Stage 1: Meeting

Strangers, again.

Stupid Taec, and his lazyassI thought grumpily, walking through the park. That idiot decides that he wants ice cream when the vendor is already halfway across the park. Now I have to chase after the guy selling ice cream.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't realize that I bumped into a girl. She let out a squeak as she it the ground. I quickly stretched out my hand for her to take. The mystery girl placed her soft hand in mine, and I pulled her up gently.

She adjusted her glasses and looked up at me. "I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention."

I let go of her hand, and scratched the back of my neck. "It's okay. I wasn't paying attention either."

"Umm. . .Well, I'll see you around." she waved weakly, and started to walk away.

"W-wait !" I called , running up to her. "Can I make it up to you? I'll get us some ice cream."
She looked hesitant, but nodded anyway. "I'm Jay by the way." 
" Mikayla." She smiled.
After getting ice cream, we sat by the fountain talking about ourselves. Apparently she was manger of her family's coffee shop, and that she also danced for fun. We talked for a couple hours until her phone rang.
"Hey Bella. . .Okay I'll be there. Tell Kat not to do anything to the cake. Just give me ten minutes Bella. Okay, bye." She hung up, sighing. " I have to go."
I felt kind of sad that her friend interrupted our time together, but I just smiled. "It's okay. I'll see you around right? Me and my friends might even visit your coffee shop."
Mikayla handed me a folded piece of paper, smiling. "Sure, come by anytime. Feel free to call me to hang out Jay. See you around."
With one last glance, she left. I watched her dissapear into the crowd as she crossed the street. 
"Yo Jay! What the hell?! I've been waiting for hours for you to come back, and I find you here smiling!" Taec complained plopping down next to me. "Wait a minute. . .I know that smile! You met somebody!"
My smile got even wider. "Yeah, I did."
"So. . .What's her name? How old is she? Is she Korean?" He asked, all jumpy and excited.
"Her name's Mikayla. She's 22. No, she's not Korean. Mikayla's Vietnamese and Filipino." I said, still smiling.
"Tell me more about her." Taec said, incredibly intrigued. And I did. I repeated everything that Mikayla said to me.
Taec whistled. "Wow. You got all of that within a three hours?"
I nodded.
"This girl is sure is something, if she got you to listen to all that." He joked.
I punched is arm lightly. "Yah! What is that supposed to mean? I don't listen?"
He chuckled a bit. "Geez, Jay. I was just joking. C'mon, we got to meet the guys in a couple minutes."
We got up and started walking. As we walked I couldn't help but think about Mikayla and how she made me feel. I started to smile brighter with every thought I had of her. She was something. A perfect stranger.


Well, I hope y'all enjoyed this even though it was short :) Comment and Subscribe please. It would mean a lot <333.

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nami5589 #1
cute <3 hahaha full of ice-cream-scenes<br />
it makes sense though, cuz Jay likes ice creams<br />
may be u can put some pizza scenes too ^^<br />
thanks for updating
ohshytsitzmarina #2
Wow really interesting. I watched te strangers again video before and I cried. Lol I'm a bit over sensitive but anyways. Can't wait for the next chapter
nami5589 #3
it sounds interesting ^^<br />
I have watched WongFu's Strangers,again. I am a hardcore Jaywalker and most importantly, I have the same surname as Mikayla's. <br />
Please update soon ^^