Morning Conversation: Myung & Woo

Sing With Me

[N]: italic font - Sungyeol's thought

       bold italic font - Myungsoo's thought



The morning sunlight shined brightly into the room, instantly waking up a certain someone. After all, he IS a light sleeper after all. 

Sungyeol woke up and stretched his hands until the sounds of bones popping could be heard while yawning like a puppy. He rubbed his eyes a little before looking up at the clock up on the wall. 6.00 am. He never had slept so peacefully and soundly at another place other than his own home. It was weird actually because it's only been a night at the dorm and he is already getting used to sleeping there.

He climbed down carefully, making sure not to make any noise or movement that would wake up the younger on the top. Before reaching the door knob, he took a glance at the sleeping Myungsoo. A small smile appeared on his lips. He looks cute when he sleeps. An indescribable feeling started rushing in his guts to his chest and next to his heart. He didn't know what he felt but everytime he looked at Myungsoo practicing or even just standing looking out to the horizon (no pun intended), he just couldn't help but feel a rush inside himself.

He didn't know what and how it happened but his legs start to move, one at a time to the sleeping visual. His mind was telling him to stop but his body, like always, wouldn't listen to him. He kept moving until he reached Myungsoo's side. Myungsoo's face was perfect. His body was covered fully with the blanket.

He had only worn a grey sweatpants and a white wife beater. His lips was closed and his breathing was as if of a 2 months-old baby's breathing, body moving in sync.

Sungyeol, unknowingly, caressed lightly his dongsaeng's  cheeks with the back of his right palm, while looking and examining every features of his face intently. His skin was milky and soft. Like a baby. He pulled his hand away from the younger's face before realizing what he had done. What the hell am I doing? Why did I ... Did I just ... Oh god. 

Sungyeol rushed to door and opened it slowly before closing it shut. He leaned on the door and took his hand that had touched Myungsoo's cheek and slowly placed it on his left chest near his heart. Why is it beating so fast? Stop beating so fast! I'm going to die if it keeps going on like this. Literally. He shaped his hand into a fist and softly punched his chest. 

"Are you sick?"

"Huh what? N-no. I was just um, trying to make a drum sound with my chest. ", Sungyeol answered and averted his eyes to Sunggyu who was like, a hamster that had just woken up from a hibernation sleep. God he looks like a hamster. 

"Well, that isn't gonna work you know", he replied.

Sungyeol chuckled at Sunggyu's reply. Later, he saw Woohyun coming out of his room, looking like a foreigner who had just got lost in a big city. Then Hoya came out with Sungjong. Is that Barney and his friend?

By this time, Woohyun had already begun preparing for breakfast. He was about to help him prepare before a hand suddenly grab his arm and turned him around. It was Sunggyu.

"Um, I forget to tell you this, there are two people in this dorm that really won't wake up even if we detonate a bomb next to their ears", Sunggyu said to Sungyeol with a serious tone.

"Ummm", was the only thing he could reply the older with a confused look.

"One, we had to use force on him just to make him blink. Once. Like beat the crap out of him. Another, we have no idea how, why or what's wrong with him but everytime we try to wake him up, he'll just kick the hell out of you in his sleep. We had to use skinship on him like ruffling his hair, caressing his cheeks and pat his . "

"O~K, who's the one and the ano-".

A banging sound was heard in his shared room along with Myungsoo and Dongwoo. Sungyeol flinched before looking at the entrance's direction.

"YAHHH! JANG DONGWOO!!! GET UP BEFORE I KILL YOU!!!", a voice from Hoya can be heard inside the room.

"Hyung~ get up. If you wake up I'll give you a lollipop, alright? Hyung~", Sungjong said to Dongwoo with his aegyo.

What in craps name have I got myself in with? Is this how every morning's going to be like?! I can't live like this.

"Yes and that's 'one' ," Sunggyu said to Sungyeol, cutting his train of thoughts.

"Let me guess, the 'another' is Myungsoo", Sungyeol asked Sunggyu.

"Yup. So, he's all yours. Better get him up before he have breakfast together. Oh, and kill him if you have to"

Sungyeol was taken aback from the older's statement. He stuttered as tried to protest but left hanging when Sunggyu smiled at him before walking towards the kitchen to check up on Woohyun's cooking. Great.

Sungyeol slowly opened the the door to his shared room before slowly moving closer to the sleeping visual. As if on cue, his heart began to beat faster and faster with every step taken to reach his dongsaeng. Again again!

