Chapter 9

Will you ever love me? [Hiatus]


Next morning at around 11am, YoonYul, HyoYoung and Tiffany are in the sitting room, chatting about the plans to do in Hawaii for 4 days while Jessica is still sleeping heavily in Tiffany's room, SunYeon who were sleeping also and Seohyun is going to visit her boyfriend, Yonghwa.


"What will we do in Hawaii?" Tiffany asks the girls


"Okay, let me get the list that I wrote down." Hyoyeon gets the list from the drawer beside the sofa.


"Let's hear it from you~" Yuri said


Hyoyeon takes a look onto the list and read it, "Okay, 1) Maybe we goes to the beach for a peaceful walk or for the fun whatever, 2) Probably having with your lover in the hotel and 3) Go to the nightclub"


"………." The girls are speechless at what she said


She got no reply from them so she looks up at them with their "wtf" look, "Wha…??"


"Having with a lover? Seriously?" Yoona with her eyes widen open


"And go to the nightclub? You want us to get a hangover??" Tiffany shakes her head


"WOOHOO! Nightclub! Yeah baby!" Sooyoung grins


"I'm sorry, those things just popped up in my mind and you know that I'm a clubber, okay?" Hyoyeon laughs a bit


Yuri whispers to Yoona in her ear, "Maybe she's right, I mean who knows? We might have while we're in Hawaii" made her blush


"Oh stop it, Kwon!" She playfully slaps Yuri's arm


"I think we better wait to hear from Jessica, Seohyun and SunYeon~" Tiffany said


"Hmmmm, yeah let's wait for them~" Hyoyeon replied


"Hey, do you think that Sunny is ready to have with Taeyeon?" Sooyoung is wondering


"Nope, she's not ready for it because she told me." Tiffany shrugs


Sooyoung raised a hand up while smirking, "I bet she will be ready to do it with Taeyeon unnie in Hawaii~~~"


"Urghh, not the bet again….." Yuri rolls her eyes up


"I also bet she's ready in a day before we leave Hawaii~" Yoona also raised her hand


"I bet Taeyeon is going to makes her ually frustrated…." Hyoyeon is reluctant to raise her hand but she did


"I'm not going to join the bet….." Tiffany shakes her head


"No problem, so how about you, Kwon Yuri?" Sooyoung looks at Yuri's direction


"Eh, no thanks…." Yuri scoffed with her arms crossed


"Oh come on……"


She raised her hand up lazily, "Fine, same one as Yoona's"


"Great! What if one of us lost?"


"I will strangle you with a scarf if I lost the bet…." Yuri replied


Sooyoung faked a laugh, "Hahahaha no….. But, it will be fair if all of us win the bet because our bets are related to SunYeon and Hawaii so"


"Yes! This is acceptable!" Tiffany agreed




The girls finished their conversation because YoonYul and HyoYoung goes out to meet their parents and spend times with them for a whole day before leaving to Hawaii tomorrow. Tiffany stayed behind so she's going to wake Jessica up to get ready to meet Jessica's parents. At the moment, Taeyeon woke up to finds Sunny still in her arms but she noticed that she's already woke up.


Taeyeon smiled as she kiss her forehead, "Soonkyu ah, good morning~"


Sunny looks up with a smile on her face, "Good morning babe"


"Have a good sleep?"


"Ne, unnie, I do because you made me so warm." Sunny snuggled closer to Taeyeon's neck when her lips touched her skin


"Urghh, stop sending me a shiver!" Taeyeon chuckles


"Well, that's for yesterday over what you did to me…"


"Dang it, I'm sorry for grinding on you, okay?"


Sunny shakes her head and rolls over to straddle on Taeyeon's thighs, "You don't need to say sorry."


"Woah, why did you straddle on me?" Taeyeon is surprised


"I just do.." Sunny shrugs


"So does it means that you're……ready?"


"What?! NO! I'm not!"


"Stop lying, will you?" She laughs a bit


"I'm not lying, okay? I straddled on you to see your angelic face." Sunny admitted


Taeyeon shakes her head and denying it, "My face is not angelic"


"Yes, it is!"




