Keep me safe

Rain Dance

There it was, finally. Heung Soo had been waiting for the thunder storm to start all day, ever since the sticky hot air hit him this morning. It was a big one, too, roaring loudly, lighting up the entire sky with every bolt.

Suddenly, there was an earsplitting crash as the lightning struck down in the tree just on the other side of the street, followed by a rumble so powerful that it make the windows shake. Great, this is gonna keep me awake all night... And I have the early shift tomorrow... Heung Soo went through his bedroom to the bathroom, and while he was brushing his teeth he realised how quiet Nam Soon had been the past hour. In fact, Heung Soo didn't even know where the angel was at the moment. Oh, well, he's an angel, he'll be fi-

- Oh my god! Heung Soo almost had a heart attack when he lay down in his bed and felt something shifting under the covers. He moved the bed cover to find Nam Soon curled up in a ball like a turtle, shivering and covering his ears, closing his eyes as hard as possible. Oh for the love of god...

- Nam Soon-ah, Heung Soo called, tapping the other gently on his shoulder.

Nam Soon carefully opened first one eye, then the other, and looked at Heung Soo with the biggest eyes he'd ever seen, glistening with beginning tears of fear. Without a word, Nam Soon curled up next to Heung Soo, holding on to him for dear life. Not really sure how to react, Heung Soo awkwardly answered the hug, patting the angel on the back a few times.

- There, there, he said, cringing at the cliché words, but they were all he had. He wasn't good at this stuff. He'd never been in a relationship with this much skinship before, be they friendly or romantic. He wasn't even that close with his own family members, love them as he may.

When Nam Soon flinched almost violently in his arms at the next big roar from outside, Heung Soo decided to try distracting the boy from his fears by striking up a conversation, any conversation, with him.

- So, eehh, how do angels become... angels? Were you like... I don't know... born in Heaven or something?

- Well, some types of angels are, but we Guardian Angels were humans first. When we leave Earth and go to Heaven, we are selected to train to be Guardians, if we have it in us.

- So, you were human once?

Nam Soon nodded.

- How... eh... How long have you been an angel?

- About seven years, I think. Time is not very important in Heaven.

- Do you know how you... uhmm... I can't ask him how he died...

- How I came to Heaven?

This time it was Heung Soo's turn to nod.

- I don't know... That's the thing... You lose all memories of your previous life. The elders tease me that I was hit over the head, and that's why I'm so dense... Nam Soon added with a quiet chuckle. Heung Soo couldn't tell if it was bitter or sad.

- And for the record, we don't say "die", since our souls are technically still alive. We choose to say that we change places, or something to that effect, Nam Soon added quietly, his tone of voice with a slightly pouty undertone.

What the-? He can read minds too?

- Not actively. I hear thoughts and stuff when I touch someone, but I try not to listen for privacy's sake, Nam Soon said sleepily, calmed by Heung Soo's warm, strong embrace.

About three days after the thunder storm, when Heung Soo was tending to the practically empty coffee shop, three guests walked in through the door that he'd hoped never to see again.

- Yah, Park Heung Soo! Long time no see, Oh Jung Ho said arrogantly.

Not long enough...

- What do you want? Heung Soo hadn't had the misfortune of running into the bastard since he crushed his knee, 396 days ago.

- Oh, you know, just came to get some coffee, meet an old friend, Jung Ho smirked. Heung Soo wanted nothing more than to just punch the bastard right across his smug face, but he couldn't afford to lose this job, so he clenched his fist in his pocket. Unfortunately, Jung Ho noticed.

- What's the matter, loser? Can't fight anymore now that you're a cripple? Or are you just scared?

In an attempt to provoke Heung Soo, Jung Ho began poking him in the chest, pushing him lightly every time. Heung Soo bit the inside of his lip to keep from doing something he'd regret, when he spotted Nam Soon's face in his periferal vision. Right, that was today... Heung Soo remembered that he'd promised to let Nam Soon come visit the coffee shop, something he'd only agreed to when he began to fear that the angel's childish nagging and whining would burn a hole in his head.

- Heung Soo-yah! He called cheerfully as he came in, making all four turn their attention to him.

- Oh, Nam Soon-ah, you're here, Heung Soo smiled genuinely. Maybe now Jung Ho would stop being an asshat if even for a minute. He did not expect the local gangster's face to become whiter that paper.

