
All Because of Her


You feel the sunlight shining down on your face, peeking in through the blinds. You shake your head a couple times and open your eyes. It is a few seconds before your vision becomes clear, and the first thing your eyes focus on is your calendar. You stare, examining the date. Wednesday..

Then it clicks. "It's Wednesday! I get to see my oppas!" you exclaim, throwing the covers off of you. You grab the towel hanging on the hook on the back of your door and walk down the hallway, passing Yuna's room. She is just waking up as well.

You pop your head in the door and giggle, "Good morning, Yuna.. Yah! What time is it!?" Your sister rubs her eyes groggily and blinks at you a couple times. She picks up the alarm clock on her bedside table, squinting.

"Ahh, a little past eleven -- wae? And how come you're so bubbly today, unni?" She moves her covers and stands up, doing a big stretch.

You grin at her and shrug. "I'm going out soon. I'll be leaving you alone today, sorry dongsaeng." You laugh a little, knowing Yuna doesn't mind at all.

Yuna waves her hand, dismissing your half-hearted apology. "I was planning on going to P.O's anyway, so don't worry about me. But I'll be back around seven or so." You blink at her, not surprised by her going out, but realizing you didn't know when you would be home.

You shake off the silly thought and smile again. "Oh! I'll see you later tonight then. Saranghae, little dongsaeng~" You stick your tongue out at her and leave the room, starting your usual morning routine.


You pick up your small bag, and walk over to your full-length mirror. I guess I look pretty cute. You shrug and play around with your skirt, turning your body this way and that. You had curled your hair and done your makeup. You had also put on a knee-length beige dress with a pair of black ballet flats.

Finally satisfied with your appearance, you start walking down the stairs calling, "Goodbye, Yuna!" on your way down.. You grab your house keys, your cell phone, and a bottle of water from the kitchen table and put them in your bag. You exit from the back door, locking it.

You walk down the sidewalk, pulling your phone back out of the bag to check the time -- 12:30. I hope Baro isn't wondering why I haven't contacted him yet.. I should call. So you dial the number that he gave you on Sunday. He picks up on the third ring.

"Hello?" Just the sound of his voice makes your stomach turn in knots.

"Hello, Baro!"

"Oh! Ae Sook! Where are you, jagiya?" You feel your face begin to redden. You stare at the ground moving under you.

"A-ahh, um, I just left my house!"

"Do you want me to wait for you at the bus stop?"

"N-no! I mean, I'm fine Baro. You stay with them. I'll be alright."

"Oh, okay.." You notice a bit of disappointment. "I'll see you soon, jagiya." Well, if my face wasn't tomato red before, it is now.. You hear the smile in his voice and with that, he hung up.

You sigh and turn a corner, finally approaching the bus stop. You plop down on the bench and wait. A sudden though occurs to you: What if Zico tries to call me today!? You quickly turn off your phone and place it back in your bag, where it will hopefully stay until tonight.

Just then, the bus slows to a stop a couple feet ahead of you. You stand up, smoothing your skirt, and board the bus. The driver gives you a slight smile and wave and you return it. It is almost empty today, with only the regulars riding. You sit in the seat you always took back in the days when you normally rode the bus. Today, you can't have your car leave the driveway.

You silently watch the scenery pass and before you know it, you are at your stop. You rise and get off, nodding to the driver once again. The bus pulls away, leaving you alone. You take a moment to look around. It's been quite a while since you were around here. You walk the familiar road, remembering every memory attached to this area.

Soon enough, you spot Baro, sitting outside of the dorm. He is fiddling with something in his hands. You smile, noticing how sweet and childish he looks, as his brow furrowed and he made a pouty face at the object. "Yah!"

Baro's head snaps up, at first not seeing who it was that called. You yell again and his eyes find you. He sets the object on the ground. Not wasting any time, he runs the now short distance between you two and throws his arms around you, knocking the wind out of you. "Annyeong, jagiya!" You can hear the smirk in his voice. "How are you doing?"

You grin again and nod, "Good, I suppose. Much better now." Baro kisses the top of your head, sending an electric shock through your body.

"I'm glad. Come on, Channie has been anxious to see you again ever since you left on Sunday." Suddenly, the ground beneath your feet disappears. He has - literally - swept you off your feet and is now carrying you. You squeak and hide your face in Baro's chest. He turns sideways at the doorway and walks inside. He doesn't let you down yet though.

You hear a low chuckle and you're transferred to someone else's arms. You look up and see CNU's smiling face. "Shinwoo!" He puts you down and ruffles your hair, pushing you lightly towards Sandeul.

"Heyy Ae Sook! I haven't seen you in... three days.." He giggles and gives you a hug, whispering in your ear. "Jung Jinyoung hyung is in the kitchen, go surprise him~" You giggle with him and nod. You tiptoe into the kitchen and see him washing dishes in the sink. You get within two feet of him, and peer around to make sure he's not holding a di--

"I hear you."

You jump, but then laugh and shuffle up anyway, wrapping your arms around his waist. "Hi oppa~ Daddy Jinyoung working in the kitchen?" You shake your head and hollered, "Yah! Come help Jinyoung! Shame on you all.." You hear them groan and the three trudge into the kitchen. You frown, "Where's Channie?"

Sandeul chirps, "Oh! He's in the room, but he'll probably come in a second." And right on time, Chansik strolls in frowning at his iPhone.

"Hyungs, I heard a girl yell, is she he-- Sookie!" Gongchan's face lit up and skips over to you excitedly, giving you a one-armed hug, as the other was taken. He looks at his hyungs confused, and asks, "What are you doing in here? Jinyounggie always does dishes."

