The woods

The thirteen knights

After that incident with Atom yesterday you just kept cleaning around the house for a while. The whole thing didn't really bother you too much. But then in the morning you could feel a strange athmosphere around the dorm right after you woke up.

You walked to your door still in your PJ's. (// Since it was weekend you were too lazy to change into normal clothes. You opened the door and someone was standing right outside your room leaning on the wall. 

"Oh?" You looked at the person with a surprired face. He turned his head too and you clearly saw who it was. It was Gohn. 

"What are you doing here?" You asked him. 

"Erm..I was just..waiting for..Seogoong.."

"Ah...Okay.." You ended the conversation awkwardly and headed to the toilet. After you were finished you walked towards the stairs. You could see all of the guys standing downstairs silently staring at each other. The athmosphere was really weird. You walked down and greeted everyone. They muttered back to you but they kept staring at each other. Like they were just about to start a fight. "Did something happen between them? They really don't seem to like each other.." You started walking towards the kitchen that was on the vampires' side of the dorm (A/N: Of course Eunmi doesn't know that they are vampires). 

"Hey Eunmi", Kidoh walked over to you, "we left some food for you too so you can just use our kitchen." 

"Okay." You walked to the kitchen's entrance as Sangdo and Seogoong walked beside you. 

"We haven't eaten anything yet too." They smiled and you answered them with a smile too. The weird and heavy mood started to lighten up a bit. You chatted a little with Seogoong and Sangdo while you were eating. After some time the Gohn, P-goon, Jenissi and Kidoh  came to the kitchen too. Everyone seemed to become more relaxed and the mood started to be normal again. 

"Thank you for the food, it was really delicious." You stood up and put the your plates in the sink. You walked over to the stairs and you heard footsteps behind you. You turned around and saw Gohn. 

"Uh I just need to get something.." He answered scratching the back of his head. 

You didn't say anything and answered by just nodding lightly and continued to walk up the stairs. You walked past a couple of the boys' rooms as Gohn tapped your shoulder. 

"Sorry but i just need to check something." He suddenly gently lifted your hand and pushed your sleeves away from your hands. He carefully examined your hand and then did the same to your other hand. He didn't find what he was looking for so he moved your hair away to the back and looked at your neck.

"What is he doing?!" You thought to yourself.

He still didn't find anything and lifted his gaze to your face suddenly looking straight into your eyes. He saw your blushing face and the surprised look on your face. 

"Sorry about that." He scratched the back of his head again and moved back a little. 

"I-it's okay.." you stuttered and tried to calm your racing heart, "can I go now?" You asked shyly.


You turned and managed to walk a few steps before someone grabbed your hand. Surprisingly you saw Gohn with a worried look on his face, which made you blush even more. 

"He didn't bite you, right?" 

You took a moment to process what he just said. "..what?" 

"Ah nothing, it's nothing. You can go now." He turned around and rushed to his room. 

"Huh? What's he talking about? Why would anyone bite me?" You slowly turned around and started walking towards the room still confused about what just happened.


You had suddenly felt an urge to get some fresh air so after showering and changing your clothes you had walked to the back yard. Firstly you walked over to Xero's pretty rose garden. After admiring it for a while you kneeled down to look at them closer. The smell of the roses was really nice. 

"They're nice, right?" Xero suddenly appeared out of nowhere giving you a shock and causing the spike of the rose to hit your finger making it bleed a little. 

"Omo you gave me shock." You stood up and wiped the blood from your finger on your pants, "And yes, they're really nice." 

"What are you doing here?" 

"I just wanted to get some fresh air. I think I'll go walk in the woods for a while." 

"Okay, remember to be careful." Xero smiled and started walking back to the dorm. You looked at the flowers for a second and headed to the path towards the woods. 

The forest looked really beautiful and magical. The trees were tall and wide. You followed the path until you came to a pond where the path separated into two different directions. You assumed that the path would go around the pond and then come back to this spot. You decided to go right and you went back to admiring the nature. "Wah it's really pretty here."