- Go Nam Soon? Jung Ho whispered, eyes nervously darting between the angel and his two friends, as if to confirm that they were seeing the same thing, which, judging by their equally ashen faces, they most certainly did. Nam Soon looked at Jung Ho upon hearing his name, with an unfamiliar family name attached to it.

- Hello, he smiled like he always did.

This didn't seem to help Jung Ho and his henchmen, who at this point seemed ready to faint.

- Impossible... Jung Ho breathed shakily as he began to stagger out of the coffee shop, looking like he'd seen a ghost. After about ten steps, he began to run, stumbling on his own feet.

- Who was that? Nam Soon asked while hungrily eyeing the cakes on display.

- Just a local gangster... Nothing to worry about... The hell just happened? How does that tard know Nam Soon?

Jung Ho ran until his legs gave in. He ran in fear, pure fear. He ran from that face, from the memories it brought.

Seven years ago. Jung Ho and his two friends were fifteen years old and now, in their third year of middle school, they lived as kings of their class. , kings of their school. Jung Ho was annoyed out of his mind that a kid - a first year, no less - from the rival school had beat him in yesterday's fight, and when he saw the guy leaving McDonald's with his best friend, that goody-goody Kim Min Ki, he decided to get some revenge. Quietly picking up an iron pipe from the nearby construction site, he snuck up on the two guys. He could hear them talking. Nam Soon was complaining about schoolwork.

- Man, I just wanna get these mid-terms over with. All those facts make my head itch.

With a smirk, Jung Ho realised he was close enough to take the hit, and so he swung the pipe at Nam Soon's head with all the force he could muster. His intention was only to harm, maybe put the guy in hospital for a week to send a message, but the pipe hit Nam Soon right across the fragile temple, shattering the skull as it pulled him from this world, two weeks shy of his thirteenth birthday. When Nam Soon fell to the ground, Jung Ho and his friends stumbled from the place in shock, leaving Min Ki kneeling beside his dead friend, crying in the night.

Jung Ho had blamed himself so much for what happened that night ever since. He was a bastard, sure, even he knew that, but even he didn't have it in him to kill anyone. When he got out of juvie at nineteen, he'd even gone to Nam Soon's grave, kneeling before it, begging the silent photograph for forgiveness that never came.


Finally an update!! Yay!

I'm fighting somewhat of a writer's block lately T-T

About the chap:

More fluff with a thunder scene

Poor Heung Soo isn't used to intimacy like this, and he's like a fish out of water *muahaha*

Still, Nam Soon somehow falls asleep in his arms

I had to stop writing and squeal several times writing that scene ^^

Also HUGE revelations about Nam Soon's past as he meets Jung Ho, who he of course doesn't recognise either, what with his memories being wiped from his mind and all

Until next chap: Eat cake ^^

As always: Please comment and tell me what you think ^3^











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Chapter 6: one thing that doesn't make sense is NamSoon's age he was twelve when he died, so he should still be twelve,did he age in heaven that doesn't make any sense.
320 streak #2
Chapter 11: Omg Authornim ~~~ are you going to continue with the story? Please say you do. Even it's been quite some time, please continue and update the fic. I'm so curious to know what will happened to Heungsoon after one year. I remember Namsoon said in the beginning of the chapter that he'll be Heungsoo guardian angel for the whole year.. It's been five months now, what would they become in the next seven months? And also, Will Namsoon learns about his past?
320 streak #3
Chapter 6: Omg omg. Too much fluff. Cuteness overload! Can't help but to keep smiling while reading all these chapters. :)
ibtisammadni #4
Chapter 11: Will you continue the story???
5780921 #5
Por favor actualize pronto esta historia es maravillosa me encanta
Chapter 11: Aaaaw from the three pics that heungsoo presented in front of the class, i choose the one with namsoon brushing his teeth, it's kinda simple but have a deep meaning that heungsoo feel happy from just watching his angel doing his daily life, simple but sweet :3

Anw, i finally read all the available chaps, yay!

Basically you have a great plot, a great story! ♥
But, i suggest maybe you should use "" for the Conversation's just so the reader can read the story easier! Ehehehe
Well that's just my suggestion ㅋㅋㅋ

Oh and pardon my bad english, english isn't my 1st language :')))
Chapter 10: I used to be a vet, but now seems impossible to achieve that lol
Don't be sad heungsoo, just like what namsoon said, just find another dream! :D
Chapter 9: I just can't imagine about the fact when all the truth revealed :'))))))