
All Because of Her


You walk into the kitchen, and see umma at the coffee maker, filling her cup again. You fix some food, and sit down at the breakfast nook. She takes a seat across from you, sipping at her coffee. You were looking out the window, but you could feel her looking at you. You turn to her, and raise a  brow.

"Why are your eyes red?"

"W-what are you talking about, umma?"

"Your eyes are red... like you were crying." You break eye contact, and focus on your breakfast. Umma grabs your wrist. "Ae Sook. Look at me."

You do, sighing. What am I supposed to do? I can't bother her with my problems. Hers are much more important. "Have you taken your medication?" You try to distract her, and finish your food.

She gives you a look. "I don't have to take them in the morning anymore. Now, what's wrong?"

Ah, what the hell.. "Baro... Baro is back in town. And so are CNU, Gongchan, Sandeul, and Jinyoung..." You stand up, and walk towards the sink.

"Uh huh.."

"And I made plans to see them tomorrow," you attempt a casual tone.


"I talked to Amber about it, and she said I shouldn't spend time with them." You rinse off your bowl, and put it in the dishwasher. Out of the corner of your eye, you see her stand up.

"Wae?" She furrowed her brows.


"What about him? Does he not like the boys?"

You bite your lip. "Well. Zico doesn't like a lot of my friends..."

Umma cocked her head, not saying anything for a moment. "Ae Sook?" You look at her, waiting for her to go on. "Why doesn't Youngji come around anymore?"


"And why don't you ever call Shin?"


"Please tell me you haven't given him control of your social life. Please." You stay silent. She goes on, her voice sounding more desperate now. "Please tell me that he isn't the reason why you've gone to so many of his friends' parties. Why you haven't spent with any of your friends. Why everything has been about Sulli and Amber and even P.O."

Something clicked in her head, and a look of horror spread across your poor umma's face. "Why you've been eating dinner in your room. Why you have been dressing differently. Ae Sook, you haven't been yourself in so long... Wae? What did he do to you?"

Your eyes sting, but you ignore it. You walk over to umma, and wrap your arms around her waist trying to hide your tears. "It's not just my social life. It's-it's everything now, umma... I do what he tells me, and that's just how things are. But it's only getting worse and I-I-I don't know what to do..."

She rubs your back. "Why are you still with him if he won't let you be your own person?" She asked it gently, but it was a valid question. One that made you sob even harder.

"That's the problem, umma. This has been such a long thing. I don't know if there is a me without Zico. I don't know how to be my own person anymore." And it was true. He's made me question myself so much, and I've done everything he's told me to up until recently. I haven't been making my own decisions. "Umma..? Who am I?"

She was your hair. "You are my wonderful, caring, strong and beautiful daughter. Who knows what the right decision is, but needs to decide if she's going to make that choice." You nod.

"Ae Sook.. You know you can't depend so much on a man. Look where it's put me.." She sighed. "This isn't about me, though. It's about you. I'm going to leave it up to you. You're an adult. But I'm glad you told me what's going on. I'm going to be checking in. A lot. I don't want you getting hurt. Arraso?" You nod again.

"Good." She pulls away and looks you in the eye. "Please. Be careful. I'm so sorry for being so out of it for the past year and a half. I wish I'd paid more attention. Maybe I could have helped you sooner."

Your mouth opens, and then closes.. "Umma! It's not your fault at all!"

Umma raises her brows. "Whose fault is it then?"

"Mine! I must not be doing something right if he's acting this way..."

What you said must have done something to her, because finally her tears welled up in her eyes. "Jebal.. don't think like that. Don't think that any of it is your fault. If I've learned anything in the past six months, it's that what happened with me and your father, wasn't my fault. It was up to him to leave, and I didn't know why. I believed for years and years that it was all my fault. That I had done something to cause him to drink, to go seek love from other women, and finally, to leave. But you knew it wasn't me. And now I know, too. So please. Don't blame yourself..."


You spent the rest of the day on the couch with umma, watching old movies. You two stayed silent, but it was okay. It had been a long time since you had a heart-to-heart with her, and now there seemed to be no more pressure to talk. You felt much lighter now that you had talked about Zico with your umma. Of course, you couldn't tell her everything. You couldn't risk giving her that kind of stress so soon. But at least you had finally opened up.

You had went back up to your room early, calling, "Saranghae, umma!" on your way up the stairs. Now laying on your bed and staring at your ceiling, you suddenly remember what day it is.

