Chapter One: Something's Changed

Something more

Kevin opened his eyes slowly as he felt his friend Kiseop stretch lazily in their cat bed that they shared. The brown cat looks around to see if any of their owners are awake and when he finds that no one is up yet, he begins to search the house to find anyone that will feed him. Kevin searches all the rooms and finds that every room has the door to it open and items are missing from places. He also can’t find any of his owners and is slowly beginning to panic. “Kiseop.” He meows to his friend who just shut his eyes again.


                “Yes Kevin?” The other cat replies while not even opening his eyes.


                “No one is here.”


                “Maybe they went out; they aren’t here all the time.” Kiseop opens his eyes slowly, now getting the feeling that Kevin might be on to something.


                “But its morning and they forgot to feed us. They never have forgotten to feed us, Kiseop! Stuff is gone too!” Kevin says while now going into a panic.


                “Wait, what kind of stuff is gone?”


                “Clothes. What if we’re here all alone forever?!” The brown cat begins to pace until his friend trips him with a paw.


                “Sit, stay calm. We need to find a way to get out of this house.” Kiseop gets up from where he was lying and checks all of the windows to see if any were left open. He walks up stairs and luckily one of the windows was left open halfway. He runs down and makes Kevin follow him to the window.


                “I can’t do that.” Kevin meows while looking out the window.


                “We’ll just be on the roof. Come on we’re cats, cats were made to climb.”


                “You go first then.” Kevin says to his rusty colored friend while pushing him with his nose. Kiseop climbs onto the windowsill then climbs out the window expertly as if he’s done it thousands of times. Kevin follows him carefully until they both are sitting on the roof looking very unsure of what to do next.


                Dongho was walking in a new neighborhood when he heard the yowling of two cats on top of a house. He listened more, just thinking it was a cat fight but then noticed that the voices sounded sad. He followed the sounds until he came to a house where two young cats were on the roof, crying quite pitifully. The young cat easily jumped into a tree to get a better view of the cats and maybe find out what was wrong. “Hey! What’s the matter?” Dongho calls over to the cats and laughs as they turn to face him with surprise on both of their faces.


                “We don’t know how to get down!” The brown striped one whines as the rusty colored one seems to be sizing up Dongho nervously.


                “I can help you if you want; all you got to do is get on this tree.”  Both of the cats get up and walk over to the tree.


                The rusty one goes first and jumps onto the tree. When he’s on the tree next to Dongho, he says, “My name is Kiseop and he’s Kevin.” Dongho looks at Kiseop and then at Kevin who had just jumped onto the tree with them.


                “My name is Dongho. What were you two doing?”


                “Not staying trapped in our home.” Kevin says and all three of them climb down the tree without injury.


                “You two must be pets then.” Dongho states as they walk down the street looking for anything to eat.


                “And you’re not?” Kevin asks while taking a good look at Dongho, realizing the kitten is much skinnier

than he or Kiseop.


                “Oh no, I’m a street cat.” The kitten laughs while spotting a bird with an injured wing.

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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 6: Would love a follow up sequel to this. It's hard to find good UKiss fanfics and this storyline is very good!