Broke (HoJong Special Part I/II)

Sing With Me

[N]: This is a separate story. So, I would say this would probably be during the Man In Love era.


2:30 pm

Hoya and Sungjong was the only members left in the dorm. Sunggyu and Woohyun decided to head shopping (they still shop even if they're idols). Dongwoo, Myungsoo and Sungyeol were somewhere that both the rapper and maknae don't even care about their whereabouts. Hoya was in the living room watching television about Dad's taking care of their kids (Superman, a variety show), when Sungjong came in.



"Could you buy me some lemon candy? I'm out of it", Sungjong said while sitting next to Hoya.


"Hyunnggg. Now please?", slightly shifting himself closer to his hyung.

"I said later Sungjong", Hoya said starting to get annoyed with his maknae's little pestering.

"Hyung, now", Sungjong deadpanned.

"Aishhh. Okay okay", Hoya eventually said, not wanting to continue on  bickering with Sungjong.

"Yeayyy! Thanks hyung, I love you!", Sungjong said while looping his arms around Hoya's.

"Yeah yeah. I know I'm a good hyung", he said before releasing his arm from the maknae's grip and went straight into his room to change before getting Sungjong his packet of lemon candy.

Little did Sungjong knew that Hoya had his lips twitched upwards slightly the whole time.


The whole world knows that Sungjong is Hoya's favorite dongsaeng and Hoya is Sungjong's favorite hyung. It's obvious. Too obvious. Whenever the members would ask Hoya to do something, he would usually give his infamous stoic expression to them. But whenever Sungjong is the one asking, strangely, he does it. Hoya has a soft side with Sungjong unlike with the other members.

This special connection that they have between them makes them look like their in a relationship of some sort (that's what Woohyun said once). But, no. They aren't a couple. 

If Facebook were to add another relationship for it's status, it should be called 'Broke'. Yes. Believe it or not, Hoya's broke. Officially broke. Not as in 'body parts broke', but financially broke. 

The truth is, Hoya spends almost if not his entire savings, mostly on Sungjong. You name it; t-shirts, chocolates, lemon candy, shoes, hair care products, skin care products (even if he doesn't use it), books and things that Sungjong really love. Especially lemon candy. And he doesn't mind as long as his favorite dongsaeng is happy with it.

And the best part of it: Sungjong doesn't even know about this. Nor the other members. This is what makes Hoya feel special. The look that Sungjong gives  him and only him when he accepts a gift from Hoya. When his lips curves upwards, eyes twinkling like a bright star. It feels as if the look that Sungjong gave was his. Mine, he thinks to himself, although it sounds selfish, but let his fantasy go wild for once, hm?


11:00 pm

Infinite has a schedule tomorrow morning. 5 in the morning to be exact. By this time, the entire members of Infinite are at home, doing their their usual routine before going to sleep. Dongwoo, joking around with Sungyeol in their room and laughing their heads off like no one's business. Myungsoo, also in the room with the Choding and Dino, surfing the internet with his tablet . Woohyun, who locked himself in the bathroom for more than an hour with God knows what he's doing in there, and Sunggyu, who keep banging the door that almost look like they need a new door everyday.

Hoya and Sungjong are in their room, each of one of them reading a book. Yes. Idols read books too. Hoya was on his top bunk bed, leaning against the wall while Sungjong was on the bottom bunk, laying down on his stomach. It was a quiet  and relaxing atmosphere. Even with silence, it's a comfortable type of silence. That's when Sungjong broke it.


"Hm?", Hoya hummed without looking up from his book.

"Can I ask you a question?", Sungjong asked while resting his book down on his tummy.


"Why do you keep buying me stuffs even when I didn't asked for it?", Sungjong said.

Hoya, completely taken aback with the question, bit his bottom lip before answering his dongsaeng.

"I-I just want to. It's a hyung's duty t-to buy his dongsaeng gifts and p-presents, r-right?", Hoya replied, stuttering. The word 'stutter' was not one in Hoya's dictionary. But tonight, it's just been added into it.

"Well, as far as I know, you're not the type to get people gifts. What are you up to hyung?", Sungjong said. Voice slightly suspicious.

Even if he couldn't see Sungjong's face he knew that the younger had his infamous deadpanned expression on. Unable to answer back the maknae, Hoya resorted to the only option he had to 'escape' himself from Sungjong's 'interrogation'.

"I need to pee"

Hoya jumped down from his bed and landed with a loud thud and hurriedly walked to the door.

Unexpectedly, he felt a pair of hands enclosing his waist, stopping him from getting out of the room. At that particular moment, for the first time ever, his heart skipped a beat. 

Unknowingly, he turned around, Sungjong's hand still around his waist. As long as he's ever known Sungjong, he's never been this close with the younger. Just another inch and their lips would have touched.  Yeah, they've had some touchy-feely moments but not as often as touchy as he was with Myungsoo. Hoya studied Sungjong's face, eyes wondering around this beautiful being in front of him. His eyes wondered from his dongsaeng's forehead down to his deep twinkling eyes, down to his perfectly shaped nose and down to his pink plum lips. He always knew Sungjong wasn't handsome. He was beautiful. But now he's right in front of the said person, it just makes his perspective of Sungjong changed to a whole new level.  Subconsciously, Hoya swallowed his saliva. 

"Hyung, I'm asking you a question. Answer, please?", Sungjong said, eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and sincerity. How is he even the maknae when he's speaking like this, is what Hoya always thought of Sungjong. Even if Sungjong is Infinite's youngest, the way he thinks is as if he is the oldest. 