Sunny leaned closer to Taeyeon's face and their lips were an inch closer, "Spill it out, I know you're denying this and you know that many of the fans adore your face so much, your face is their favourite…" Sunny pecked her lips without getting her eyes closed as she looks deeply into her eyes with a smile, "I love your face and I know you're lying, right?"


Taeyeon slowly nods and puts her hands on both of her cheek to squish a little bit, "Wow, I guess you're right, Sunny ah~ My face is so angelic~~" 


"That's better" Sunny leaned into Taeyeon's hand and kissed it


"Give me some more of your kisses~~~~" 


"Then pull me in by your hands"


Taeyeon pulled her slowly to kiss her on the lips then she deepen it for a while until Sunny removes herself to lay on the back so Taeyeon is on the top of her.


(Dang it, I want her so much but she's not ready, ugh~~~) Taeyeon's thinking while kissing


Meanwhile, Taeyeon's phone is ringing, makes them stop snogging and Taeyeon reaches out her hand to get her phone. She saw the caller ID which is her mom, she gets off from Sunny to accept the call to have a talk with her mom and Taeyeon sounds so happy when she heard her voice on the phone. Sunny smiles and gets off from the bed to go to the bathroom.


"Hello umma~~" 


"My daughter! So happy to hear your voice!"


"That's great~ How's everything?"


"Everything went very well~! Oh, forget to tell you that we're in Seoul yesterday for our few days' vacation and we want to see you~~"


"Jinja?? Uhm, me and Sunny were suppose to meet you and appa in Jeonju?


"Are you? Sorry, I supposed to ring you last night…."


"No, it's okay, we can meet up somewhere in Seoul"


"Is Sunny, the only one who's going with you to see us?"


Taeyeon sighed "Ne, I want to say something to you and appa about us in person~"


"Arasso, where can we meet up?"


"How about meeting up in SM building?"


"That sounds good!"


"Great, I'll meet you in around 20 mins, okay? I don't mind if you decide to wait outside of the building~"


"See you~ Love you, child"


Taeyeon chuckles, "Love you umma"


Her mom hanged up, Taeyeon felt an arms around her waist and she looks over her shoulder to see Sunny with a smile.


"So, we're not going to Jeonju?"


"Nope, umma and appa arrived in Seoul yesterday for their few days vacation so umma forget to rang me about this"


Sunny kissed her shoulder, "I see, are you ready to reveal your uality to your parents?"


"I just…..I don't know… I mean, I have a feeling that they will not accepting it"


"Don't say that, I'm sure they will, just the way as my parents did"


Taeyeon turns around, put her hands on Sunny's cheeks and caress it, "You're probably right, babe" 


"Good, now go to get ready!"


"Arasso~~" Taeyeon pecks Sunny's lips and walks off to the bathroom.




"Sunny-ah! Are you ready to go?" Taeyeon is still waiting in the living room


"I'm coming!" Sunny walks out of their room with a smile


"Ready?" makes Sunny nods quickly


"Let's go~~"


When they goes outside of their dorm to get into Taeyeon's Porsche and they were on the way to the SM building. They were talking about going to Hawaii tomorrow and random stuff until they arrives at the building, Taeyeon saw her parents who were standing outside with their smile on their face because they saw their daughter and Sunny in the car so they waved at them. She parked her car, just in the front of the building, stops the engine and gets out of the car as Sunny also gets out. Taeyeon strolls quickly to gives them a huge hug while her girlfriend is just smiling at their actions.


"Umma, Appa! Remember, Sunny?" She released the hugs as she points out her finger at Sunny's direction


"Of course, we do!" Umma nods when she goes to hug Sunny


"Annyeong umma and appa~~" Sunny kindly bows


"Should we go inside?" Taeyeon asks


"Of course, let's go~"


They went inside the building and decided to have a talk in the meeting room so they arrives there, Taeyeon asks her parents if they like to have a coffee and they kindly accepted her offer. Sunny is talking with them happily while Taeyeon's making a coffee for them. She put four mugs on the tray then she brought it to the room and finds them still talking, makes her smile so she gave two mugs to her parents and one to Sunny, Taeyeon goes to sit beside her with a coffee mug in her hand.


She sips her coffee and gives them a smile, "Umma, Appa, it's so great to see you two!"


