Chapter 4

you're angry at me, aren't you?
(3rd person)

Three days have passed by, and Teen Top's maknae, Changjo,'s birthday is just one day ahead. Hana and Changjo's hyungs are trying super hard on trying to perfect everything. One minute someone would blurt out one idea and after a few more minutes someone would come out with a totally different one.

Hana's head was about to explode, really, but planning everything was waaayyy easier due to the fact that Changjo went to stay over at his friend's house for tonight.

They had no problem in trying to hide anything, since they knew Changjo wouldn't be coming home until tomorrow. Sure, he said he'd be having lunch with his family and probably go catch a movie with some other friends first, but he said he'd be back before 6pm

'Which is perfect.', Hana thought.

When Changjo left the house at noon, everyone instantly got to work. LJoe was incharge of inviting people, CAP was incharge of cleaning the house up, Chunji and Niel were in charge of buying snacks, and finally, Ricky and Hana were in charge of decorations. When LJoe was done, he helped CAP with cleaning the house.

At 4pm, the house was squeaky clean, with a 'Happy Birthday, Dancing Boy!' banner hung on top of the fireplace, balloons on every corner of the house and ribbons hung from one corner of the living room to the other corner diagonally, making an 'X' shape over the room. Chunji and Niel bought tons of Lays, Cheetos, Doritos, Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite and icecream. They even planned to make seaweed soup.

"Waaahhh daebak! Look at what we did in 4 hours!", Chunji cheered when they finally settled down and rested in the living room.

Hana was on the sofa, sitting between LJoe and Chunji, sitting on the armrest beside LJoe was CAP, and Ricky and Niel were fighting over the other armrest.

"Yah, whoever sits on the armrest will get a kiss from Byunghun.", CAP threatened, and they stopped their argument.

"AIN'T NOBODY GETTIN KISSES FROM ME!", LJoe complained and pushed CAP off the armrest. "And if you're gonna say something, think before you say it."

"BUT WHY'D YOU KICK ME?", CAP demanded and suddenly pouted.

"You were on the armrest, idiot, and hell no I ain't kissin' you.", LJoe responded calmly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Gosh, Byunghun! I meant the OTHER armrest!"

"The past is the past, forget about it. I pushed you off already"


(Hana's POV)

"Come in, come in!", Ricky and LJoe ushered the k-pop stars who were standing at the doorstep into the house.

It was 3pm, and most of the guests were there, except for some members of EXO and a few girls from 4minute and Rainbow. The house was crowded, but it wasn't too crowded.

"SO EVERYONE!", CAP hollered, and everyone turned to look at him.

"Changjo just called me and told me that the cinema he and his friends were planning to watch a movie in is closed for renovation. This means that he will be home sooner-"

"EVERYONE PANIIIICCCC!!!!", Jongup exclaimed loudly and started screaming and running around making chicken noises, earning giggles and chuckles from every corner of the room.

Himchan pulled Jongup from the back and growled something in his ear. Jongup whimpered in fear and Himchan released his grip on the poor guy and shoved him forward.

"Okay everyone, don't panic. I'm sorry for acting like a mad man.", Jongup said looking his hyung from the corner of his eye.

"Okay... Can we please continue?", CAP asked unsure. Everyone nodded and he soon continued. "So as I said.. Changjo's movie's cancelled, which means he'll come home earlier. The cinema's 25 minutes away.. So he'll be here at around..", CAP stopped and looked at the clock on the wall. "Around 4:20, plus the traffic about 4:30. We'll have to prepare everything before he comes then, alright?"


And so we took out the snacks and drinks, heated up the seaweed soup, and finally, we got everyone to hang a 'Happy Birthday' card with messages on them on the ribbons on the ceiling. When we were done with all that, we only had minutes to go to 4:20.

Just as the clock struck 4:20, we heard a car pull up in the driveway. "HUSH, EVERYONE! TURN OFF THE LIGHTS AND GO HIDE!", Niel whispered very, very loudly. Everyone ran to hide, whether behind the couch, in the kitchen, behind tables or under lamps, even in the storage closet! LJoe was behind the door, ready to jump at my Changjo.

When I heard the door unlock and open, I peeked out from my hiding spot, which was behind the island in the kitchen. My heart beat fast, since I was longing to see his beautiful face that I have not seen for 2 whole days. Yea, I know it's not a long time but to me it is, okay?

He left the door open so I could see him properly because of the light coming from outside. I watched as he ruffled his hair and took off his jacket. OHMYHOLYMOTHEROF he's wearing a sleeveless shirt asdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjkl LOOKATDEMCOLLARBONESSSS GAH someone kill me right now!!

"Hana you're so red now." I heard Chunji's voice beside my ear.

"AISH OPPA!", I whispered and elbowed him.

"Aigooo.. So innocent yet so erted at the same time..", Chunji whispered in my ear again.

"Oppa!", I whispered and elbowed him again. He snickered and rested his chin on my shoulder. "y, ey?"
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HAHAHAHAHAH YES!! I'm finally done with this fic!!! YAYAYAYAYAYYYY EVERYBODY CELEBRATE WITH MEEEEEE!! Bydaway please tell me how I did with this fic! Gomawoyooo


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Chapter 6: awwww its cute!
JongByung #2
Chapter 6: i love this story!!! really :)
they are soooooooo cute<3
Chapter 6: Kyaaaaa! Soooo cuteeeee! Hehe . your story is awesome!!!
Chapter 1: ohmygoodness!!! Hahahahaha poor changjo XP
Will there be more chapters???