My angel

Rain Dance

- Heung Soo-yah! You're home! Nam Soon nearly jumped Heung Soo the second he opened the front door. - I'm so glad you're back, I've been soooo bored all day alone, and I'm hungry so feed me, Nam Soon added all in one breath, practically dragging Heung Soo to the kitchen while talking.

- Hand me the mushrooms, Heung Soo said, pointing towards the fridge with the knife. After weeks of nagging and whining, Heung Soo had agreed to let Nam Soon at least help with the cooking, as long as he didn't touch anything sharp or hot.

- Do those look like mushrooms to you? Heung Soo asked, facepalming internally when the angel handed him a handful of eggs...

- I dunno... Maybe? They're both white and round... Nam Soon held up an egg to study it closer, only to have all seven eggs escape from his grip and crash to the floor. - Omo! Nooo, poor things! They broke!

- Just... Set. The. Table... Heung Soo muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose to stifle the beginning headache. At least that way, you won't make a mess... He thought, only to hear the crash of two plates as they slipped out of Nam Soon's butter fingers. Near an aneurysm, Heung Soo turned to yell at the clumsy angel, but any anger got caught in his throat when he saw the angel squatting on the floor, picking up the sharp pieces with his bare hands, hissing in pain every time the porcelain stung or cut his fingertips. How can someone look so pitiful?

- I'll do it, Heung Soo said, putting on a pair of kitchen gloves, ushering Nam Soon to sit on a chair to keep him from stepping on the broken porcelain with his bare feet.

When he was done picking up the broken plates, Heung Soo turned to look at Nam Soon, only to find him curled up on the chair, having pulled his knees up to his chin, resting his head on them, biting his bottom lip as he fought not to break out in tears.

- What's the matter? Did you cut yourself? Heung Soo asked, while examining Nam Soon's hands closely for any blood.

- I'm sorry... The angel said in the smallest voice.

- What? Why?

- All I do is cause trouble for you... I'm so clumsy, I don't even know what I'm doing most of the time, and-

Nam Soon was surprised when Heung Soo pulled him into a hug. It was the first time the human had ever initiated the skinship, and his strong arms felt warm and safe.

- You have nothing to be sorry for, Nam Soon-ah. Sure, you're a bit awkward at times, but everyone is awkward every now and then, it's part of life. And for what it's worth, a little trouble can be a good thing.

- What do you mean?

- In these past two months, you've changed my life - me - so much. I used to be content living alone in an empty, quiet apartment, and now, there's always someone waiting for me when I get home. Someone who is happy to see me, someone who brings sound and colours to my life.

- Who?

Heung Soo chuckled quietly. - You, pabo, he smiled, ruffling the angel's hair. Seeing that Nam Soon was happy again, he returned to the kitchen to finish the dinner, which was still boiling on the stove.

The next day, Nam Soon convinced Heung Soo to take him to the park nearby. The November wind was chilly, but still refreshing rather than finger-numbing. As Nam Soon went in front of him, excitedly looking at the cranes and geese by the huge artificial pond, Heung Soo got the sudden urge to preserve the scenery, and so he pulled up his iPhone and took picture after picture of the angel looking at the birds, getting too close to the birds, looking after the birds as they flew away.

- What are you doing? Nam Soon asked, suddenly standing in front of Heung Soo, who had been busy flipping through the images, unconsciously smiling to himself.

- Oh, just taking some pictures.

- Lemme see! He remembered hearing about pictures in the Angel Academy, but he'd never seen one.

Heung Soo showed Nam Soon the photos, chuckling slightly at the angel's amazed expression.

- Omo! That's me!

- Yep.

- Let's make one of us both!

- What? Nah, that's totally cheesy...

- Please? Pretty please?

- Fine. But only one!

Heung Soo stopped a passing woman, asking her to take the picture, and just before she pressed the shutter button, Nam Soon wrapped his arms around Heung Soo's shoulders, before he had a chance to react.

While Heung Soo thanked the lady, Nam Soon, spacing out again, turned his attention towards a duck, looking for bread crumbs at his feet.

Now that we're not touching, and you can't hear my thoughts... I think I'm falling in love with you, Nam Soon-ah... Heung Soo thought, looking at the cute boy petting the duck.

Nam Soon smiled faintly, having conveniently forgotten to tell Heung Soo that when the human initiated physical contact, it created a special bond between an angel and a human which counted as a perpetual touch. Right back at you, Park Heung Soo...


The fluff continues! Sorry for the long wait...

About the chap:

Heung Soo and Nam Soon have grown a lot closer over the past two months, and the human is definitely warming up to the angel

Seems like his man days are over, huh?

Also: Feelings emerge and are revealed (somewhat unknowingly *muahaha*)

Nam Soon can be quite cheeky when he wants to...

This is the picture I based their photo off (just imagine they're outdoors in November jackets ^^)

They look so sweetly happy here, I can't even

I always imagine this song to be "their song":

It just fits them perfectly ^3^

Until next time: Learn the difference between eggs and mushrooms ^_^

Also please comment and tell me what you thought














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Chapter 6: one thing that doesn't make sense is NamSoon's age he was twelve when he died, so he should still be twelve,did he age in heaven that doesn't make any sense.
320 streak #2
Chapter 11: Omg Authornim ~~~ are you going to continue with the story? Please say you do. Even it's been quite some time, please continue and update the fic. I'm so curious to know what will happened to Heungsoon after one year. I remember Namsoon said in the beginning of the chapter that he'll be Heungsoo guardian angel for the whole year.. It's been five months now, what would they become in the next seven months? And also, Will Namsoon learns about his past?
320 streak #3
Chapter 6: Omg omg. Too much fluff. Cuteness overload! Can't help but to keep smiling while reading all these chapters. :)
ibtisammadni #4
Chapter 11: Will you continue the story???
5780921 #5
Por favor actualize pronto esta historia es maravillosa me encanta
Chapter 11: Aaaaw from the three pics that heungsoo presented in front of the class, i choose the one with namsoon brushing his teeth, it's kinda simple but have a deep meaning that heungsoo feel happy from just watching his angel doing his daily life, simple but sweet :3

Anw, i finally read all the available chaps, yay!

Basically you have a great plot, a great story! ♥
But, i suggest maybe you should use "" for the Conversation's just so the reader can read the story easier! Ehehehe
Well that's just my suggestion ㅋㅋㅋ

Oh and pardon my bad english, english isn't my 1st language :')))
Chapter 10: I used to be a vet, but now seems impossible to achieve that lol
Don't be sad heungsoo, just like what namsoon said, just find another dream! :D
Chapter 9: I just can't imagine about the fact when all the truth revealed :'))))))