Chapter Three: Something is not right

Something more

                Hoon awoke from an odd dream to an annoying women screaming hysterically near him. He tried to curl his body tighter into a ball but as he did, something did not feel right. His body felt bigger and heavier than normal. He also noticed that he was colder than normal. Hoon finally got up and realized something was very wrong, his dream had come true. His dream was that he could turn into a human but could also change back into a cat. He looked down at himself and realized that he was a human now which is why the woman had been screaming. When he had awoken, she had scurried off.


                He wasn’t alone in his dream; there were five other cats but he only knew one of their names which was Kevin. A white kitten had called the brown cat Kevin. Hoon decided that he must find these cats to see if they were in the same situation as he but before that, he would get some clothes. Hoon couldn’t walk quite right as a man, he was used to standing on four paws and he missed his tail. He stumbled around till he ran into a man and tried to apologize but he couldn’t talk yet either. The older man just smiled and handed him his coat which Hoon accepted right away then followed the man. They walked until they reached an apartment and the man pulled Hoon inside.


                When they were inside the man’s apartment, he got Hoon real clothes and then pointed to himself saying softly, “Soohyun.” Hoon who was finally feeling warmer with clothes on and then pointed to himself but all that came out was a tiny squeak. Soohyun laughed softly and patted Hoon’s head while slowly saying, “Talking will come soon. Watch this.” Soohyun slowly started to shrink and for a minute Hoon got frightened but then saw that Soohyun had turned into a cat. He stared in wonder at the Soohyun cat then realized that one day, he could do that too. Soohyun turned back into a human with clothes and all, and then started to cook for the both of them.


                “DONGHO!” Kevin screamed when he woke up and realized he wasn’t a cat anymore. He was now a quite beautiful human. He was running until he tripped and fell on something which he saw was actually a someone. Eli groaned as he felt something fall on him, he opened an eye and realized a human was lying on him. Kevin stared at Eli and then hurriedly moved back off of him and tried not to look at him because he was a human too and also just as as he was.


                Eli began to check out his hands and feet before staring at Kevin with an awed look on his face. “What?” Kevin snapped quickly remembering he was trying to find Dongho.


                “How do you walk?” Eli asks slowly while the younger sighs and helps the older onto his unsteady legs and feet.


                “Kevin!” The two of them turn to look at another human running to them. “It’s me, Kiseop!” The man is clearly panicking like Kevin was.


                “Kiseop, have you seen Dongho?”


                “Yes. He went with AJ to get clothes for us.”


                “Why?” Asks Eli with a blank look on his face.


                “We’re human for right now, we can’t run around without clothes on!” Kevin hits Eli on the chest naturally.


                AJ and Dongho come back with clothes for everyone then try to find out is going on. “It’s like our dream.” Eli reminds them, “The voice did say we weren’t ordinary cats.”


                “We should find out if there are more of us then.” Dongho states while looking at everyone in their human bodies curiously.


                “I agree with Dongho.” Kevin says while adding, “There might be a reason why we all changed at the same time. After all, the voice did warn that ‘something from the dark was coming.’” Everyone nods in agreement while Kiseop feels a cold feeling on his back but ignores it.


                Hoon and Soohyun are sitting down; the older is reading and Hoon is playing with his hair. Hoon looks at Soohyun then clears his throat which gets the older to look at him. He points to himself and whispers, “Hoon.” Soohyun smiles a big smile and pats his head as a reward.


                “It’s nice to meet you, Hoon.” He says while still smiling and Hoon feels weird for a second then smiles back at Soohyun. “There are more of us but I think you know this, should we meet them soon?” He asks and Hoon nods while remembering the name Kevin.


                “We need to find Kevin.” Hoon says very slowly then explains the dream he had before he turned into a human.


                “We’ll look for Kevin tomorrow, okay?”


                “Okay, Soohyun knows best.” Hoon says happily while snuggling into the older and closes his eyes while Soohyun smiles and returns back to his book.


                After everyone had talked Kiseop had pulled Eli away from the group, “Stop looking at Kevin.” Kiseop growled slightly.


                “I can look at him if I want.” Eli replies coolly while not even looking at Kiseop.


                “Stay away from him, I watch you stare at him. He’s my friend; I won’t let you hurt him.”


                Eli looks at Kiseop then says, “I think you feel for him more than just a friend.”


                Kiseop glares at Eli then stalks away angrily and runs into Kevin who falls. “I’m sorry, Kevin!” Kiseop apologizes right away while helping the other up.


                “Its okay, Kiseop. Where were you going? You looked kind of angry.” Kevin asks while putting a comforting hand on Kiseop’s shoulder.


                “I don’t know. Want to take a walk with me?” Kiseop asks but then takes Kevin’s hand in his own and drags him along without giving him a chance to reply.

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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 6: Would love a follow up sequel to this. It's hard to find good UKiss fanfics and this storyline is very good!