Change is Good

You're My Secret Recipe

“Kyungsooyah, I really need to see you again. Please tell me when you’re free. I have something I need to tell you. I missed you a lot, really missed you.. ”


The next few weeks, Kyungsoo doesn’t respond to Junmyeon. He tries to forget anything Junmyeon-related and just focuses on his life.


One afternoon,

“Hey guys listen up. This weekend, we’re gonna have our annual, very exciting… Team building! I’ve rented a camp site for three days and I’ve hired a personal MT master to help build our team. The restaurant at the next block will be opening soon and I want us to be stronger than ever to prove to them that we’re number one, always was, always will be.”


After Kris told them his ‘great’ news, the guys gathered at the locker rooms to change into their uniforms.


“Great another MT. I was gonna go to the beach this weekend.” Tao complained.

“Oh come on Tao, as if you wouldn’t want to spend the night with Yifan.” Luhan rolled his eyes.


Tao looked so surprise and worried because he never thought anyone would notice that he had a thing for their boss.


“An MT would be great! We could play games and have a campfire and roast smores! It’ll be fantastic!” Lay was genuinely excited.


“Well it can’t be worse than last year.” Kyungsoo added on.

“Why? What happened last year?” Jongin asks.

“Oh my goodness. The worst. We had tents up and then a storm comes in ragging tearing our tents to pieces. We had to run to the nearest house in the middle of the night. Plus the wasps. THE WORST.” Baekhyun reenacted passionately.


“I’ll bet this year will be fun.” Jongin smiled and looked at Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo looked away.


These past few weeks felt really weird for him, good weird though. Jongin was extra nice to him and they hung out almost every night at the café. Sometimes with the other guys, most nights just the two of them. Jongin was different this time though, he seemed so innocent like a kid. No more texts and calls in the middle of the shift from one of his conquests. No more coming to the restaurant reeking of smoke and alcohol from clubbing all night. He worked harder this time too. Kyungsoo was starting to feel impressed.


Kyungsoo remembers a night when they were by their usual spot at the café, Jongin was telling him about his future plans.


“I really love to dance. In the future, I know I’d be really famous, with Sehun and Taemin too. I’ll be dancing all the time and people will scream my name. Then I’ll finally make a lot of money and then I can buy my mom a house.” Jongin stared far as if he could already see his future happening.

“Doesn’t your parents have a house right now?” Kyungsoo asks.

“Nope. My mom’s renting from this awful lady that does nothing but curse at her. And my dad’s gone too. He left us when I was still a baby.”

“Sorry for asking.” Kyungsoo was genuinely apologetic.
“No it’s fine. I just really want to get her out of there you know? It’s a good thing Taemin let’s me crash at his place while I don’t make enough yet to actually rent one for myself. Anyway, that’s my future, how about yours?”

“Me? I don’t have any interesting plans.”

“Come on, I’d love to hear what the great chef Do Kyungsoo will be.”

“Well, I’d really just want to open up my own restaurant. I’ll still be a chef. Maybe run the restaurant with someone I love. If I find him…” Kyungsoo trailed off.

“Of course you’ll find him. He might just be around the corner waiting for you.” Jongin looks at him and smiles.


Kyungsoo felt his heart skip a beat but it might be because of the coffee, you know caffeine.


After closing that night, Jongin went straight to Taemin’s.


“Yah Jonginah, Krystal stopped by earlier. She was looking for you.” Taemin shouted through the living room, Jongin was in the kitchen.

“What did she want?”

“I don’t know. But dude, she looked like hell. Her skin was so pale almost like clay. What did you do to her?”

“I didn’t do anything. We broke up.”

“Well it doesn’t seem clear to her. She kept on asking me why you weren’t calling. I just told her to go talk to you.”

“Don’t mind her then. And if she talks to you just don’t answer back.”
“Alright. But dude, you really should talk to her. She seems desperate.” Taemin sighs.


“Anyway, why haven’t you been clubbing these past few weeks? We rarely see you at the usual.” Taemin added.

“Oh, I don’t know. I guess I don’t have the energy anymore after work.” Jongin smiles to himself. Taemin sees this from across the room.

“Is it about that chef guy, what’s his name, Kyu- Kyungsoo?” Taemin teases.


Jongin pauses and his smile turns wider, “It was at first but he made it pretty clear that he just wants to be friends. But I don’t know. I like this job. They gave me a chance to dance the other night and it was amazing. People clapped, my co-workers and my boss too, and Kyungsoo.. he was...” He stopped himself.


“O~kay Jongin. It’s totally not about the chef.” Taemin rolls his eyes, “but dude, you really have to up your game for this one. I think the chef’s really not into your moves, or just plain you for that matter.”


“I’m not hitting on him. And honestly though, it’s clear to me that he doesn’t want us to be like that. I get it. Maybe he’s heard my rep but whatever. I’m really okay with being just friends with him. Plus, I’m starting to feel like and adult now.”


Taemin laughs at this statement, he laughs ROFL.


“Hey hey stop it. I’m serious. I feel like I just need to work a little bit harder and I can finally get my mom away from that dump.” Jongin looks out the window feeling proud of himself. It was the first time in a long time that he was this serious about his future.


That Friday, they were going to close the restaurant early to let everyone rest and prepare for the trip the next day. Jongin was changing into his uniform when Tao calls him.