"Oh!" you exclaimed. Tomorrow... Baro. Of course you are still going. You have to. Just one last time. One last time I'll break a rule... You turn onto your side, and the events of the day wash over you. One more rule broken couldn't hurt, could it..? And with that, you drift off to sleep.

A/N: Wasn't planning on updating until later, but somebody (Yukio) kept begging. Anyways, I'm falling for BTS.


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5/30 I finally updated! Go on, read it. It might be good, but it might also be a y update. Either way, I love all of you. ♥


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KarenxDae_zxc #1
Chapter 14: YAH WOOJIHO~~! Unnie,this story is AWESOME~~! The ups and downs OMG~~!!!KYAAAHH~~!! Pls update~~!!
I love this!
_Insert_Username_ #3
Chapter 11: OMAHGAWD! TT 0 TT
It started off so sweet~ I was giggling for heaven's sake! = - =
totally ashamed. so much for my cool complex (... what cool complex /slapped/)
Well... I was giggling, then I started panicking when Baro said bedroom. XD I had to stop and look back to make sure that this wasn't rated M. LOL
Then... POOPS!!! That hole Jiho! ... XD sorry I just thought of what my sis (who is Zico-biased) would say if she heard me say that and then I explain to her that he has committed domestic violence. LOL She would flip.
But, anyways. Poor Baro. He must feel super guilty. ; - ;
I just hope Ae Sook ends it, for real. If she doesn't, I will scream. > n <
I hope Baro doesn't hurt himself... I hope he hurts Zico, tbh. ^ - ^'
I hope Zico doesn't even TOUCH anyone. I hope he just rots... in a hole... and learns to be a gentleman. *nods approvingly*

Well, that's enough for now. Peace, Kat!
_Insert_Username_ #4
Chapter 10: YAY! You're back~ *throws ceremonial flowers* *\> o </*
I was worried you were gonna go on hiatus or something. I'm glad to see your back and motivated.
Thank you to this yukio character, for encouraging our dear author-nim (i hate saying that, so would you prefer unnie, noona, or unoonie? unless you're my dongsaeng or have a nickname?). ^ - ^

Man, I feel the cray aura, I just don't want the moment to be ruined by lil miss z or a.
I hope I won't need the tissues... but I might, so *grabs the kleenex* LEGGO! > w </

I can't wait for your next update! Peace! Take it easy, arasso? :p (tbh, don't break my heart. XD)
_Insert_Username_ #5
Chapter 9: This was AWESOME~ Such heart to heart~ > w <

BTS ALL THE WAY! Yeah, imma er for 'em too. XP

I'm so glad she vented to her mom. It was needed. I hope gets out of that "it's all my fault" state of mine soon. I've seen how unhealthy that is and her mom knows as well.

Hoping for the best! Well, Peace Unnie! Don't feel pressured to update, arraso? :p
YukioJiro #6
Chapter 9: Yay!!I update! Such a good chapter, I want more! ^^ heheheh, thank you Kat♥♥♥
_Insert_Username_ #7
Chapter 8: Wow... man, wtf?! WHAT THE FLIP JUST HAPPENED?!

IS AMBER A TRAITOR?! How the heck did lil miss Z find out?! Dear lord, WHAT?!
If this is Amber's way of getting Ae Sook away from people to have her all to herself, I don't like it one bit! > n < *pouts and throws a tantrum*

I hope she tells her mom! I felt like Youngji when Ae Sook told her about Zico. I might not have been so calm. Probably would have gone to Zico's place and had a little "chat". - ~ -

But anyways, this was the most eventful, yet short chapter I have ever read. Loved it! Just enough to make me wanna read more, yet still feel strangely satisfied. Can't wait for the next one. X3

Btw, don't make Yuna abort the baby, PLEASE! I think I might cry my eyes out. ; - ;
Just a lil personal... thing. Idk

Well! Until the next update, HWAITTING!!! ... But take it easy, arraso? :p
Chapter 8: I now hate Zico. It os thing that he's isn't my bias. Poor Yuna and Pyo. No they're not ready. Don't let them have the baby -cries in corner- and Baro. She needs to get back with Baro. They needs eachother. NEEDS EACHOTHER DAMN IT -dies from feels-
I loved, please update soon!!!
YukioJiro #10
Chapter 6: Oh my Gob *-* these last two chapters... gbniuugysvddfbobdfkdb The feels! -falls to the ground- Dongseng.. Your killing me. x_x