Since the top bunk wasn't really high for Sungyeol, as he was tall, he could just basically shake the younger to death if he wanted to with his long hands. He began ruffling his younger's hair, hoping that it would get his attention.

"Myungsoo-ah, wake up. It's already morning".

"Five more minutes ermmm~", Myungsoo said, wiggling a bit on his bed.

"No Myungsoo-ah, wake up now, we're having breakfast in a bit.", Sungyeol said, now patting his back and ruffling his hair at the same time.

No response.

"Yah. Myungsoo-ah. Yah". This kid is really starting to get on my nerves.

"Yah Kim Myungsoo! Wake up now before I-", before he could even finish, a pair of hands had grabbed Sungyeol's waist and pulled him up to upper bunk. He let out a little dolphin scream when he was being lifted. 

Before he knew it, he was already beside Myungsoo, on the left side of the bed. His waist was still in tack with Myungsoo's arms. His face was only about an inch from the younger's face. Sungyeol started blushing like a ripped tomato because of the closeness of both of them. Their lips were just an inch away from the other. On small move an smooch! A kiss. Now, the only thing that can be heard was Sungyeol's rapid heartbeat. Getting back on his purpose of getting his dongsaeng up, he whispered Myungsoo's name, hoping that he would get up. Nope. It just got worse.

Myungsoo than enclosed Sungyeol's waist even tighter, pulling him closer to his body. 

Oh my god. He is going to kiss me, I'm gonna kiss him. No no no. There goes my first kiss.

Sungyeol gasped before shutting his eyes closed, waiting the lips to make contact with his. And it did. Sungyeol then felt that his lips had made contact with Myungsoo's. He had to admit that this was actually great for a first kiss. Not a hard or forceful kiss, but a sweet and soft kiss. He opened his eyes slowly to see that Myungsoo was still kissing with his eyes closed. It's as if God wanted to play a trick on Sungyeol, Myungsoo slowly opened his eyes and was shocked with what he saw. 

Sungyeol was wide-eyed when he saw Myungsoo doing the same. He then pushed Myungsoo away from the younger's grip and sat up. Myungsoo did the same. Sungyeol exchanged a look with the younger and then looked away when he himself noticed that he was blushing. Secretly, Myungsoo smirked secretly before turning back into his shocked mode.

"L-let's just k-keep this b-between the both of us, kay?", Sungyeol stuttered when talking to Myungsoo, not looking at him.

"S-sure", Myungsoo replied. I intended to keep it that way. Just the two of us

"Hurry up, I think breakfast is ready", Sungyeol turned his gaze to Myungsoo, not making eye contact with him.


Sungyeol quickly got off the bed and straight away, heading to the kitchen.

Did he notice? I knew this was a bad idea. Just waiting for him to wake me up when I'm already awake. His lips were soft though. I just want to-




Myungsoo got washed up and brushed his teeth and was ready in 5 minutes.  

When he went to the kitchen, he saw that everyone except Sunggyu and Woohyun had already taken their seats. 

Hoya was seated next to a still a chocolate-eating sleepy Dongwoo, who luckily, didn't get a bullet stuck in his brain. Sungjong was next to them pouting with a sad face as he had to give up a chocolate bar for Dongwoo for him to wake up. Woohyun and Sunggyu came and placed breakfast on the table and sat next to each other. Then, his eyes averted to Sungyeol who was staring at the table. There was an empty seat next to him. He decided to take it.

When Sungyeol noticed that it was Myungsoo took the seat next to him, he tensed up and his body froze. They started eating breakfast. The other five of them were talking about how Dongwoo had to be karate-d so that he woke up and how Sungjong was crying over a bar of chocolate and how Woohyun almost dropped the egg he was cooking when Sunggyu came and scared him from nowhere. Sungyeol and Myungsoo just looked at their food attentively without joining in the conversation. Sungyeol glanced at Myungsoo before had to look away with a blushing face when he noticed the younger doing the same.

Dongwoo, noticing the awkwardness between the two, took the initiative to speak up to the both them.

"So, Sungyeol, how did you manage to wake up this sleepy-head here?", Dongwoo asked Sungyeol before pointing his finger to Myungsoo

Sungyeol was taken aback by the question and just stuttered as he tried to answer his hyung's question as clearly as possible. Myungsoo was also shocked by the sudden question. He looked at Sungyeol who was looking down, blushing and smirked a little. Little enough so that none of saw it.