"I-I uh j-just feel l-like it?", Hoya answered, not looking into Sungjong's eyes.

"Liar", he said before flicking Hoya's forehead, making Hoya, who is still in Sungjong's grip, wince back a little. 

"Ouch. Yahhh! What was that for?!", Hoya said, face now furious.

"Just felt like it?", Sungjong teased his hyung and giggled cutely while tightening his arms around Hoya's waist, making the elder blush a tint of pink.

Hoya suddenly got an idea, a smirk beginning to plaster on his face. Sungjong immediately stopped giggling and eyed Hoya tensely. Now, it was Sungjong's time to feel intimidated.

"H-Hyung, w-why are y-you s-smirking?", and stutter too. 

Without giving Sungjong and answer, Hoya placed both of his hands on Sungjong's waist, gripping it tight and started to lift him off his feet. The younger yelped a little by the surprise action his hyung did to him. Truth be told, Sungjong wasn't that heavy and with Hoya's muscles, he could probably lift up another Sungjong.

"Hyung! What are you doing?! Put me down!", Sungjong said, eyes filled with confusion and ... was that fear? He begin to wiggle his feet in an attempt to 'escape' himself from Hoya's hold. But to no avail, it was useless. Hoya was just too ... strong for Sungjong.

"Why? I'm just just trying to give you my answer", Hoya teased, a smile now replaced his infamous smirk. He then began to walk to the door with Sungjong still in his grasp. 

"Hyunnggg", Sungjong using his aegyo, in hopes that Hoya will cut ALL of this crap.

"You're so cute when you do that. Maybe I should do this more often. You like me showing my strength to you right?", Hoya cooed at Sungjong who covered his face with his hands due to cheesiness overload, making him blush like a tomato. (I almost puked rainbows while writing this part)

When Hoya finally reached the door, he pinned Sungjong against  it, feet still off the ground. How can this guy be so strong, is what Sungjong thought in his mind before begin pinned back against the door, a little thud sound being heard when he was pinned.

"H-Hyung, just give me your answer p-please. I can't even ---", he was stopped abruptly when he felt a pair of warm lips around his own. Hoya had just kissed him. On the outside, he felt really really surprised, but on the inside, he was screaming and squealing like a little girl. Hoya on the other hand, was completely unaware that he had over controlled his self consciousness. He would be lying if he said he didn't like the feeling of kissing Sungjong. Heck, he even dreamt about it. More to a wet dream.

Hoya was kissing Sungjong passionately with his eyes closed, totally devouring this moment. Sungjong, shocked at first, then returned the kiss, lips moving in sync with his hyung's, his toes curling into a ball due to the kiss. Sungjong wrapped his arm around Hoya's neck so that he can kiss him more deeply. Hoya, taking in this as a message to close their body gap, then pinned his body with Sungjong's and closing the gap between them. Two becoming one.

After what seems like forever, Sungjong pulled away first to take in air. Hoya groaned a little due to this act. If we don't need to breathe, I would have kissed him forever. The both of them were heavily panting, lips slightly swollen due to the hard kissing. Sungjong felt that his lips went numb due to the force of Hoya kissing him.

"That's my answer to you, Sungjong. You broke me", Hoya said while grinning like an idiot.

They kissed again. This time, more passionate and with more love. More love means bringing this to the bed. Hoya thought of this. 

That night, they didn't get much sleep and was crazily scolded by Sunggyu.




Hello there~!

It's been such a long time. I hope you're not disappointed or anything because, seriously, I was really busy. I had my exams last week which just ended. So, yeayyy! I can update more.

So, this is like my sorry gift to you out there. I hope you like it. The picture above isn't mine. I own nothing of the picture. Credits to its rightful owner/s

I'll try to update tomorrow, the ongoing chapter, so expect!

Comments are all appreciated! ^^



















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OK. It will be up soon. Before today ends~


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claraoktarina #1
Chapter 10: "H-how are you g-going to kill me?"
"By kissing you to death."


I love myungyeol. I love hojong. And... i love your story authornim ♥♡♥
rositamyungyeol #2
Chapter 10: akshdkjashdkjahksdjhakj missed this story, thank you very much for updating.
KoalaSoo02 #3
Chapter 9: Kyaaaaaaaaah... omo omo omo omo... my Myungyeol feels ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
This is so cuteeeeeee...(*^﹏^*)

Ahhhh i can't stop giggling..
Myungsoo's confession Kyaaaaaaaaah.. to cute and sweet..(♥◇♥)

Well done authornim..↖(^▽^)↗
Chapter 8: Omo ~~~ Can't contain my MyungYeol feelzz ~~

I can't hold it anymore ~~ *le dies*
afiercesong #5
Good job! I enjoyed this!
rositamyungyeol #6
Chapter 6: amooo tu fic, por favor actualiza mas seguido, me encanta el myungyeol :)
rositamyungyeol #7
me encanta :))))))))))
crazy_girl11 #8
Chapter 1: Wow you are amazing for real , I loved your style of writing so much ^^
I loved myungsoo character as well and I suppose that the tall guy is sungyeol right ?
I will continue reading bye bye
LoveYeol #9
Chapter 6: Hoya and Sungjong - Barney and Friend. LOL. I laughed so hard here.

Le gasp! What?! They are not talking to each other? I hope they get better soon and OMG they kissed!I'm looking forward to more of this fic~
Good job author-nim ^^
PopO-O #10
Chapter 5: This is getting more and more interesting. Also the fact that it's getting flirtier. lol. Thanks for updating. I'm loving it!