"It's also great to see our beautiful daughter" Umma smiles


"Is there any reason why you and appa were here? Just to see Taeyeon unnie, right?" Sunny innocently asks them


"Yes, we want to see her, really~ Oh, Taeyeon! Are you dating someone?" Appa replies kindly


"Yes, appa~ I've been dating someone for 4 weeks now." Taeyeon smiles


"Wow! That's great! Is it Leeteuk? I bet he is.." Umma raises an eyebrow


Taeyeon shakes her head, "No, it's not him.. It's just a scandal between us so we're friends, that's all"


Her parents look at each other then her umma later talks, "Then who's it? And sorry if it sounds stupid but why is Sunny joined with you?"


Taeyeon looks at Sunny, she mumbled to Taeyeon silently, "You'll be fine…" 


She sighs, "Please don't be mad but I'm not dating any guy and look at Sunny, right? So….she's my girlfriend…" Her words makes her parents speechless for few seconds


"Oh……oh, we see" Umma in her low voice


"Listen, Sunny~ Do you mind if you likes to give us a private moment to talk?"


Sunny stands up and nods, "Yes, appa~ I don't mind at all since she's your daughter." 


She silently leaves them alone, her appa began to talk to Taeyeon but he tries to disapprove of their relationship, "How could you date a girl? Not a guy but why?"


"Appa, I'd known Sunny for longer since we debuted and she knew me very well~"


He shakes his head, "But what about Tiffany? We knew how much close you two were."


"Tiffany's dating Jessica… I can see that she really loves her more than me."


"She's dating…..a girl?"


"Yes, all of my members are in the relationship with a girl except Seohyun who's dating Yonghwa oppa."


"Then, I'm still not approving of your relationship with Sunny…"


"Appa! How could you say that?! I love her so much as I could. She's my bunny and my heart is always hers. I'm not going to date a guy to replace her in my heart." Taeyeon nearly cries but she won't let the tears come out


He sighs, "I know bu---"


Umma stops him, "Taeyeon, are you sure that you really loves Sunny? Does her parents knew about her uality?"


"Yes, I really do~ Of course, they knew about it because she told me."


"Honey, please don't cry, maybe your appa will approving of this at any minute."


"Are you disapproving of this or what?"


"To be honest, I already knew about your uality before you dated Sunny. Yes, I do approved of your relationship." She smiles


"How do you know about my uality…..?"


"Before I say sorry for not telling you but anyway, you rang me about this last year while you're drunk."


"…….Did I said that? I don't remember anything?"


"Yes, you did and no, you don't remember anything but Tiffany was exactly there when it happened so she told me everything on your phone."


Taeyeon covers her face by putting her hands on it, "Oh my god…."


Umma nods, "Yes, it's true, Taeyeon. Why don't you beg your appa to approving of the relationship?"


She later removes her hands from her face and looks straightly at her father's, "Appa, please approve of my relationship… I will do anything for her as my girlfriend."


Appa can see that his daughter's eyes are full of love, he later accepts it, "Yes, I'm approving of your relationship! I'm sorry for saying that I'm not disapproving.."


Taeyeon grinned as she hugs him, "Appa! Thank you so much!"


Meanwhile, Sunny's watching them from outside of the meeting room with a smile because she can tell that her parents approved their relationship and she watches them hugging each other. Then, Taeyeon beckons her to come in so she did, she's approaching to her and her parents. 


"Lee Soonkyu-ah, we are here to say that we're accepting your relationship with our daughter. We like to give you a blessing!" Taeyeon's parents bows and gives her a hug


"Umma, Appa! Thank you so much for accepting your daughter's uality and our relationship." Sunny grins


Taeyeon kisses her cheek, makes her parents goes, "Awww, that's so sweet of you two!"


"Taengoo! Stop doing that in front of your parents…." She chuckles


"I think we have to go to somewhere~" 


"Should I give you two a lift to somewhere?"


"Yes, please?" Umma asks


"Okay, l will give you two a lift, then~" Taeyeon smiles




Back in the dorm after Taeyeon dropped her parents off, she later grabs Sunny on her waist and looks her in the eyes, "Can you believe that?!"