"I-I j-just ... y-you know ... I j-just d-did ... what Sunggyu hyung a-asked me to d-do." Sungyeol answered while looking his fingers which he kept playing since God knows when.

"Oh. And what did he asked you to do?"

"W-well, he asked m-me to just ... " Sungyeol gulped before trying to answer. Luckily, Myungsoo saved him.

"He just huged me and I instantly woked up. I like skinship remember". Myungsoo answered with an expressionless face. Sungyeol by now had already begin to feel permanently red from Myungsoo's statement.

"OK. That seems to help you to get up". Dongwoo replied back to Myungsoo before digging in his food just to be cut off by Hoya

"Yeah, maybe I should do the same to you too." Hoya said with a wide grin on his face. Dongwoo flushed when he heard the younger's statement.

Everyone else chuckled at Dongwoo's action including Myungsoo and Sungyeol. Myungsoo took a glance of Sungyeol who was laughing happily and smiled to himself. How can a person be so beautiful?


After they all had their breakfast, they went to take a shower, one at a time. After they all had showered, Sunggyu told them that they had no practice for the day and would resume training the following day. So, it was a holiday for them. Sunggyu and Woohyun decided to go to the cafe near the dorm. They had asked whether Sungyeol wanted to follow them or not. He kindly declined and told them to get him an Americano. Sungjong had dragged Hoya with him to a candy store situated not for from the dorm, and it had just opened. This left Sungyeol, Dongwoo and Myungsoo at home. Sungyeol was inside his shared room, browsing the internet on his laptop while the other two were outside watching television.

Myungsoo was lying on the couch while Dongwoo was sitiing on the floor, his back resting against the sofa.



"I've got to tell you something"

"What is it", his eyes still glued to the tv.

"But you've got to promise to never tell anyone at all."

"Yeah sure I promise".

"I kissed Sungyeol."

"Oh, good for y-YOU WHAT?!". Dongwoo face Myungsoo with a shocked, surprised, unbelievable expression.


"Sorry. But, ... did you really kiss him?"

Myungsoo nodded slowly.


Myungsoo pointed his index finger on his lips and tap it several times. Dongwoo's eyes just got bigger, if that's even possible.

"Oh my god! Why?"

"I-I don't really know why. I'm just attracted to him, I guess". Myungsoo answered, looking down.

"Then, don't you like him?". Dongwoo asked, now seated next to Myungsoo on the couch.

"I don't know. It's just ... my feeling is just complicated. I mean, I like a girl, but there's something about him that makes me want to see the end of it".

"Then let me ask you, do you fell your heart beat fast whenever he's near you?"


"Do you feel yourself heat up when he's around?"


"That means you like him".

Nod. Wait, what?

"Yup, you like him."

"No, I-I just ..."

"I stand corrected". Dongwoo replied before getting up and heading back into his room.

Myungsoo just stared at the wall in front of him and thought about what Dongwoo said. 'That means you like him'. I like him? I like him.


In the shared room, Dongwoo flopped on his bed and saw that Sungyeol was on his bed with a laptop. Being the playful hyung he is, he wanted to play a little bit with Sungyeol. He smirked before talking to Sungyeol

"Hey, Sungyeol?"

"Yes", Sungyeol looked up from his laptop and to Dongwoo

"I think Myungsoo likes you".

Sungyeol froze for a while before answering with a chuckle.

"I'm not kidding. I think he really likes you.".

Sungyeol gulped before reminiscing the event that occured that morning. Myungsoo kissing him.

"I-I'm gonna get something to drink." and Sungyeol walked out of the room.

'MISSION SUCCESS!', Dongwoo thought to himself.


Sungyeol went straight to kitchen, opened the fridge and took a bottle of water and started drinking it. His eyes averted to the living room where he saw Myungsoo staring at the wall.

Maybe I should ask him. Just to make sure.

Sungyeol took a deep breath before heading to the living room, standing in front of the staring Myungsoo.

"Hey". Sungyeol said to Myungsoo before waving his hand in front of the younger.

"Hm? Oh hey, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just ... asking, you know".

And they stood like that for a couple of minutes before it turned extremely awkward. Sungyeol braved himself and asked.

"So, I just heard the funniest thing ever today from Dongwoo hyung". Sungyeol said while laughing awkwardly.