You smile sweetly at Gongchan and explain, "Well, I'm making these three bums help him out. It'll get done faster." You stick your tongue out at the boys, and walk over to the table. You sit in a chair and pat the seat next to you. "Come on Channie, you sit with me. They'll be big boys and work." He grins and nods.

Channie pulls on your sleeve, demanding your attention. "Sookiee~ Play this game with me!" Jinyoung crosses his arms, nods and thanks you while Baro, CNU and Sandeul help wash, rinse, and dry the dishes. You played the silly bubble shooting game with Gongchan, giggling when he complained about losing. It wasn't long before you hear the faucet turn off.

"Chansik-ah~ It's time to go!" Sandeul stands in front of both of you with his eyebrows raised. Channie's mouth makes a little O, but he gets up anyway, nodding.

You frown, not understanding. "Go? Why are we leaving?" They all laugh except for Baro, who was starting to blush.

"Haha, silly Ae Sook. You're staying here with Sun Woo. We wanted to give you... alone time." You look at each of your oppas faces, starting to blush yourself. Shinwoo gives you a little wink.


Jinyoung grins and shakes his head, "No buts. I'm sure you'll see all of us again soon." They all make a little line so they can give you a hug and say goodbyes.

In the end, only you and Baro stand in the kitchen. You hear the front door close and you meet Baro's eyes.

"So... what do you wanna do?" Baro gives you a devilish smile.

A/N: Things will be cray from here on out. Buckle up and maybe grab tissues. Yukio is still using my fondness for him against me. Bad oppa.


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5/30 I finally updated! Go on, read it. It might be good, but it might also be a y update. Either way, I love all of you. ♥


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KarenxDae_zxc #1
Chapter 14: YAH WOOJIHO~~! Unnie,this story is AWESOME~~! The ups and downs OMG~~!!!KYAAAHH~~!! Pls update~~!!
I love this!
_Insert_Username_ #3
Chapter 11: OMAHGAWD! TT 0 TT
It started off so sweet~ I was giggling for heaven's sake! = - =
totally ashamed. so much for my cool complex (... what cool complex /slapped/)
Well... I was giggling, then I started panicking when Baro said bedroom. XD I had to stop and look back to make sure that this wasn't rated M. LOL
Then... POOPS!!! That hole Jiho! ... XD sorry I just thought of what my sis (who is Zico-biased) would say if she heard me say that and then I explain to her that he has committed domestic violence. LOL She would flip.
But, anyways. Poor Baro. He must feel super guilty. ; - ;
I just hope Ae Sook ends it, for real. If she doesn't, I will scream. > n <
I hope Baro doesn't hurt himself... I hope he hurts Zico, tbh. ^ - ^'
I hope Zico doesn't even TOUCH anyone. I hope he just rots... in a hole... and learns to be a gentleman. *nods approvingly*

Well, that's enough for now. Peace, Kat!
_Insert_Username_ #4
Chapter 10: YAY! You're back~ *throws ceremonial flowers* *\> o </*
I was worried you were gonna go on hiatus or something. I'm glad to see your back and motivated.
Thank you to this yukio character, for encouraging our dear author-nim (i hate saying that, so would you prefer unnie, noona, or unoonie? unless you're my dongsaeng or have a nickname?). ^ - ^

Man, I feel the cray aura, I just don't want the moment to be ruined by lil miss z or a.
I hope I won't need the tissues... but I might, so *grabs the kleenex* LEGGO! > w </

I can't wait for your next update! Peace! Take it easy, arasso? :p (tbh, don't break my heart. XD)
_Insert_Username_ #5
Chapter 9: This was AWESOME~ Such heart to heart~ > w <

BTS ALL THE WAY! Yeah, imma er for 'em too. XP

I'm so glad she vented to her mom. It was needed. I hope gets out of that "it's all my fault" state of mine soon. I've seen how unhealthy that is and her mom knows as well.

Hoping for the best! Well, Peace Unnie! Don't feel pressured to update, arraso? :p
YukioJiro #6
Chapter 9: Yay!!I update! Such a good chapter, I want more! ^^ heheheh, thank you Kat♥♥♥
_Insert_Username_ #7
Chapter 8: Wow... man, wtf?! WHAT THE FLIP JUST HAPPENED?!

IS AMBER A TRAITOR?! How the heck did lil miss Z find out?! Dear lord, WHAT?!
If this is Amber's way of getting Ae Sook away from people to have her all to herself, I don't like it one bit! > n < *pouts and throws a tantrum*

I hope she tells her mom! I felt like Youngji when Ae Sook told her about Zico. I might not have been so calm. Probably would have gone to Zico's place and had a little "chat". - ~ -

But anyways, this was the most eventful, yet short chapter I have ever read. Loved it! Just enough to make me wanna read more, yet still feel strangely satisfied. Can't wait for the next one. X3

Btw, don't make Yuna abort the baby, PLEASE! I think I might cry my eyes out. ; - ;
Just a lil personal... thing. Idk

Well! Until the next update, HWAITTING!!! ... But take it easy, arraso? :p
Chapter 8: I now hate Zico. It os thing that he's isn't my bias. Poor Yuna and Pyo. No they're not ready. Don't let them have the baby -cries in corner- and Baro. She needs to get back with Baro. They needs eachother. NEEDS EACHOTHER DAMN IT -dies from feels-
I loved, please update soon!!!
YukioJiro #10
Chapter 6: Oh my Gob *-* these last two chapters... gbniuugysvddfbobdfkdb The feels! -falls to the ground- Dongseng.. Your killing me. x_x