"Yes, I can see that! I'm so happy for you to revealed our relationship~" She pecks on her lips


"I always thought they're going to disapproving it but no, it's not like wow~" Taeyeon chuckles


"See, I told you they will accept it which they did"


"Soonkyu-ah~~" She gently pushed her to the wall and put her hand on the wall, above her head as she looks deeply into her eyes


Her back hit against the wall and she's looking at her gorgeous brown eyes, "Y-yes?"


"I really love you… much and you're my heart~"


"I know that~ I love yo----" Taeyeon quickly silenced her with a kiss


They started to deepen their kiss when Sunny wraps her arms around her neck and pulls it closer to taste her deeply. She slowly puts her hands inside Sunny's top to cup her s but unfortunately, Sunny quickly stops her before she cups them. At the moment, JeTi just came in to see them making out.


"YA!" Tiffany loudly said, makes them stop kissing and they looks at the couple


"Wow, that's such hot session.." Jessica smirks


Tiffany playfully slaps her arm then she talks to them, "Okay so why are you making out against the wall near the door?"


"Not me, Taeyeon started it!" 


"Of course, it was me~" Taeyeon chuckles


"Oh! How's it going with your parents?"


"It went very well and they approved of our relationship!" Taeyeon grins


"WOW! That's great!" Tiffany squeals in a high tone voice


"And by the way, thanks for telling my umma about my uality last year while I was drunk!"


She then realized about what happened last year, "Whoops…..Sorry about this" 


Taeyeon shakes her head with a smile, "No, it's okay really~"




"What plans will we do in Hawaii?" Tiffany asks the girls


"Probably going to tourist attractions? Or water park?" Sooyoung replies as she's eating a snack


"Tourist attractions sounds good but yeah, it will be interesting~" Yoona said


"I agree" Yuri nods


"How about going to a beach? That would be fun" Sunny grins


"Oh yeah, for a peaceful walk. That would be great!" Yoona smiles


"Oh! How about a nightclub???" Hyoyeon grins like an idiot since the girls knew she loves clubbing


"………" The girls are looking at her


"I don't want to go there…" Seohyun kindly said


"Of course, you're innocent…" Hyoyeon rolls her eyes


"Guess, we have to accept on nightclub?" Taeyeon raises her hand


"Okay, I'll put it on the list then" Tiffany quickly wrote it down


"But do you think there won't have any of our fans there?" Taeyeon asks


"I don't think so because we knew that we have so many fans around Asia instead of the US." Jessica replies


"Wait, I have a mind in my head but it's kind of… know" Sooyoung smirks


"……Oh my god, just don't say it out from your mouth" The girls realized what she really means


"Is there have any gogumas???" Seohyun innocently asks


"I also don't think there is…" Jessica reluctantly said


"Okay, I'm going to sleep~ Night unnies" Seohyun stands up and leaves to her room


Tiffany shakes her head, "Anyway, let's hope we will have a fantastic time!" 


"OH YEAH!" Sooyoung squeals


"Guess, me and Taeyeon will go to sleep~~" Sunny later yawns


"Goodnight~ See you in the morning~" Tiffany smiles




Finally! Taeyeon's parents accepted her relationship with Sunny and her uality :) Sorry if it's not good chapter :/ What do you think what will be happening in the next chapter? Funny scene on the plane? Lol, how can I suppose to know? :P Well, let's wait and see hehe :) 

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JoannaMaw #1
Chapter 11: Your story plot is really great and just continue writing the fanfic. Maybe you can add a little mushy moments in the next chapter? Hwaiting!
yuansaga #2
Chapter 11: authornim merry christmas
Chapter 11: Donnut worry!!! We will wait patiently for ya!! :D

And wait, you're in Phil.? Nice~ I live there~
Chapter 11: Merry X-mas \0
Chapter 11: Don't worry author. You own life is more important than this. I'm pretty sure that your viewers can wait patiently. :)

Good luck author-ssi! \(^o^)/
Chapter 10: lol Tae is seriously a byun~haha~~
Author, Fighting for your exams!
Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 10: very good chapter, thanks for update.
fighting in exams
Chapter 9: Good luck for your exams!^^
And yes why not for chapter 12 (It's Tae who'll be happy lol)
Chapter 9: Good luck on your exams! ^^
Chapter 9: oh, I was excited about the update but ...
okay, I wish you success in your exams, I hope you can update u.u, you leave the best part u.u
but ... after the chapter 9?