"Oh. What is it".

"He said that you like me." Sungyeol said laughing nervously while looking down.

Myungsoo froze and thought to himself, Oh God. Did Dongwoo hyung tell him? He probably did. Ergghhh! Dongwoo hyung! He's going to experience Final Destination, live!

"Isn't it funny? You liking me. Pfft. What a joke!" Sungyeol said slowly walking back to his room, afraid of what Myungsoo might react.

A joke? He thinks this is all a joke?!

Myungsoo was enraged and angry with what Sungyeol had said. Without even thinking a second, he quickly rushed to Sungyeol who was touching the door knob. He grabbed his arm and twirled him around and pushed him to the door roughly, making a banging sound. He place both of his hands on Sungyeol's shoulder. Sungyeol looked at Myungsoo wide-eyed and tried to grasped the situation but he couldn't. Of course he couldn't. Myungsoo's face was so close to his till the point that he could actually feel his breath on his skin.

"W-what are y-you doing M-Myungsoo-ah?". Sungyeol look straight into Myungsoo's eyes. His eyes were filled with anger, rage and was that lust?

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm trying to tell you something." Myungsoo looked at Sungyeol dead in the eyes. His face was really serious.

"T-tell me w-what?".

"I-I think I li-",

Just then a sound of a door opening could be heard. Myungsoo let go of Sungyeol. Sungyeol straight away went inside his room, leaving Myungsoo standing there all alone.

"We're back!" the maknae shouted excitedly, carrying a bag full of sweets and chocolates.

"I'm broke!". Hoya whined when he got in.

Myungsoo then went back to the living room, sitting on the couch and turned the tv on. He regretted what he did to Sungyeol. Stupid stupid stupid! You're going to ruin our friendship. I've got to make it up to him. Fast!  Myungsoo thought while scratching his scalp roughly.


In Sungyeol's shared room's toilet. Sungyeol shed tears from what had happened just now.

What was he trying to tell me? Did I do something wrong? Was he mad at me? I think I shouldn't have these kind of feelings with him. He might not like it.


Since then,  Sungyeol avoided Myungsoo for a month till the day after their debut.


Hellooooo therrree~~~

First of, I'm really sorry for a late update. Throw your tomatoes if you want to. I'm prepared for it.

So, here's the update and I think it's kinda long so. Remember the previous chapter when I said that this chapter will go straight to their debut, well it's after this chapter because this idea just popped out while I was showering (hands covering face)

So expect the unexpected!

Hope you enjoy it.

Do comment and if you like it, please subscribe

All comments are appreciated.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2014!!!



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OK. It will be up soon. Before today ends~


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claraoktarina #1
Chapter 10: "H-how are you g-going to kill me?"
"By kissing you to death."


I love myungyeol. I love hojong. And... i love your story authornim ♥♡♥
rositamyungyeol #2
Chapter 10: akshdkjashdkjahksdjhakj missed this story, thank you very much for updating.
KoalaSoo02 #3
Chapter 9: Kyaaaaaaaaah... omo omo omo omo... my Myungyeol feels ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
This is so cuteeeeeee...(*^﹏^*)

Ahhhh i can't stop giggling..
Myungsoo's confession Kyaaaaaaaaah.. to cute and sweet..(♥◇♥)

Well done authornim..↖(^▽^)↗
Chapter 8: Omo ~~~ Can't contain my MyungYeol feelzz ~~

I can't hold it anymore ~~ *le dies*
afiercesong #5
Good job! I enjoyed this!
rositamyungyeol #6
Chapter 6: amooo tu fic, por favor actualiza mas seguido, me encanta el myungyeol :)
rositamyungyeol #7
me encanta :))))))))))
crazy_girl11 #8
Chapter 1: Wow you are amazing for real , I loved your style of writing so much ^^
I loved myungsoo character as well and I suppose that the tall guy is sungyeol right ?
I will continue reading bye bye
LoveYeol #9
Chapter 6: Hoya and Sungjong - Barney and Friend. LOL. I laughed so hard here.

Le gasp! What?! They are not talking to each other? I hope they get better soon and OMG they kissed!I'm looking forward to more of this fic~
Good job author-nim ^^
PopO-O #10
Chapter 5: This is getting more and more interesting. Also the fact that it's getting flirtier. lol. Thanks for updating. I'm loving it!