“Hey Jongin, there’s this tall, very thin girl outside looking for you. Says you’re her boyfriend or something? Aren’t you gay?” Tao looked genuinely confused.

“She’s here? What the .” Jongin storms out leaving Tao frowning, left in confusion.


When Jongin got out, Krystal was there sitting while talking to a wide-eyed Kyungsoo. Jongin felt shame and anger at the same time.


“So yeah, Jongin and I have been dating for like three years I think? Or is it five? Well I don’t really count cause you know what you say when you’re in love right? You don’t count the years but the memories.” Krystal was boasting.

“Oh, t-t-that’s great. Um, you see I really need to go—“ Kyungsoo was stuttering in nervousness.

“And you know what? (Krystal motioned for Kyungsoo to move closer) He was my first.” Krystal whispered and giggled.


Kyungsoo was speechless. There was suddenly a familiar pain inside him he couldn’t explain what it really was. He felt like running to the bathroom and throwing up. Good thing Jongin already came and rescued him from that awkward situation.


“I’m really sorry about her Kyungsoo. She’s a bit tactless” Jongin bowed so many times Kyungso lost count. He just smiled and motioned that he’s going in the kitchen now. Jongin dragged Krystal out.


The other waiters and Kyungsoo gathered around the bar.


“Who is she?” Baekhyun asked still eyeing the arguing Jongin and Krystal through the window.

“Said she was his girlfriend? I thought he was gay?” Tao added.

“He’s bi Tao. And he actually has good taste. That girl looked like a model! Except for the really ashy skin. She needs some sun.” Luhan sounded amazed.
“Well whoever she is, Jongin doesn’t seem to like her. He looks pissed, right Kyungsoo?” Baekhyun nudged Kyungsoo.


He didn’t answer. At that time, Kris walked by and saw his employees gathering and gossiping instead of working.


“Excuse me boys but service starts in a few and I don’t see anyone looking very prepared.” Kris crossed his arms.


The employees scramble to their work stations and the locker room. Just before Kyungsoo turned to the kitchen, he saw Krystal grab Jongin by the neck and kiss him. Jongin didn’t move and might have even closed his eyes. Kyungsoo turns to the kitchen immediately and suppresses the vomit he feels in his throat.


That night, Kyungsoo didn’t interact with anyone. He just kept on cooking. Even when somebody asked for him to complement him, he declines and tells the waiters to tell the customers he’s really busy. During closing, Jongin approaches him.


“Hey.” Jongin taps his shoulder, “Do you want to grab coffee after?” Jongin smiles.

“Maybe not tonight. I’m a little tired.” Kyungsoo answers but doesn’t even look at him.

“Yeah, you did seem tired. Do you want me to walk with you going home?” Jongin offers.

“It’s fine. Baekhyun’s sleeping over. We’re walking home together.” Kyugnsoo was melancholic.

“Are you really okay?” Jongin looks him in the eyes now.


Kyungsoo stares at first and then feels annoyed after.


“I said I’m okay.” He looks away and stands up. He looks for Baekhyun and they go home together.


Jongin scratches his head. He didn’t know what was up and he felt bad about it.


Kris remind everyone that they need to meet up at 9AM tomorrow or else the coaster leaves them. And anyone who deliberately tries to miss the MT will be fired. (His exact words)


All the boys went home and packed their bags.


Baekhyun was on the phone with Chanyeol and didn’t notice Kyungsoo frowning the whole walk home, even while they were packing.


Jongin went to Sehun’s first and they walked home together. He told her about Krystal. Sehun just advised him not to mind Krystal anymore and if she does show up again, have security keep her away.


The next day, one by one people arrived. First was Kris, of course, and then came Tao. They talked for a bit. Tao was telling him about his phobia of insects and Kris just kept on laughing and laughing. Tao kept on smiling to himself. “At least I made him laugh” He thought to himself.


More people came after. Last few were Baekhyun and Kyungsoo, mainly because Kyungsoo’s alarm didn’t work for some reason and Baekhyun didn’t set one. There were two available seats in the coaster. One was next to Lay, and the other was next to Jongin. With Lay’s seat nearer the door, Baekhyun immediately made himself comfortable.


Kyungsoo was looking for the other seat and dreaded the moment he knew who it was next to. Jongin was waving his hands telling him to sit there. “Hyung! This seat’s free!” He was jumpy, almost too excited.


Kyungsoo politely smiled back and sat next to him. Before they even drove off he put on his eye mask and headphones and tried to sleep.


Jongin felt that something was a little off since Kyungsoo would usually talk to him first but passed it off as the other being too tired. And there their three day team building activity began.


Hello~ Thank you for reading! And to those who subscribed, thank you so much! Sarangheyo <3 The next chapter would be about their MT/Team building!! Give your comments as to how's the story so far! :D

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Chapter 9: Update please.....?
ingle_pringle #2
Chapter 9: this stories awesome but kyungsoo's jealous right, he likes jongin hehe
chansoobaekyeol #3
Chapter 8: This is actually really exciting *-* cant wait for a new chapter
Chapter 7: ahh, i think he should go see junmyeon! maybe he wants to apologise or something. great fic btw!
Chapter 4: I'm liking this story. XD