The New Waiter

You're My Secret Recipe

“You want to work here? As an act?” Wufan asked the smaller.

“Yeah, I think it’ll be great for your restaurant. Live entertainment while dining. Won’t that be like something to gain more people?” Jongin crosses his arms as if trying to threaten Kris.

“I guess, but we’re a restaurant. Not a café with opening acts and .” Kris crossed his arms back, showing the other the true alpha male.

“But that’ll make you different. I hear there’s this restaurant opening right across, they might steal your customers.”


Kris thought long and hard about what Jongin’s offering. It was unusual to have acts in a fine dining restaurant, but then again Kim Jongdae was really putting up a fight. He had a landscape artist come the other day as if they were building a garden inside his restaurant.


“Fine. You’re hired. BUT, before you start with the dancing gig, I want to see you work as a waiter first. I’ll let you dance when the time is right.”

“Wait on tables? Fine. I’m good at anything so, yeah, I can do that. But you have to let me dance okay. When it’s time.”

“Yeah, sure. Come back later at around 6PM. We open at 7 so..”



Jongin was hired. Kris still feels like he made a mistake, but he was desperate. He didn’t want to be put out of business because of Kim Jongdae and whoever this secret chef he’s been boasting about is. He was confident in his own restaurant given the fact that he did have Kyungsoo but he just couldn’t take any chances.


Jongin comes back at around 6:30. Wufan was a little mad but he didn’t let it build up. He introduced the cocky new waiter to the rest of the team.


“Guys, this is Kim Jongin. He’s the new waiter/front act. Jongin, this is Baekyun, Tao, and Lay, and over by the bar’s Luhan.”


They exchanged bows and smiles. Right then, Kyungsoo walks in.


“Sorry I’m late, there was this big motorbike parked in my spot.” Kyungsoo smiles at everyone and stops when he sees Jongin.


“Oh, that’s Kyungsoo, head chef. Kyunsoo this is Jongin, the new waiter.”


Jongin checks Kyungsoo out. The latter was wearing tight jeans, a loose shirt and sneakers. He had his big doe eyes on and it sort of caught Jongin by surprise.


Hmm, cute and hot at the same time. I’ll take you home before this week ends. Jongin thought to himself.


“Hi, Jongin.” Kyungsoo bows.

“Oh, hi. It’s my bike parked in your spot. I’m sorry. I’ll move it if you want to.”

“No, it’s fine. I found another spot.”


They all went back to work and Kyungsoo rushed to the kitchen, unaware that Jongin was following him.



“Huh?” Kyungsoo was surprised, “Oh, hi.”

“So, you’re like the head chef here or something,” Jongin leaned againts the wall facing Kyungsoo. The latter was a bit confused as to why he was standing in the way. He moved around Jongin and prepared the pans on the stove.

“No, it’s Key hyung. He’s the head chef. But he doesn’t always show so for the mean time, I’m it.”

“Kyungsoo, I was wondering,” Jongin went behind Kyungsoo and whispered, “Would you have with me?”


Kyungsoo froze.  Sure this man was attractive and sizzling hot, but still, Kyungsoo isn’t the one night stand type of guy. And even though it’s been months since his last, he wasn’t desperate for a . But Jongin caught him by surprise.


Jongin was smirking waiting for an answer, he was standing behind the smaller doe eyed man. His hands were on Kyungsoo’s side and he made sure to touch the perfect spots.


They were stuck like that for thirty seconds or so and then Kyungsoo broke it off. He stood at the other end of the room obviously angry.


“EXCUSE YOU! I am not some dirty old hoe you can just go up to and ask for a quick ! Are you really this ill mannered? You think you can just smile and have anyone you want you? Well you’re wrong Mr. . Get out of this kitchen before I call Wufan!”


“Geez, I was just thinking you might want to blow off some steam. But fine, I’m not desperate for with you. Bye.” Jongin smirked at him and walked off.


Kyungsoo could not believe such a person existed, leaving as if he did nothing wrong.


It was just their first day together but he could feel it was going to be a rough time now that Jongin’s there, their y, y new waiter/dancer guy.


“Hey Byun, can I tell you something?” Kyungsoo was fidgeting on their way home. Baekhyun was sleeping over tonight.

“Really? What?” Baekhyun was just fixing his seatbelt.

“You know that new guy?”

“Jongin? Why? He’s hot isn’t he?” Baekyun was smiling and all giddy.

“He asked me to have with him.” Kyungsoo was so straightforward. He stepped on the gas.


Baekhyun froze. And then he got his diva on.


“Wait, what?! What a !” He frowned.

“I know. I told him to off so..” Kyungsoo still had a straight face on.

“But seriously tho. How could he just ask you when he just met you? That’s like so rude.”

“Well Byun, even if he did get to know me better, I still wouldn’t have with him. He’s just not my type, you know?”


They arrive at his flat. Kyungsoo opens the door and Baekhyun continues to talk.


“Well what is your type then?” Byun asks.

“You know who’s my type Byun.” Kyungsoo answers, pain and bitterness evident.

“Wow Kyungsoo, it’s been like what, five years?”

“I know.” Kyungsoo looks out of the window overlooking half of Seoul.


It has been three years and he still feels the same way about Suho.

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Chapter 9: Update please.....?
ingle_pringle #2
Chapter 9: this stories awesome but kyungsoo's jealous right, he likes jongin hehe
chansoobaekyeol #3
Chapter 8: This is actually really exciting *-* cant wait for a new chapter
Chapter 7: ahh, i think he should go see junmyeon! maybe he wants to apologise or something. great fic btw!
Chapter 4: I'm liking this story. XD