
Strangers, again.

Stage 7: Breaking Up

This is it. The final stage of our relationship: Breaking Up. It's a mystery when or how it will happen. The only thing I can hope for is that we end it with good terms. If that's even possible.
*  *  *
We sat at the park bench that held so many memories for us, but the difference this time is that we had a huge distance between us. Both of us sat with our arms crossed, and a solemn look on our faces.
"I think it's for the best." Mikayla said quietly, looking at the ground.
"Fine." I said  leaning forward, with my head between my legs.
Mikayla sat there for a couple seconds before getting up. I looked at her, and she stared back at me, like I was a stranger. She sighed, and slowly walked away. I watched her leave. What was the point of chasing after her if we couldn't solve anything? 
Even our friends saw it before we did, but we still stayed together, in hopes of fixing our problems somehow. Now we can finally start a new path. It leads right back to where we first started: as strangers. The change will be so drastic that we would even consider getting back together, just to get everything back to normal.
*  *  *
I plopped down on my bed, and dialed Mikayla's number. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Rin-
"Hey Jay." she answered.
"Mikayla, hi. I miss you." I looked at the wall in front of me, waiting for her voice.
She sighed. "Are you drunk, Jay?"
"No, I just really miss you." I replied.
*  *  *
Usually that never happens, and we eventually move on or even find someone new.
*  *  * 
Logging into my Facebook, I saw that Mikayla had posted up a new picture. After I clicked on it, I started to panic.
"Taec! Taec! Taec! Who is this guy?!" I pointed at my laptop, as he came up behind me.
He patted my back in a comforting way. "I'm sorry, bro."
I stared miserably at the screen.
*  *  *
 Even after we moved on, and got over the past. We still remained friends even though we know that things will never be the same.
 *  *  *
I looked at my pizza and ice cream on the park bench . Sighing, I picked up my plate , and nibbled on the crust.
"Jay?" I turned to see Mikayla smiling.
"Mikayla?" I placed my plate down, and got up. She came over, and hugged me.
"How have you been?" she asked.
"Same old, same old. You still eat around here?" I asked.
She nodded. "Sometimes, when I visit my parents."
I tilted my head. "Visit?"
"Um, yeah. I moved to California you know to extend my parents business." Mikayla answered.
"Kayla!" A guy came up to us, with to ice cream comes. She took one, and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Jay, this is my boyfriend, Ryan." she smiled. "Ryan this is Jay."
He held out his hand. I shook it. "Nice to meet you."
"Hun, let's go." Ryan smiled.
"Jay, we should catch up soon, I'll see you around okay?"
They left after I gave Mikayla a small nod.
*  *  *
Our lives continued on in different directions. Where we became strangers again. Everything we had would just be distant memories from so long ago, I'll sometimes even question if it really happened. The only thing left was a box full of random stuff, and a picture of a stranger that used to mean so much too me.
I wondered what would've happend if I chased after her the last time we fought. Would it have made a difference at all ? Would we still be together? All these questions run through my mind every now and then, when I think about us.
"Jay come on! Evangeline is going to be sad if we don't go to game night." Mikayla said.
"Why do we have to go anyway? All we do is sit there and play Scrabble and eat chips for five hours! That's really stupid." I said, aggravated.
"So now I'm stupid?" she scoffed. "Fine."
"You know I wasn't calling you stupid, Kayla." I sighed.
Mikayla stomped out the door. I followed her out, sighing as I watched her drive away.
End of Flashback.
*  *  *
5 Months Earlier
Somewhere Near The End Of Stage 4
Mikayla and I were eating dinner at my place. The whole place was silent. The only sound was forks scrapping against the plates.
"You know , we only have two options," she started. "It's either we break up or get married."
I looked at her, and cleared my throat. "I never really thought of that."
She stared right back at me. "You think we'll get married?"
"Wow, that's big question." I sighed. "Why? Do you ever want to get married to me?"
She shook her head."Right now, I'm not sure."
"Me neither."
"Well, do you want to break up with me?" Mikayla asked.
I shook my head. "No, of course not."
"Jay, it's got to be on or the other," she said. "Well, what do you think would happen if we don't end up together? Would we still be friends? Would we keep in touch?"
I put my fork down, and leaned on the table. "Mikayla, if life decides to separate us, I will always cherish and be thankful for our past, and I hope wherever you end up you'll also cherish and be thankful for what we had too."


Well, this is sadly the end. I just wanted to write this to see if I could still write as good as I used to :P I hope you guys enjoyed it a lot, and thank you to the people that commented and subscribed <333 *^^*

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nami5589 #1
cute <3 hahaha full of ice-cream-scenes<br />
it makes sense though, cuz Jay likes ice creams<br />
may be u can put some pizza scenes too ^^<br />
thanks for updating
ohshytsitzmarina #2
Wow really interesting. I watched te strangers again video before and I cried. Lol I'm a bit over sensitive but anyways. Can't wait for the next chapter
nami5589 #3
it sounds interesting ^^<br />
I have watched WongFu's Strangers,again. I am a hardcore Jaywalker and most importantly, I have the same surname as Mikayla's. <br />
Please update soon ^^