthfully thank you" I replied starting to tear up again "Shh shhh don't cry i forgot to tell you you've grown really beautiful" (I never mentioned it but you look like Suzy Bae from miss a )

"YAH HURRY UP" I heard one of the guards yelled. "Thank you" I whispered as we quickly walked to the room they were leading me to. It appeared to be an interrogation room. They forced me to sit down.  "Now Lina sweetie your going to be interrogated before its decided what to do with a piece of scum like you" My so called dad spat on me "Yeah whatever" I sighed. "DAVID, HENRY( this chapter has henry :) yay but not in a positive way at first) TAKE CARE OF HER" I heard dad yell as he left the room with two of the men. I was left with David and a guy who looked like he couldn't hurt a fly he had such cute mochi cheeks i'll call him mochi boy was i wrong (I am not an anti for the record) . He grabbed a rope and well tied me to the chair "Lets get started now" He said with an evil smile. Im scared to ,please David protect me. David protectively stood next to me "Now now Kwon Lina am i right daughter of our sunbae Kwon Gikwang and Kwon Yuri (no its not ) " "Dae" I replied nervously. David a protective hand on my shoulder "What are you going to do to me?" I nervously asked scared for my life looking for possible exits. "Don't even think about it you won't get out that easily "KWON LINA" " Henry got closer David got between us. Then Henry told David "Hold onto her" Then he took his jacket off and went to the security camera. And smiled menacingly into it "be lucky if she'll get out alive" Then he put on the jacket on it. IM SCARED TT. Then he turned around and will he smiled not in a scary way. Whats going on? "Hahaha luckily theres no window" "Wait Henry whats going on?" David asked "Oh calm down man im a double agent im part of the resistance we always thought that their ways of interrogation were cruel, now we're going to get out of here ok Lina" He smiled at me, i blushed. "Thankkk youuu" I stuttered. "Ok Henry whats the plan?"David asked. "Lets see first of all we need to make Lina look hurt and well we need to fake our way out" Henry and David smiled really scary at me "Your not actually going to hurt me right?" I asked nervously. "HHAHAHAHAH U ACTUALLY THINK IM GOING TO HURT YOU" henry started laughing. "Its makeup Lina calm down" Then Henry pulled out a kit. "Now lets get to work, Lina." Henry smiled. "Oh yeah Lina your boyfriend called me, hes going to take part in the plan" I smiled so Minhos still there for me. 30 minutes later he was done. "Henry are you a namja cause your really good at makeup?" I asked curiously. "Years of training years of training" Henry smiled while looking me in the eyes. "LINA YOU LOOK ABSOULATLY HURT" David sarcasticaly complimented me. "Ok Lina when we leave pretend your unconcious, we'll say we're going to finish you off in the bathroom" I flinched, what do would they do to me in the bathroom, such disguisting thoughts ewww. "Um ok" I replied nervous. "Ok sweetie you ready" David whispered. "Yes, David oppa i hope we can meet again someday" "I do to its been great seeing you again Lina, ps: I I still love you" He whispered back with a pained look in his eyes "Im sorry David" I quietly replied as I faked unconciousness. "Where are you guys taking her" Asked my so called dad. "We're going to finish her off in the bathroom" Henry evilly said. "Oh ok then" The evil person i should call dad apparently let us go. Right as we got near the exit "LINA RUN, MINHO AND THE OTHERS OUR OUTSIDE" Henry and David yelled. I opened my eyes and I started running. I flinched every single time i heard David groan and the gun shots and the yelling. I left the building quickly and I saw Minho waiting for me smiling. I ran into his arms just happy to see him again. Saranghae Minho please don't let this be the last time I can hug you.

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Chapter 25: i love this !
shiichan246 #2
seems interesting. :)
HIGH22 #3
Nice story. Update soon
epik_perfection #4
sounds good! ^^
BigDreameR #5
hope you update soon :)