You had now walked half way around the pond and there was another path again. "Well, I have a lot of time to spend anyways." You started following the path deeper in the woods. This path seemed to be more narrow than the other one. Suddenly you heard something moving around you. You stopped and tried to listen where the sound came from. It seemed like it was coming from your right side a little ahead of you. That something kept coming closer and finally you saw it. A cute little bunny jumped out of the bushes into the path and stopped to look at you. "So cute!"  You looked at it and tried to walk closer to it. The bunny didn't move and kept looking at you. Seemed like you managed to come really close to the bunny. 

"Hello little bunny~" You stopped and kneeled down. The bunny suddenly took of and ran away. "Hmm bye then." You continued to walk the path. There was a little but steep downhill. Unexpectedly in the middle of the downhill you suddenly lost your footing making you twist your ankle and fall down. As you were falling you heard something approach you with a high speed. 

"You okay?" Gohn got a hold of you as you rolled down the little downhill. 

"Hmm yeah but I'm not sure about my leg.." You looked at your ankle and it was hurting a lot. 

"I don't think you should walk with that.." 

"Eh? Then how will i get back?"

"We have no other choice then." Gohn suddenly picked you up bridal style making you blush. It was really awkward to you and you didn't whether you should place your arms around his neck or not so you decided to place them on your lap. Actually that was a really uncomfortable position. 

"You can put your hands around my neck if that feels better.." 

"O-okay.." You slowly put your hand around his neck making you blush and looking at him made him blush a little too. It became really awkward. Both of you kept silent and it would take some time to get back to the dorm. "Great.."

"So how come you were here?" 

"I just happened to be jogging around here." 


"..does it hurt a lot?" 

"Yeah... I think it's starting to swell up..." 

The both of you were quiet again. You just kept looking at your hands and tried to avoid looking at Gohn. 

"Don't worry, we'll be at the dorm soon. And we'll take care of your ankle too." 

Him saying that made your heart start racing again. "Uhm..thank you...and thank you for carrying me Gohn.." 

"Yeah, no problem." 

"You know, at the start I didn't really like you but now i see that you're really not that bad at all.." After a second you realized what you had just blurted out making you surprised and embarrased. You looked at Gohn and saw that he was surprised too.


Once you came back to the dorm you thanked Gohn once again since he carried you all the way to your room. Kidoh bandaged your ankle and even brought food for you later on. They did offer to play with you but you didn't want to take more of their time. You just read books and surfed the net with your phone. You took a little naps too but once it was already late you fell asleep easily. 

Suddenly you felt a cold breeze that woke you up. You opened your eyes a little and saw a black figure standing beside your bed. You didn't believe that there was anything so you closed your eyes and opened them again. Naturally there wasn't anything. Only the window was open and you just got up to close it and then went back to sleep.


Merry christmas to you guise! (A little late though hehe) I hope you had a nice christmas! 

What do you think about your and Gohn's little moment there ;D and was that something you saw real or not? :oo 

I made a new poster too! Do you like it?^^ 

Thank you everyone who subscribed~ I'm glad that you like my story hehe

Of course thank you for the readers too! remember to comment!♥

kekeke they're so cute and handsome :3♥~



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This is so beautiful omg authornim you should make the sequel!! Sequel plsssssss
me_just_me #3
Chapter 15: Can i request a sequeelllll? This is sooooo beautifull
margiegarcia #4
Chapter 15: Nice fic but some how it reminded me of exo. Hahaha the whole thing of being separated but in the end coming together as one. Anyway I really liked it. =)
Chapter 15: Woohoo i loved the ending~ your writing is okay lol I really enjoyed this fic
Mysakuraflower #6
Chapter 13: The polls arent avalible so GohnXeunmi
Chapter 14: OMO i have been wAiting so long for the update! Asdfghjkl i dont want it to enddd
i love this story !
Chapter 12: I'm so into Xero damn qq ... such a charming vampire...>_< <33
Love Eunmi and Xero so much together~

Update soon please ~ :3
Chapter 11: i want more Eunmi and Gohn moments .____. XDDD