Stage 2: Chase

Strangers, again.

Stage 2: Chase

After two weeks of thinking, I decided to call her. I wanted to know more about her, and all I wanted was to hang out with her. Scrolling down on my phone, I dialed her number. Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hello?" Mikayla's voice rang through my ears. I smiled.

"Hey Mikayla. Are you busy today?" I crossed my fingers. Please say no! Please say no!
"Actually, I was just going to the park. Want to come?" she asked.
I did a happy dance and yelled in my head. "Sure. I'll be there in ten."
"Okay. See you then. Bye, Jay." Mikayla said.
"Bye." Click.
Grinning from ear to ear, I grabbed my wallet and  keys from the counter, and I put on my kicks. "Taec! I'm going out! Be back later!"
"Where are you going at-" he checked his watch. "ten in the morning?"
"I'm going out to meet Mikayla at the park." I said, while walking to my room.
"You waited this long?" Taec scoffed. I frowned, putting on my Seattle cap.
He rolled his eyes. "I thought you would've called her the day after you met her, bro."
"Whatever." I walked out of my room with Taec trailing behind me.
"Before you come back, pick me up some dried mangoes okay?" he said leaning on the counter.
I nodded, and headed out.
Sitting down on the park bench, I sighed. Mikayla was late. I hope she wasn't bailing on me. That would've broken my heart just a little, since I finally got the guts to ask her out.  
My thoughts were stopped when a pair of flats came into my line of vision. I looked up to see Mikayla smiling , and holding two ice cream cones.
"Hey Jay! Sorry I'm late. The line was pretty long." She plopped down next to me, and handed me one.
"It's okay. You didn't have to buy-" I started. Mikayla cut me off. "Yes, I did. You bought us some last time, so this is my treat."
I nodded.
"So, how've you been?" she crossed her legs.
I my ice cream before answering. "I've been good. Just working and stuff. What about you?"
"Same. Nothing special." she frowned. I put a comforting arm around her, and she sighed.
"Man, I need a life." I said.
"Join the club." She grumbled.
That night I got home after spending the whole day with Mikayla, the guys attacked me with a million questions.
"Hyung, did you bring food?!" Chansung.
"Did you get some?" Taec.
"Was she as pretty as before?" Junho.
"Are you going to see her again, hyung?" Wooyoung.
"Where did you take her?" Junsu and Nichkhun.
"First of all, what are you all doing here?" I said sitting on the soft couch.
"Taec hyung invited us." Junho said simply.
"Yes, I invited them now answer our questions." Taec said impatiently 
"Okay. No, no, yes, yes, I took her to that one Thai restaurant you told me about, Khun."
Junho eyesmiled. "You're getting pretty serious about her, hyung."
I nodded. "Yeah. I guess I am."
Just as I was about to go to bed my phone rang. Mikayla <3. I tapped my phone's screen.
"Hey Mikayla." I said happily.
"Yo Jay!" she giggled. "Where you about to go to bed?"
I scratched the back of my head, while looking at my bed. "Err. . .No, not really. You?"
"Kind of, but I wanted to talk to you first." she admmited.
"Oh? What's up?" I asked, getting comfy in my bed.
"What are you doing tomorrow?" Mikayla asked.
I thought for a moment. "Umm. . .Nothing, you?"
"Same. We should hang out again." she replied.
"How about tomorrow? Same time?" I offered.
I heard her sigh happily. "Sure."
Weeks passed, and he hung out and talked on the phone everyday. Everytime I saw her I got butterflies. She had everything I looked for in a girl  You could even say that we acted like a couple. 
Today me and Mikayla were walking around the park again, but today wan't like any other day. I decided that I was going to ask her. Nichkhun had told me to ask her when the time was right, and tonight was the night. We were sitting on the park bench, with the lights of the park shining on us. Her head was on my shoulder, and my arm was around her.
"Mikayla?" I started.
"Hmm. . ?" she looked up at me.
"Would you be my girlfriend?" I said quietly.
Mikayla smiled. "Yes." She snuggled onto my chest, and my arm around her.


Nichkhun was right. Perfect timing did make it easier.


Well, I hope y'all enjoyed this even though it was short :) Comment and Subscribe please. It would mean a lot <333.



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nami5589 #1
cute <3 hahaha full of ice-cream-scenes<br />
it makes sense though, cuz Jay likes ice creams<br />
may be u can put some pizza scenes too ^^<br />
thanks for updating
ohshytsitzmarina #2
Wow really interesting. I watched te strangers again video before and I cried. Lol I'm a bit over sensitive but anyways. Can't wait for the next chapter
nami5589 #3
it sounds interesting ^^<br />
I have watched WongFu's Strangers,again. I am a hardcore Jaywalker and most importantly, I have the same surname as Mikayla's. <br />
Please update soon ^^